Does God love me? Can I trust Him?

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by Saint, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. Saint Valued Senior Member

    Does God love me? Can I trust Him?

    No matter how bad I am,
    if I believe in Jesus, accepted him as my Savior,
    am I saved eternally?

    I shall not fear doing any evil, because Jesus will pardon me no matter what kind of evil or sin I may do due to temptation or human nature's weaknesses.

    Is Jesus able to violate the cause-and-effect law, cleans my sin and free me, so that the effect of sin is no longer effective on me.
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  3. GASHOLE Registered Senior Member

    Well, you have to know first whether the being exists or not, and of course we could never do that, so there is no use asking that question. Unless your are asking an "if" statement which you are not.
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  5. Rhaedas Valued Senior Member

    Depends on which sect of Christianity really. The general answers will be, yes, maybe, depends, or no.
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  7. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Why are you asking? Would you trust any of us to tell you the answer?

    If you do something bad, it will always be bad. I don't think we are inherently good or evil, our behavior is within our own power limited only by our neurology.
  8. Saint Valued Senior Member

    Give me reasons to believe or not to believe?
  9. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Don't believe because there is no evidence.
  10. river

    Let me recommend a book if I may

    It's called

    Not In HIS Image by John Lamb Lash (Isbn# 978-1-931498-92-0 ) from amazon

    Very good book

    " John Lash's Not In His Image presents a fascinating view of meanings in a sacred history long - and wrongly-suppressed. It demands profound correction of what Western civilization has been taught to call religion. It is a book that should be read by everyone "

    - Barbara G Walker, author of The Womens Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
  11. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    There is the analogy of an elephant taking a bath - Cleans itself nicely in the water and then comes out and throws dirt all over itself. The hygienic aspecst of elephants aside, settling on a turnstile approach to religion of being constantly in a state of purified from sins while in the process of sinning is stabilizing on an inferior level of religious practice ... kind of like undergoing medical treatment while simultaneously maintaining the disease through bad habits
  12. wlminex Banned Banned

    IMPO: "God" exists . . . . the difficulty we ALL have is in understanding God's self-manifestation to his creations, which is (seldom) the exact same manifestation for each of us. Also, IMPO God subtley and separately reveals his creative processes and mechanisms to each individual (soul). It takes extreme effort, expecially if one is not a God-believer (as many scientists seem to be), to realize and to understand, from the subquantum to the extent of the universe, His intent. To your query . . . . I believe God has the intellectual and creative capacity to 'change' or re-direct individuals (souls) . . . but why would he do so? . . . . he leaves that task to each of us. Our main 'task' is to set God as the example toward each of us strives. He is in us and we are within Him. We are some of the parts that constitute the Whole (sum of the parts).
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
  13. river

    I suggest you delve deeper into your religion

    For instance do you know what the Zaddikim are and their role in Jewish and Christianity
  14. wlminex Banned Banned

    River: I don't adhere to a particular religion. My relationship with God is uniquely His and mine . . . as your's may also be . . .
  15. wlminex Banned Banned

    Was unfamiliar with Zaddikim until your recommendation. Looks reasonable to me . . . I also read the Kabbhala, the Koran, Book of Mormon, and the Bible on occasion . . .
  16. river


    You will find....interesting knowledge to say the least
  17. wlminex Banned Banned

    River: I'll delve a little deeper when I have some time . . .Thanks!
  18. arauca Banned Banned


    1 You are a creation of the master . The Master loves His creation. What business are your involve with the Master, what do you have to offer, that is your ?
    2 You accept him as a savior He will save you at the end . but are you going to follow his teaching.
    3 Once you are with him you are safe.
    4 If you sin voluntary you are like a pig , you clean the pig but she goes back into the mud , Jesus forgive but we should not be abusive.
    5 Remember He said to the woman that was caught in bed fornicating , He said " go and sin no more " That is the effort we have to make
  19. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    For elephants, this is hygienic behavior. The dirt is there to make mud, which kills (suffocates) the many parasites in the elephant's skin. Pigs and many other animals use this method too. In poor countries, headlice are treated that way too on humans - by applying a thick layer of mud to the scalp.

    If an ordinary modern human were to bathe, and then roll in the dirt, that would be stupid and unhygienic. But it's not for elephants.

    You'll need to find a different analogy, because best hygienic practices differ from species to species.
  20. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    Why on earth are you asking this here on the forum? Shouldn't you be asking Jesus?!
  21. Neverfly Banned Banned

    In case you haven't noticed, he's not quick to answer. Unless you're imaginative...

    "I'm ready to tell you my secret...
    I hear dead people..."
  22. Crunchy Cat F-in' *meow* baby!!! Valued Senior Member

    It sounds like you are fishing for an excuse to do some things that you consider "evil". I wouldn't worry about a non-existent life form judging you. I would worry about your fellow humans catching you and judging you.
  23. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    hence : "The hygienic aspecst of elephants aside,..."

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