Birthers Gearing Up for Obama's Re-Election?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tiassa, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    Charming! This is what makes the Sciforums house a home.

    Esotericist is one of the largest donors to the Romney campaign, I swear to God!

    It's an interesting typo in that bio of his, isn't it? Call me a tinfoil hat fashion model, but I suspect some evil racist, closeted KKK birthers got hold of some time travel technology (probably secret Nazi project), went back to 1991, and planted the seeds of doubt at Acton and Dystel.
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  3. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    P.s. Esotericist, quoting Tarpley is grounds for expulsion at Sciforums. You have been warned!

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  5. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    If you set the dials just right on the time machine dashboard, you might be able to catch Obama in colonial garb, complete with the tricorne hat he holds in his hand...taking part in a parade strangely reminiscent of the tea-bagger rallies he so currently admires.

    Yeap...thats him alright.

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  7. The Esotericist Getting the message to Garcia Valued Senior Member

    Good gravy, I've been exposed!

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    How did you find out I'm an agent for the City of London? No matter. You can not foil our plans. Our guy will win no matter who you vote for. I'm also one of the largest donors to the Obama campaign as well. . .

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  8. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Birthers Bend Reality, So Why Not Time?

    I would answer with a question: Why wouldn't I care?

    Like the current issue about the literary agency; as the proposition goes, "The source of the Birther controversy may have been Obama's own literary agent."

    Which, of course, is why we're only hearing about it now, after the controversy has been alight for years.

    And, as media reports have it:

    "Look, it's very simple," said Trump, who has spent the past 13 months questioning Obama's constitutional eligibility to occupy the White House (and only doubled down with his stubborn skepticism after Obama produced a long-form birth certificate, certifying he was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Hawaii, and then hilariously roasted him at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner. "A book publisher came out three days ago and said that in his written synopsis of his book," Trump went on, "he said he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia. His mother never spent a day in the hospital."

    Actually, Obama's literary agency at the time, two decades ago, published a recently discovered catalogue of clients and their projects that included erroneous information about Obama and a prospective book about race that he ended up not writing. An agency assistant back then, Miriam Goderich, said last week that she was mistaken when she wrote that Obama was born in Kenya

    But Trump isn't buying it.

    (Grove; boldface and bold-italic accents added)

    In other words, no, the information only surfaced recently, which is why Birthers hadn't seized on it before. Or, perhaps, we might wonder why, if there were exiting copies of the material, Birthers had not found it yet. And there are perfectly reasonable explanations for that, such as the possibility that only a few copies remained in existence, and those people either hadn't looked at the information in years, or perhaps are Democratic sympathizers, or whatever. It doesn't mean Birthers are too stupid to find what's right under their noses, since it probably wasn't right under their noses until recently.

    But, given the fact that the information is emerging and fueling speculation right now, as opposed to, say, three years ago, it seems difficult to suggest this is somehow a "source" of the Birther controversy. Do Birthers have a time machine?

    Combined with the notion of a conspiracy theory that actually predates Barack Obama's birth, one might wonder why we're wasting so much time rehashing and trying to justify anew a completely useless, petty issue.

    Yes, people would care if Barack Obama was not, by birth, qualified to be president. But the conspiracy theory is junk. In the end, it seems quite true that Birthers genuinely believe that Barack Obama is not, by birth, qualified to be president. But they know they can't actually be honest about what that means and expect to be taken seriously, so they're cobbling together a worthless conspiracy theory hoping people will take that seriously.

    Just like we would care if it turns out the U.S. government was responsible for 9/11. But even the harshest indictment I can issue against the Bush administration is that their culpability was "letting it happen" because they were incompetent. I wouldn't even go so far as to say they cynically let it happen in order to foment a world war. The idea that the Bush administration is culpable because it ordered a false-flag attack? Well, if that theory is ever to be taken seriously, people are going to need a better starting point than suspension of disbelief.

    I can't even figure where to begin with that.

    Let's see ... a professional conspiracy theorist? Oh, reliable.

    Communists? Scary, scary!

    Black liberation theology? Oh no! Hide your daughters! Them uppity negroes is a-comin'!

    No, really. What the hell, man? An amoral, self-indulgent hack polemicist like that one? Yeah, that's a credible "source".

    Although I think it might be a more convincing book if the voice was just a little haughtier, a pinch more full of itself.

    But, yeah. You know, because it's all the same thing. If Obama's not a scary African black man, then he's a scary black communist religious extremist puppet.

    You provide an excellent example of why people think Birtherism is just ill-concealed racism.


    Grove, Lloyd. "Mitt Romney's New BFF: Donald Trump". The Daily Beast. May 25, 2012. May 25, 2012.
  9. billvon Valued Senior Member

    When a group persists in an irrational conspiracy theory in the face of overwhelming evidence, they are not taken seriously any more. The Apollo conspiracy theorists are now ignored, for example - and the Truthers are well on their way to obscurity. The Birthers will follow in their footsteps - ignored outside the small (and ever dwindling) circle of "true believers" who have a pathologic need to believe that Obama cannot be president.
  10. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    I just want to add that I'm tickled pink that the Birthers have managed to jump back into the limelight ahead of the election. GOP thought it was really cute to indulge these types back in 2010 to pick up a few Congressional seats - now they're stuck with a bunch of nuts who they can't get to shut up when it's inconvenient.
  11. superstring01 Moderator

    Gonna hurt the Republicans. Romney is attempting to distance himself from them, and thus he'll have to divorce himself further from the Republican right, and thus alienating them.

  12. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    The Birther Effect

    The Birther Effect

    Todd S. Purdum, of Vanity Fair, considers the historical currents underpinning Birtherism:

    It has been more than a year since President Obama produced a copy of his long-form birth certificate from Hawaii—and nearly 50 years since the historian Richard Hofstadter first coined the phrase “the paranoid style in American politics.” But the continuing “birther” circus in Arizona demonstrates that this is one non-issue—and one national character flaw—that is never going to go away ....

    .... This would all be funny, if it weren’t so sad—and more than a little bit scary. Fittingly enough, Hofstadter’s analysis had its origins in another Arizonan, Barry Goldwater, whose campaign for the G.O.P. nomination is what inspired Hofstadter’s lecture at Oxford University in 1963 and his essay in Harper’s magazine the following year. Hofstadter acknowledged that he was borrowing the term “paranoid” from psychiatry and that it was pejorative. But the phenomenon he described was anything but new, and not necessarily limited to right-wingers. Irrational venom had variously been turned against Freemasons, Jesuits, Progressives, and—perhaps most famously, with McCarthyism—against Communists.

    “The paranoid spokesman sees the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms,” Hofstadter wrote. “He traffics in the birth and death of whole worlds, whole political orders, whole systems of human values.” He is “always manning the barricades of civilization” and “does not see social conflict as something to be mediated and compromised, in the manner of the working politician.”

    “Since what is at stake is always a conflict between absolute good and absolute evil,” he added, “what is necessary is not compromise but the will to fight things out to a finish.”

    Purdum points to the Arizona issue with Ken Bennett pursuing the president's birth records. "Bennett went out of his way to insist that he himself was not a 'birther' but was simply trying to satisfy the concerns of his alarmed constituents. That’s either a painful reflection of the political fear the question generates or a remarkably disingenuous and self-serving statement. Whenever someone says, 'It’s not about the money,' it’s about the money."

    The Arizona incident is not without its repercussions; pundits and watchers cannot help but conflate Bennett's months-long go-round with Hawaii with the infamously ornery Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

    Such as Dale McFeatters' two cents about the Arizona Birther battle:

    It's a role for which the state seems well-suited. Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts wrote, "We've long been the land of crackpottery and lunacy" ....

    .... Never mind that this issue has long been put to rest in the mind of every rational American. Bennett perhaps began to have second thoughts when he found himself denounced by national news organizations as pandering to crackpots, the tool of half-baked clowns, a practitioner of political buffoonery and a legitimizer of lunatic leanings.

    That's not what you want on your resume if you're planning, as Bennett apparently is, to run for governor in two years.

    He finally did what any state official could do and asked Hawaii for a copy of Obama's birth certificate. Hawaii complied, and his office quickly and quietly dropped its effort to prove that Obama was an illegal immigrant who sneaked across the Rio Grande to take jobs from Arizonans.

    Given the timing, it's hard to not see a connection:

    Arpaio also is after Obama's draft records, which would seem to be beside the point because, as president, Obama is commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces, including the state militias. It says so in the Constitution, although Arpaio might want to demand that the National Archives prove that its copy is not a forgery ....

    .... However, Hawaiian officials — who have never struck me as a particularly devious bunch (I have kids stationed there) — said that the Arizonans met with the deputy director of health, the director being away, and a deputy attorney general and that they were provided with all the relevant documentation.

    Arpaio pronounced: "We feel this document is a forgery. We're trying to figure out who did it. That's good police work." Well, if the sheriff says so, but calling your hosts forgers seems unlikely to guarantee much in the way of future cooperation.

    However one looks at it, though, the New Birther Army is catching the attention of the Republican Party's upper echelons. CNN's Peter Hamby explains:

    Dark theories about President Barack Obama's citizenship show no signs of fading away.

    But "birthers," as those skeptics of Obama's heritage are known, no longer seem relegated to tinfoil hat fringes of American politics.

    Instead, it's Republican members of Congress, elected officials and state party organizations -- in Arizona, Iowa and Florida -- that are responsible for the latest round of conspiracy-mongering. And the loose talk could cause a headache for Mitt Romney this election season.

    The issue flared this week in Iowa, a closely watched electoral battleground, where the state GOP wrote a passage into its proposed party platform calling on presidential candidates to "show proof of being a natural-born citizen," beginning with the 2012 election.

    Don Racheter, chairman of the Iowa Republican Party's platform committee, told Radio Iowa that the language was intentionally crafted as a "shot" at Obama.

    Hamby points to the Arizona debacle and the emergence of new Birther names in the Republican congressional caucuses. "Fresh examples appear," he suggests, "on a near-weekly basis".

    Including a recent occasion in North Carolina in which The Charlotte Observer retracted its endorsement of congressional candidate Jim Pendergraph for various reasons, including Birtherism:

    What a run for Republican Jim Pendergraph. After winning the Observer’s endorsement in his bid for Congress, he has done nothing but embarrass us and himself.

    By buddying up to one of America’s more hateful egomaniacs and then joining with fringe “birthers” to question President Obama’s citizenship, Pendergraph has contradicted much of what he told the Observer’s editorial board in his endorsement interview last month. As a result, we have lost faith in him, and urge voters to consider Edwin Peacock or Ric Killian in the 9th Congressional District race.

    Not infrequently, the Observer endorses candidates with whom we do not agree on all, or even most, of the issues. That is because we consider the views of the constituents the candidate seeks to represent. We often endorsed Rep. Sue Myrick using that logic. When choosing among 10 Republicans in the 9th District race, we considered not only the extent to which we agreed with the candidate but the extent to which he represented the views of the conservative 9th District. We seek a candidate with integrity, intellect, common sense and sincerity, and whose views are not so extreme as to not reflect his district.

    Republican strategist Steve Schmidt told Hamby, "Birtherism is a fringe issue," and acknowledged that "it's disturbing" when politicians one respects cross over into the realm. Rob Johnson, an advisor to Gov. Rick Perry, calls Birtherism "an unnecessary and unfortunate distraction". GOP Chair Reince Priebus has denounced the movement, as well. "I've been pretty clear now for over a year," he told CNN, "that this issue is a distraction."

    Conventional wisdom suggests that, as Schmidt suggests, every day Mitt Romney's economic campaign is drowned out by Birtherism, "is a bad day for him". True, some might wonder just what that economic message is, but that is a whole separate discussion. Still, though, the looming spectre of Birther madness not only detracts from time people might otherwise spend thinking about economic or security issues, or some such, but also asserts an affirmative bond between the tinfoil fringe and the Republican Party. One-two, friendly fire.

    Well, maybe not so friendly; one would not be far off to suspect a correlation between Birthers and Republican supporters who are not enthused about pushing a Mitt Romney campaign. But the point would require at least a subconscious sabotage of Romney's campaign, with the payoff being four more years of fighting the absolute injustice of the Obama presidency versus retooling the message for a soulless, moderate, white Republican in the White House. And, sure, that's possible, but that can't be what we're seeing; it's way too easy if that's what we're seeing.

    Perhaps, then, the question is whether the voter enthusiasm Birthers draw will match or exceed the potential loss of support in the swing bloc.


    Purdum, Todd S. "The Conception of the Birther". Vanity Fair. May 24, 2012. May 28, 2012.

    McFeatters, Dale. "Arizona unleashes its birthers". The Record Searchlight. May 28, 2012. May 28, 2012.

    Hamby, Peter. "Despite a frustrated GOP, anti-Obama 'birthers' still persist". CNN. May 23, 2012. May 28, 2012.

    Editorial Board. "2 better choices in 9th Congressional District". The Charlotte Observer. May 3, 2012. May 28, 2012.
  13. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    Personally, I have zero difficulties seeing the Teabag crowd break that way. It's identity politics with them, undertaken for the GRAR and rush of social affirmation, moral clarity and totalizing vision. It is emphatically not a game of compromise and strategy, and we should very much expect a lot of friction between them and the GOP establishment. I think many of them would tell you, openly and honestly, that they'd rather spend another 4 years doing battle with Obama, rather than support some slimy establishment type just because he has an (R) after his name.

    We've seen the same phenomenon on the left for years - to the point where it's a cliche - so I don't see why the right's newfound embrace of convenient populism and fringe identity politics would work any differently. We're constantly being told that the teabagger influence is a product of their extreme ideological nature and willingness to burn bridges, take hostages and pillory the impure - so why does anyone expect that the Birthers will just shut up and go away when such becomes convenient for the GOP's electoral prospects?

    Frankly, I'm looking forward to right-wing blog comments becoming the kind of internecine war that left-wing politics have been for the past generation.
  14. Bells Staff Member

    Ah gold..

    Trump continued to argue that "many people" do not believe in the authenticity of Obama's certificate, and told Blitzer that if he reported the story "accurately," he might get better ratings, which Trump said he thought were "pretty small."

    After Trump continued to argue in favor of birther conspiracy thories, Blitzer said, "Donald, you’re beginning to sound a little ridiculous, I have to tell you."

    "No I think you are, Wolf," Trump fired back. "Let me tell you something, I think you sound ridiculous and if you’d ask me a question and let me answer it."

    "Here’s the question," Blitzer interrupted. "Did the conspiracy start in 1961 where the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and the Honolulu advertiser contemporaneously published announcements that he was born in Hawaii?"

    "That's right. And many people put those announcements in because they wanted to get the benefits of being so-called born in this country. Many people did it. It was something that was done by many people even though they weren’t born in the country. You know and so do I. And so do a lot of your viewers, although you don't have many viewers, Wolf," Trump argued.


    Romney has yet to repudiate Trump's comments and his increasing his push on the "birther" issue. Romney, did however say this:

    You know, I don't agree with all the people who support me and my guess is they don't all agree with everything I believe in. But I need to get 50.1 percent or more and I'm appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people.

    I believe that is called a 'hello fence, meet my buttocks, I need to sit on you for a while' moment.

    Trump's spokesman seems to have a bit more sense, however, and possibly recognises that his employer may be damaging the GOP:

    "He doesn't want to talk about it."

    Or so said Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's spokesman, on the question of where President Obama was born.

    Cohen, in a phone interview, called the renewed controversy over Trump's questioning of whether Obama was born in the U.S. "a distraction," and blamed it on "the liberal media."


    "This manufactured conflict is just another attempt by Democrats to distract Americans from President Obama's abysmal record," Cohen gamely argued...

    Unfortunately, Cohen had obviously not advised his employer to remain silent on the issue..

    But five minutes after The Huffington Post talked to Cohen on the phone, a call to Trump's New York offices resulted in the casino, real-estate and reality-TV mogul being patched through on the line, from here in Las Vegas.

    Adding to the surreal nature of the day, Trump openly disagreed with his own spokesman's assessment.

    "I don't imagine this is distraction at all," Trump said. "In fact, we have a fundraiser that's going to take place in a couple of hours, and I'm just walking through the lobby of Trump international and this place is packed."

    And that, in a nutshell, is the problem for Mitt Romney.


    Trump told HuffPost Tuesday that he disagreed with Breitbart's assessment, and talked for almost 10 minutes about why the Obama campaign -- which released a web video and a statement condemning Romney for not disavowing Trump's comments -- actually wants the birther issue to go away.

    "It's hitting very close to home and they're very nervous about it," Trump said. "They're very afraid of the issue. They don't like the issue. And you know what? You'd say the same thing if you were in their position."

    He said the Obama campaign was trying to use "reverse psychology."

    "When something that they don't like gets put in papers the best thing you can do is say, 'Oh we love it, we love it.' What they're doing is reverse psychology and I don't blame them one bit. They hate this subject. They hate it more than anybody has hated any subject, and the best they can do is to just say, 'Oh we're so happy it was brought up,'" Trump said. "And people like you, who I assume they consider are suckers, write exactly what they say. And I don't know if you're a sucker or not. It depends on whether or not you write it."

    "They don't love it at all. They hate it. And let me tell you, I have plenty of friends in there and they will tell you, they will tell me, they do not like this subject one bit. This is not a good subject for them," he said.

    Trump also said Obama should release his college transcripts


    Trump told HuffPost that the Romney campaign had not asked him to stop talking about the birther subject, but the fact that Trump's own spokesman in Las Vegas clearly wanted to make the issue go away, only to have Trump connect by phone to a HuffPost reporter through his New York office, was the clearest illustration that Trump is apparently accountable to, and controllable by, no one.

    And it seems, neither has the Romney campaign, who advised he appreciates the help he's getting from the 'good people'.. Maybe they should start telling him to shut up. I would think that would be more help than twiddling thumbs and hoping no one notices.
  15. Grumpy Curmudgeon of Lucidity Valued Senior Member


    Personally, I hope Romney names Trump as the vice Presidential candidate. I was hoping the Republicans would run Sarah Palin as President with the Donald as VP, their bumper sticker would write itself, "I Quit! You're Fired!"


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  16. The Esotericist Getting the message to Garcia Valued Senior Member


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    Video Flashback: In 2006 Obama tells Kenyan audience he’s glad to be back home.

    If you really want to believe that a "literary agent" made such a whopper of a mistake as getting the birth place wrong of the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review, there are some other people here who really do believe in "conspiracy theories." Get real.

    There are unexplained questions that have no answers. Releasing college transcripts would go a long way to clearing some of these things up. The rules are different for foreign students, honestly. Transcripts would show this. As Obama himself said, "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide."
  17. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    These Birthers are becoming mainstream Republicans. I noticed Romney's agents are trying to distance themselves from Birtherism. But it is kind of hard to distance yourself from 75 percent of the party you lead. But Romney refuses to be critical of Birthers. I wonder why?

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    Last edited: May 30, 2012
  18. Grumpy Curmudgeon of Lucidity Valued Senior Member

    The Esotericist

    The people who keep beating on this dead horse have something to hide...racism.


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  19. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Pete Hoekstra: Federalize Birtherism

    Pete Hoekstra: Federalize Birtherism, Put CIA and FBI in Charge of Who Gets to Run for President

    Perhaps you recall Pete Hoekstra's name from a notorious political advertisement aired during the Super Bowl, featuring an actress thanking his opponent, Sen. Debbie Stabenow, in pidgin English.

    Hoekstra actually had a good run in Congress already, serving Michigan's 2nd Congressional District in the U.S House of Representatives for eighteen years.

    The nine-term Congressman is back, pursuing Stabenow's seat in the U.S. Senate, and in a desperate attempt to pick up more voters—the likely Republican candidate might lead his GOP opponents handily, but he trails the Democratic incumbent by about sixteen points—Hoekstra has thrown his lot in with Birthers.

    A man in the audience complained to Hoekstra about President Obama's birth certificate, "It's on the computer, it's everywhere, you hear people talking about it," but nobody is doing anything about it, and he wanted Hoekstra's thoughts on the matter.

    "Sure. I mean, I think — you know, I think, throw something at me if you want, I think with this president, the book is closed, all right?" Hoekstra tells the man. "It's kind of like, I hate to say it, but I think the debate's over — we lost that debate, and we lost that debate in 2008, when our presidential nominee said, 'I ain't talking about it.' OK, I'm sorry.

    "But I do now believe that I'd like to establish a three-person office in Washington, D.C., OK — knowing it, we'll go to five (audience laughs). But there's no reason why we should have this kind of question, you know, for the president of the United States. So that at any future election, all right, that someone would have to walk into that office, and prove that they meet the minimum qualifications to be president of the United States" ....

    .... "OK, I am a Dutch immigrant. I do not — maybe now I do — up until three or four years ago, I didn't believe I met the qualifications to be president of the United States. Am I right?

    "And so, but you know, this is not brain surgery — it should be an FBI person, maybe a CIA person and one person managing those two people, and just if you want to run for president, you've got to go with the right, proper documentation, you go to that person, and get it certified that you meet the qualification to be president of the United States. You are the right age, you were born in the United States, or of U.S. citizens. And it's done.

    "You know, it's embarrassing that we are at that point where that ever became an issue. Sorry, I'd love to give you an answer, I'm gonna fight, and we're gonna beat it, and we're gonna win it. I think it wasn't fought, and we lost. Sorry."


    With only a 29% approval rating among voters, Hoekstra apparently thinks this sort of talk will boost his numbers.

    Just like the pidgin advert did.

    Oh, right. His numbers dropped after that one.

    So, yeah. Blatant racism didn't work. So ... you know, let's try Birtherism.


    Joseph, Cameron. "Hoekstra defends ad against charges of racial insensitivity". The Hill. February 6, 2012. May 30, 2012.

    Kleefeld, Eric. "Senate Candidate Hoekstra: Create A National Birther Office". Talking Points Memo. May 30, 2012. May 30, 2012.

    Reens, Nate. "Pete Hoekstra remains clear GOP favorite, would lose handily to Sen. Debbie Stabenow". MLive. May 30, 2012. May 30, 2012.
  20. data2.0 Registered Senior Member

    I just happen to believe that Romney is a unicorn born in Equestria which means he is not eligible to be president. Also he is part of the silence as you forget him and what he said when you look away.
  21. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    Donald Trump is now calling for the disclosure of Obama's college transcripts...which have apparently vanished from the face of the earth.

    Here are 10 reasons the electorate has every right to see Obama's records:

    1. Liberal historians have crowned Obama "the smartest guy ever to become president." Prove it. We're not convinced. Neither are the millions of Americans who still can't find jobs, thanks to his failed policies. Let's see his course work. Did he get an F in Econ 101 while acing his Marxism classes? We wouldn't be surprised.

    2. "We like to pretend IQ doesn't matter, but it really does with a lot of jobs — including the presidency," Smith College professor James Miller, who studies the effects of human intelligence on the economy, told the Washington Times. And running a country as big and complicated as America demands a very high IQ.
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    3. Obama was stoned half the time in high school, according to biographer David Maraniss. He even had a personal drug dealer who scored potent weed for him and his Choom Gang of stoners. He was known as a loafer in school. Yet somehow he got a full academic ride to Occidental College.

    4. Obama's drug habits worsened at Oxy, where he toked on a three-foot bong and also snorted coke regularly. Professors say he took few notes in class and turned assignments in late. Yet somehow he managed to transfer to the more competitive, Ivy League Columbia. Did he benefit from affirmative action?

    5. Appearing this week on Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show," Michelle Obama maintained that the president decided to transfer to Columbia "when he lost his father." "He really buckled down," she said, "and thought about how to use his life to the fullest." But he transferred in 1981 — a year before his dad died. So here we have another story that doesn't add up.

    6. The first lady also expects us to believe Obama got his act together at Columbia. Only, he roomed with a cokehead (and now-recovering drug addict) who was best pals with the druggies Obama had hung out with at Oxy. Before transferring to Columbia, Obama stayed for three weeks at his wealthy druggie pal's home in Karachi, Pakistan.

    7. While Obama graduated from Columbia with a poli sci degree, his cumulative grade point average is unknown. There are indications it was not very high. Yet somehow Obama got into Harvard Law. Northwestern University professor John McKnight wrote Obama a letter of recommendation after he begged for one. McKnight was not one of his professors, but a radical Chicago leftist who mentored him. He says Obama told him he couldn't get Columbia professors to endorse him due to lackluster grades.

    8. The same year Obama graduated from Harvard, he got a book contract. He told his publicist he was "born in Kenya." Did he also tell Harvard he was foreign-born?

    9. Another Democrat stonewaller, John Kerry, refused to turn over his college records during his 2004 White House run. He finally relented the next year, revealing several D's and a GPA nearly identical to Bush's. Yet Kerry was portrayed by the media as the mental giant in the race.

    10. The Obama camp has hypocritically demanded GOP rival Mitt Romney turn over 10 years of tax records, which arguably are more personal than academic records.

    Romney ought to issue a challenge to Obama by turning over his grades from Brigham Young University, where he reportedly graduated with a 3.97 GPA and highest honors, and from Harvard, where he simultaneously earned an MBA and law degree.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2012
  22. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Birthers Are As Birthers Do

    Of course, because "vanished from the face of the earth" is synonymous with "an institution refusing to turn over records to every half-witted egomaniac who demands them".

    And, of course, you've only helped the Birther cause by referring to an article that doesn't even have the decency of including the author's name.

    And, hey, since you're a tinfoil conspiracy theorist: Why do you think that is?

    (Note: If one chooses to answer that question, something better than idiocy would help the credibility of the assertion.)
  23. arfa brane call me arf Valued Senior Member

    Unless you're a GOP candidate whose last name is Bush. Or any other last name, for that matter.

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