Bin Laden's death is another trick

Discussion in 'World Events' started by katsung47, May 2, 2011.

  1. Read-Only Valued Senior Member

    And that's just nonsense. Because there are other WMDs besides nuclear devices - think chemical and biological...

    Explain why none of those were planted.
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  3. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

    Oh please! Stop talking sense and pointing out the obvious! Don't you SEE that the Bildeberger's KNEW we would think that and THIS IS WHY they didn't plant the WMD's. Its a double-fake-out! You see they killed off that UN guy who was doing the inspections and called it a suicide. Why? Because HE KNEW where we were going to hide the WMD and he was going to tell, so they bumped him off.

    My god you people are soooo gullible. What sheeples. Unbelievable.
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  5. TheVisitor The Journey is the Reward Registered Senior Member

    Well, let's hang a lantern on it James....and then we can all move on, huh?
    Is that your job around here?

    The opening statement of this thread is about the first intelligent thing I've read on this site in six months.
    That's why I stay away.

    Where's the body?
    They conveniently disposed of it before we could all see it.
    Kind of the same way they shuffled off with all the debris from the WTC towers.
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
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  7. Read-Only Valued Senior Member

    The statement about two thing being certain in life (death and taxes is incomplete. There's also the fact that whenever there's even a remote possibility of a conspiracy theory, idiots will quickly go out of their way to create one.

    And here's a suggestion for you, Visitor: if you don't like seeing rational people discussing rational things, you are very welcome to just STAY away from here. :shrug:
  8. TheVisitor The Journey is the Reward Registered Senior Member

    Bush didn't have anything to do with the planning of it.
    He was probably told at the last minute what to expect and did his job reading from the Que cards and keeping a straight face.
    "Don't blame the mailman"...

    I might just take you up on that.
    But... if some government orchestrated or provoked "terrorist" attack takes out a U.S. city, I might have to come back to say I told you so.
    My bet would be people like you still won't listen though. You'll buy into the newscasts and official story, hook, line and sinker.
    You'll be ready to go get the "bad guys", whoever you're told they are.

    This has happened before. Hey, when something works...
    My father's generation ran down to enlist to get even with the Japanese after Pearl Harbor...without a clue it was a set-up from the get-go.
    The Japanese were provoked and allowed to take Pearl without resistance.

    Do your homework before you start calling people a "conspiracy theorist".
    You might just learn something you'll wish you didn't know.
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  9. Read-Only Valued Senior Member

    Go right ahead, I'll listen when you have solid proof and not just asinine rumors and the daydreams of idiots.
  10. TheVisitor The Journey is the Reward Registered Senior Member

    Stryder, I have to give credit where it's due. This is some pretty good stuff.
    Have you thought about doing the Stephen King thing and launch a career in writing novels?
    Scared me...and I've already had a lobotomy.

    Seriously though, it sounds to me like down deep you may really believe in conspiracies more than you let on.
    Your elaborate explanation in such detail of another person's delusions could really be a denial mechanism at work on a subconscious level.
    Perhaps there are things about the "way of the world" you would rather not know. Does blocking them out and pretending they aren't so really change anything?
    Of course not, but we can try to protect others from having to live with the knowledge. A noble cause maybe, to be sure. Guardians of the terrible secret...
    Now I wonder what the psychologists would call that one, eh?
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  11. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    Is there a place in the DSM IV for this description? I'm sure there is! Perhaps the Visitor could petition the APA to add Stryder's Syndrome to their bestiary.

    Every once in a while, someone responds to someone else on this forum with exhortations to seek psychiatric help. Are they sincere?

    The preamble:

    Has the appearance of false sincerity. Like perhaps he is lovingly lecturing a little child, with a presumption of concern, but perhaps is just a patronizing slight in disguise.

    It's not unusual on sciforums. But neither are "kooky konspiracies". That just katsung should be admonished to consult head doctors as a single case is strange. Plenty of alternate theories or hypotheses float around here quite regularly.
    There are also heated debates of all kinds of things.
    I would like to see more of this. I want to see lots of people accusing others of being schizophrenic or just not right in the head. I want to see more caring sciforumers looking out for their fellows when that person falls into wrong-thinking.

    Let's look out for each other.
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  12. phlogistician Banned Banned

    Depends on the type of weapon,... near impossible to fake a nuke, but easier to fake chemical weapons, but then they aren't actually WMDs, they were lumped into that category 'cos the USA knew Iraq had them, because the USA sold them to Iraq. This was just conflation to make the general population think Iraq had nukes, it was pure BS.
  13. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member

    It's not a false sincerity, There is a likelihood that a small slither of what some will see as complete delusion is actually real, however it's not necessarily the slither that Katsung might think.

    There are obviously conspiracies out there that I have pondered and point towards, however if the evidence doesn't pan out, then I know to drop it. That's the main thing about being Lucid and understanding where to cut the tie with a fictional perception (once it's proven so).

    Katsung initially arrived on this forum from "Hearing voices in his head" and identifying them as "CIA". While indeed many "Foreign Affairs" related government positions might have researched into such equipment at some point, it's more likely to be the work of a contractor or group trying to dirty a posed opposition, basically whoever he thinks it is, it probably isn't.

    I've mentioned it before but there is evidence that during the cold war (which might have cooled of a little but doesn't mean everybody's friends) that various governments attempted to commit espionage by infiltrating various anti-government groups of the country they were opposed to in an effort to subvert that group to cause interference with that country in question. It's a tactical usage of people like pawns rather than actually having to fund and utilise traceable assets.

    It's the basis of such stories like the Manchurian Candidate and ties well into the old "sleeper cell" methodology. The point is that the "Mind control" technology allows anyone to be a "sleeper agent" without even realising it. Which again is the reason why I am pro absolute democracy where representative systems are abolished and the public vote on policies themselves rather than on/by politicians. (Sleepers are only any good if they have political clout or can organise a body of people towards a misguided cause)
  14. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

    Well you see that's why I don't believe in Jesus

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    True, they should have just left it all to stink up downtown Manhattan and then you and Nancy Drew could go sift through the mess with your tweezers looking for demolition bombs.
  15. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

    But I'm warning you it would look something like this:
  16. Read-Only Valued Senior Member

    Allow me to expand on that last paragraph just a bit. If you'll notice, people like Katsung who suffer from this particular mental state are, if you'll pardon the common expression, a "nobody." They hold no office of importance nor do they possess any special knowledge (like the fictional 1,000 mpg carburetor, a free energy device, etc.) Yet their delusion is always that they are SO important that "they" are out to get them. They also have several other factors in common with Katsung: they believe that "they" can control the weather (creating snowstorms and hurricanes at will) and causing things like earthquakes - and use these TREMENDOUS powers for "highly important missions" who's goal is to "get" the poor deluded individual.

    My whole point being is that the individual's importance, like the rest of the delusion, exists only inside their heads and NOWHERE else. While, in fact, they are SO unimportant that many people wouldn't even bother to notice them in a crowd of three people or give them the time of day.
  17. Shadow1 Valued Senior Member

    good morning! it IS fake

    i think ben laden died years ago, and usa kept using he's image for many reasons,however, ben laden used to work for usa, and when he finished he's mission,usa was going to kill him, so he turned against usa, however, i think he died even before the 9/11
    i mean, lol, whuut? they say they found him in a house, he was living it for years, the house is bigger 5 times than the sourrouding houses, with 5 meters fences, and two big metal gates, and gardians, and even near a military center or something, and they stayed years try to see that house by satellites, to be sure if ben laden is their, oh oh, and no country in the world accepted he's body, so they burried him in the sea
    oh btw, the pictures are photoshoped

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    clearly photoshoped
  18. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member

    How important is a white mouse in a biological laboratory, it's just a little mouse, it's existence itself is unimportant and benign however it can be used as a subject of an experiment and it's interpretation of the experiment that it's applied to isn't going to allow it to fathom the extents of what part it actually plays. It might think it's cruelly tortured through it's handling by humans, or stabbed with hypodermics as various drug or anti-viral tests are underway, perhaps also it might feel from it's perspective that it is somehow a super mouse to be getting all this attention compared to another one caged close by.

    If the mouse could be deluded and generate hypothesis of it's events, then from a stand point you could suggest that it is all just in that mouses head, however it just happens to be in a laboratory.

    I guess what I am saying is yes, it can be understood that some delusions are based upon an egocentric representation with people but the root cause to their delusion might have a very small shred of truth (I mean micro-thin shred)

    In such psychological experiments as what *might well be conducted*, it's about leaving the human mind to make it's own decisions and conclusions based upon the finite amount of knowledge that is available. In fact it's something that is studied in the pursuit of programming the base for a decent Turing machine or AI. After all you'd made a decision with the finite available information about Katsung or other peoples problems as being medical or psychiatric based alone.
  19. TheVisitor The Journey is the Reward Registered Senior Member

    But you just spent an enormous effort and quite a bit of your "time of day" to attempt to discredit this nobody as you put it.
    What that reveals is you must consider him some kind of threat to your mindset or way of life to do so.
    People fear others greater than themselves not lesser...So what rung does that put you on the "nobody ladder"?

    Of course it's probably fake. But that's not the real issue here. The real issue is why they staged this event to happen at this time.
    This has a purpose to serve and it's more than just boosting Obama's ratings. This is bigger than Obama.
    This is a public "primer" for some other staged event to follow.
    Possibly some massive attack they will blame on retaliation, that will be used to further escalate this conflict.
    Stryder, you just came very close to describing what's being done with this event.
    This is an example of mind control techniques on a massive scale. Limit the knowledge base that's available, control the outlets. Shock and awe.
    That's how it's done. Controlling the mindset of an entire population. Before, during and after.
    This event is a "primer" for something that follows. Watch for it.
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  20. Read-Only Valued Senior Member

    A patently false statement (as you are so prone to doing here!). It took practically NO effort and very little time for me to present that information. :shrug:

    I feel absolutely NO threat from idiots like him - to either my "mindset" OR "way of life." What I see is a pathetic little individual that's greatly in need of professional help for HIS own sake, not mine.
  21. Shadow1 Valued Senior Member


    maybe to make the world busy with ben laden story, or at least for a specific period of time, they needed to do something the public and media shouldnt know about or concentrate on it, knowing that bahrain is revolting, and being killed everyday, however no media is showing anything of it, and in yeman and sirya, it's like fading, i mean, the media interrests, since always the same news, idk, there can many reasons
  22. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    No pictures of Bin Laden dead have been released.
  23. Read-Only Valued Senior Member

    Apparently you pay NO attention to the national news!! I say that because if you have seen any pictures they certainly ARE fakes because the White House (U.S. government) has already announced it will NOT release ANY of the bin Laden death photos.

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