My Infalliable Belief system

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by ULTRA, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. ULTRA Realistically Surreal Registered Senior Member

    In my belief system, all facts are factual, and thats a fact. I arrive at these facts, and because facts are always true, my belief system is always the truth. Unproven facts that I believe are still facts because I believe them with my infalliable belief system, and that proves them.

    Today's fact: Hotter wetter water is better water than cooler harder water for making tea. See, it's true...
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  3. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    You can't use your infallible belief system to show that your infallible belief system is infallible, because that would be circular and illogical.

    So, what makes your infallible belief system infallible, exactly?
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  5. Rav Valued Senior Member

    Wrong. Here are the rules:

    • Any of your facts that are in direct conflict with my facts are lies
    • Any of your facts that are not in direct conflict with my facts are possible lies
    • Any of your facts that happen to be in agreement with my facts are true by association only

    Since I prefer ice tea to hot tea, your statement about tea is a lie!
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011
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  7. ULTRA Realistically Surreal Registered Senior Member

    Well let it go cold then!
  8. ULTRA Realistically Surreal Registered Senior Member

    Well I only use factual facts, the and belief exractor incorperates them into the system.

    As an oracle of the ages, facts I speak of may not have yet come to pass, so although perhaps not fact at this moment in time, it will be sometime given 1 probability in infinity, in an infinate number of universes, and itme. So will occur eventually!
  9. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    and this explains why you are an atheist I take it

    Today's fact : God doesn't exist and anyone who says otherwise is making it up simply on account of them having said he exists.

    Snazzy, eh?
  10. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    or here's a better one:

    Today's fact: All knowable things can be materially reduced, even those things we don't know yet. The evidence for this is that if there was anything that cannot be materially reduced, empiricism would have revealed it by now.
  11. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    Or another :

    Today's fact - Religion is the major catalyst for conflict in the world. The reason for this is because I can find numerous news articles about islamic human bombs
  12. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    Or another popular one : Science stands as distinct from philosophy because it can deliver the facts directly
  13. ULTRA Realistically Surreal Registered Senior Member

    God exists= +1
    God not existing = -1

    No God not existing = (-1) - (-1) = +1

    +1 = God existing
  14. lightgigantic Banned Banned


    Today's fact : The language of mathematics is so pure that we can use it to contextualize spoken language (never mind literacy comes with its own context dependent issues of rhetoric)
  15. SciWriter Valued Senior Member

    -1 and +1 are wrong, for the sides are not equiprobable. A common error of agnosticism.

    Belief cults, religions, and churches: organized irrationality.

    Belief: invisibility disorder.
  16. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    Which I guess leads us to ...

    Today's fact : Persons who believe in god are insane. This is established because there are examples of clinically insane persons who claim to believe in god.
  17. ULTRA Realistically Surreal Registered Senior Member

    My message in this thread is that with enough Pseudo-psycho-technodrivel, you can say just about anything. None of my ideas or cliams were real - they just show how easily people make horseshit look like an arguement.
  18. SciWriter Valued Senior Member

    Not true, as you well know; they are often perfectly normal people but with some thinking errors, easily going for the idea of being looked after on Earth and having a reward in the afterlife, plus they heard it a lot and grooved on it.

    True: God is insane as portrayed. But they don't care about this, for He makka da rules.
  19. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    If it was your intention to apply principles that can't be applied to atheism, you failed ... since it has plenty of horse shit looking arguments
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011
  20. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    Today's fact : People take to the worship of god have thinking problems because they are attracted to the notion of having a powerful benefactor. This is unlike persons attracted to atheistic science, since it has a clearly dismal track record for benefiting life on the planet

    Today's fact : God is insane because we don't make the rules

    This is getting better by the post ...

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  21. Me-Ki-Gal Banned Banned

    There is more to the -1 and the +1 than meets the eye. The rule of 8 in the prime number line . Yeah buddies , you would not think God would not have his own escape root would yeah. Yeah you take pairings of the 6n line starting with -1 and +1 and multiply the pairings and you will always get an 8 by reduction math. Try it you will be amazed. The funny thing is the layering of the reduced 8s are congruent . Webs of deceit is what I call them . Yeah and the rest just fall through the cracks
  22. SciWriter Valued Senior Member

    Yes, unlike, for not only has science contributed to just about every aspect of our lives, but it has erased all the footholds formerly attributed to 'God', causing that notion to shrink away to nothing and then vanish altogether, but for those with thinking problems and/or greed, for belief has no assistant or fact at all, as does atheism have science for its grounding.

    Can't build a pyramid upside down, starting at the top in thin air and then trying to add layers and layers of fabricated structure in an attempt to shore it up.
  23. Me-Ki-Gal Banned Banned

    what you talking about . sure you can . Build it in space or use a sky hook. You know what a sky hook is don't you. All builder have one . We keep then in the tool bin with the toe nails. You know what Toe Nails are don't ya ? Go ask a carpenter they will tell you. All carpenters have toe nails and sky hooks . How do you think we build anyway? Toe Nails and sky hooks

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