Arizona Gets Even Tougher On Illegal Immigration

Discussion in 'Politics' started by superstring01, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. superstring01 Moderator

    What do you think? Is this something only for the federal government, or should the states start enforcing immigration laws.

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  3. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    It will be more effective with local law enforcement involved in it.
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  5. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    Racial profiling?
    I see Arizona is just up to its neck in Ethiopian immigrants! Those racists! Every non-white person is going to be a suspect, I assume.

    How do people normally determine who is a legitimate citizen and who is not?

    If it's wrong for a country to determine who emigrates to it, then I guess this must be bad.

    What powers does this new law grant for detaining people?

    Perhaps the merit of this bill lies in that?
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  7. Cowboy My Aim Is True Valued Senior Member

    In a perfect world, border security would be the responsibility of the federal government. However, it's been made very obvious that the federal government is either unwilling or unable to control illegal immigration. This, in my opinion, means that state-level intervention is perfectly justified.
  8. sifreak21 Valued Senior Member

    i wouldnt say that they just arnt trying ak its not high at all on there priority list. if it was i dont think 1 would get across
  9. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Papers, please

    My understanding of the new law is that one of the problems it will face when challenged in the courts is that being non-white is now, essentially, probable cause for an officer to stop a person and demand that they prove they are an American citizen, or otherwise legally existing inside American borders.

    The measure would require immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times. It also requires police to question people if there's reason to suspect they're undocumented and targets those who hire illegal immigrant day laborers or knowingly transport them.

    The state Senate's Democratic leadership slammed Monday's vote, saying the bill doesn't truly address Arizona's real immigration problems.

    Senate Bill 1070 "is exactly why the federal government must act on immigration reform," said Democratic leader Jorge Luis Garcia in a written statement. "We cannot have states creating a jigsaw puzzle of immigration laws. This bill opens the doors to racial profiling with the provision that allows an officer to ask for citizenship papers from someone who only looks illegal."

    The bill is an unfunded mandate that is "turning police officers into ICE agents and opening departments to lawsuits allowed by this bill," said Sen. Rebecca Rios.

    Rios was referring to a provision in the bill that allows residents to sue their local governments if they feel the law isn't being enforced effectively.


    We are now officially into the era of, "Papers, please."

    Existing is not probable cause for criminal investigation.


    CNN Wire Staff and Janet DiGiacomo. "Arizona bill tells police to check immigration status". Cable News Network. April 19, 2010. April 20, 2010.
  10. soullust Registered Senior Member

    its about time them Mexican, illegal peeps are getting awfully close to canada..

    Go USA crack down on them fuckers

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  11. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    What's all this aboot?

    Yeah, I doubt anyone is going to be asking for papers just because someone says "aboot".
  12. soullust Registered Senior Member

    but to be honest with you they should try to get legally in Canada, we need more peeps, a population of 35 million in such a large and extremely rich country as ours, we could use them.
  13. soullust Registered Senior Member

    hey now don't diss our proper english, eh

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  14. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Tree of Heaven

    You with your beady eyes and floppy heads. Then again, I've yet to hear the Mexican version of The Vinyl Cafe. A true cultural gem, that. (The April 10 episode, incidentally, "Tree of Heaven", was amazing, even by the show's usual high standards.)
  15. Cowboy My Aim Is True Valued Senior Member

    I would say they're trying as little as they possibly can and still get away with it. But they aren't getting away with it any longer. People are starting to get really pissed off.

    When it comes to illegal immigration, politicians see nothing but cheap labor for their donors in the business world and a new pool of voters to woo. That's why the government has done next to nothing about a problem that's been going on for decades.

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