Did anyone else not like "The Hurt Locker"?

Discussion in 'Art & Culture' started by Nasor, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    I enjoyed "Up"!!!!
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  3. dsdsds Valued Senior Member

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  5. desi Valued Senior Member

    I guess I have to disagree with the majority here.

    I thought THL was much better than Avatar. I know people like the danger junky in THL. Men who want a challenge and thrive on danger. The guys I know are not EOD but they are rifle carriers who actually want to do consecutive tours because they like the danger of battle. One guy told me the only reason he didn't stay over there all the time is because you have to talk to a shrink if you are too eager to stay there. If they had made it some tender portrayal where his whole personality changes at the end of the movie it would have been trash. As it was the ending was the only way to make the movie end well. I'm glad it won something.
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  7. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    "Return of the King," the third movie in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, won the Oscar for Best Picture. It is widely believed in Hollywood that, knowing that there would be three movies, the Academy members waited until they were all released and intended this award to be interpreted as belonging to the entire series. I think such unity of thought would be remarkable for a contentious group of artists, especially since it implies that the vote was unanimous, but I suppose stranger things have happened.

    Wikipedia says this is the only fantasy film to ever win the Best Picture award. "The Wizard of Oz" had the incredible bad luck to be released in the same year as "Gone with the Wind." I can't find a specific statement to support this assertion, but as far as I can tell, no science fiction film has ever won Best Picture. Many other fantasy and science fiction films have been nominated, including "E.T." and "Star Wars" in addition to "Avatar."

    A huge number of movies in the fantasy and science fiction genres, including the "Harry Potter," "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" series, have been nominated for Oscars in other categories, and they have won many. Obviously these have a head start in the competition for things like Special Effects and Cinematography.

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    The 1956 landmark SF movie "Forbidden Planet," an update of Shakespeare's "The Tempest" starring the now-iconic Robbie the Robot and featuring the first all-electronic musical score, was nominated in several categories but, sadly, did not win any. This is the first "respectable" "pure" science fiction movie I remember seeing, i.e., a serious story with no overgrown monitor lizards devouring women in shredded clothing.
    The boundary between fantasy and science fiction is very difficult to draw. The magazine I've been reading since I was a kid in the 1950s simply calls itself "The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction." In the 1970s and 80s there was a campaign within the industry to popularize the term "speculative fiction," but it never caught on outside the fold.

    The name "fantasy" is generally applied to fiction that features paranormal elements such as telepathy or past-life regression, legendary motifs such as immortality or witches, non-Abrahamic religious figures and events such as Norse gods or reincarnation, or a gigantic "et cetera" that stands for "we'll know it when we see it."

    "Science fiction" must have a scientific component, most usually the faster-than-light travel that must be possible in order for galactic civilizations to exist, much less make war on each other. Since sci-fi stories often include pseudoscience such as telekinesis, and even outright fantasy components thinly disguised as "well I guess time can somehow move backwards on their planet and we just don't understand it yet," the two genres overlap. However, in such a case the "science fiction" category takes precedence, placing "Star Wars," "Star Trek" and "Dune" firmly in the SF camp, while "Highlander," "Harry Potter" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" are fantasy.

    "Horror" is fantasy, but it is broken out as a separate genre because of its popularity. Even when its speculative components are purely science-fictional, such as in many of Dean Koontz's novels and some of the dreary old monster movies, as long as people are scared out of their wits and killed in grisly ways it's placed into the "horror" category where people who would never touch science fiction will pick it up. Some stories are put in this category even when the horror is entirely perpetrated by evil mortal humans, i.e., it could really happen.
  8. Nasor Valued Senior Member

    It gets very hard to categorize things like Dune, which basically seem to amount to "a lot of people have magic powers in space." It seems that the "space" part always wins out and lands it in the SF category, but Dune seems a heck of a lot more like fantasy than SF to me.
  9. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    I think that people went to see Avatar for the same reasons as people went to see the first Talkie Film "The Jazz Singer"
    It introduced new technology, and was a conversation subject.

    It had less to do with its merit. Though it needed to be well made and engaging.

    Perhaps the Hurt locker is a "Very good film", as opposed to "Good", but in conventional format.
  10. Cowboy My Aim Is True Valued Senior Member

    I thought The Hurt Locker was a really good movie and certainly more deserving of the Oscar than Avatar (which was basically just Dances With Wolves with aliens and cool special effects). But there was nothing epic or ground-breaking about THL. Hell, I thought Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down were better.

  11. sifreak21 Valued Senior Member

    well about 1,400,000,000 george washingtons diss agree with you.. and to be honest out of the hundreds of people iv talked to about it your the first person iv seen that didnt say it was one of the best if not the best movie they have ever seen
  12. otheadp Banned Banned

    The Hurt Locker is a great movie, but it doesn't deserve movie of the year...

    Despite the very weak script, Avatar should've got that distinction.
  13. Cowboy My Aim Is True Valued Senior Member

    Why would a movie with a weak script deserve an Oscar? Aside from the special effects, Avatar was a very average movie.

    How about giving the Oscar to Zombieland?
  14. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    Good scripts are returning to TV with scripts like "Madmen", "The Wire and "The Good Wife"
    Madmen is the best TV series I have ever watched.

    Maybe Film producers will take the hint.

    Avatar was immensely enjoyable, but it was lightweight.
  15. sifreak21 Valued Senior Member

    i agree but what avatar did hit on the head is if there was another world out there with a very valuable material we would destroy anything to get it, the human races is a group of extremely greedy savages that will do anything kill anyone destroy anything to get the valuable material
  16. Steve100 O͓͍̯̬̯̙͈̟̥̳̩͒̆̿ͬ̑̀̓̿͋ͬ ̙̳ͅ ̫̪̳͔O Valued Senior Member

    Hurt locker was truly brilliant. I suppose being in the milliatary help in appreciation of it.
  17. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    fr, i have to disagree. david eddings wrote a very good section in "the rivan codex" about the difference between fantasy and scifi where he cited a book which i cant rember the name of. anyway it was about prehistoric man and the most advanced weapons were bow and arrows, however it was definitly scifi not fantasy. his definition was that scifi tries to invent a better hammer, fantasy says its a hammer and gets on wirh the story. now startrek is definitly about the tech which makes it scifi but starwars is specifically focused on the magic. yes there are lasers and starships but the force is the focus. after all its even stated clear as day in the movie "dont be to proud of this technological terror you have constructed, the power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force". this shows clearly that lucus oviously intended the story to be dominated by the magic NOT the technology
  18. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    LOL, well, duh!
  19. Janus58 Valued Senior Member

    Lost to "Annie Hall"
    It is tied for second place for having won the most Oscars(6) without winning best picture
    Lost to "Ghandi"

    no SF film has ever won best picture, and only one fantasy film (The Return of the King) has ever won best picture.
  20. FreshHat Registered Senior Member

    It insists upon itself.
  21. Dirty Dan And knowing is half the battle Registered Senior Member

    Wow, so many different opinions. You know what they say though..."Opinions are like assholes, but yours stinks!". Its really interesting reading the posts and reading what everyone thinks.
  22. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    The members of the Academy who vote are all OLD and usually watch the movies on a DVD (that's even IF they watch the damn thing). They are usually very liberal minded as well. Not many would have gotten off their arses to go to an IMAX and see Avatar in 3D as the movie was intended to be seen. Hurt Locker would have been better viewing at home on a TV compared with Avatar. Not to mention Avatar would have been pluncked in as a genera film - Scifi. Lastly, lets not forget the Oscar didn't go to Citizen Kane that year! They always pick the wrong films!
  23. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    For "human races", read "Americans"

    This was discussed in another thread.
    I was surprised by how anti-American the content of the film was.
    If it as about any other country's people it would be considered racist.

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