I can see minute internal molecules/particles in air with my NAKED EYES. WHAT I DO?

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Sissyphus has enough sense to ask, instead of assume, like the self proclaimed "practical one". That is by far much more practical then assuming.

On the other hand, I provided an alternate explanation that fits the new information he brought forward.
He ignored it so far.
Hats off to u my dear friend JOZEN.. u doing a great job as a real human being.. u proved tht u r indeed the true meaning of whts been termed as HUMAN and thts why u r here in HUMAN SCIENCE FORUMS.. all the v best.. keep going.. may GOD bless u alwayz my friend... thx a lot for ur kind support...
It could be that your seeing....Ether....

Ether, or luminiferous Ether, was the hypothetical substance through which electromagnetic waves travel. It was proposed by the greek philosopher Aristotle and used by several optical theories as a way to allow propagation of light, which was believed to be impossible in "empty" space.

It was supposed that the ether filled the whole universe and was a stationary frame of reference, which was rigid to electromagnetic waves but completely permeable to matter. Hooke endorsed the idea of the existence of the ether in his work Micrographia (1665), and other several philosophers of the 17th century, including Huygens, did the same. At the time of Maxwell's mathematical studies of electromagnetism, ether was still assumed to be the propagation medium and was imbued with physics properties such as permeability and permittivity.

In 1887, a crucial experiment was performed by Michelson and Edward Morley in an attempt to detect the existence of the ether. The experiment, named the Michelson-Morley experiment in honor of its authors, shocked the scientific community by yielding results which implied the non-existence of ether. This result was later on used by Einstein to refute the existence of the ether and allowed him to develop special relativity without this artificial (and non-existent) constraint.

Electromagnetic Wave, Ether Drag, Michelson-Morley Experiment, Special Relativity


How ?
Hats off to u my dear friend.. u doing a great job as a real human beaing.. u proved tht u r indeed the true meaning of whts been termed as HUMAN and thts why u r here in HUMAN SCIENCE FORUMS.. all the v best.. keep going.. may GOD bless u alwayz my friend... thx a lot for ur kind support...

I don't now whether or not you meant "real human being" as an insult, but I take it as one.
WTF ? :bugeye:

I am trying to help you here. YOU ARE ON A SCIENCE FORUM !
If you want answers from mystic morons go to a mystics forum or something..

SCIENCE FORUM? More like science-fiction forum if you ask me. Seriously, I've posted in other places that where far more focused...and my threads haven't been locked...nor placed in some para-pseudo bullshit topic title. Where's the science? If it gets too daring it gets shut down...thats close-minded, not very scientific. Albert Einstein and the other greats would be disappointed. REAL SCIENCE isn't so close minded, but the internet seems flooded with liars and cons pretending to be scientists.

"Hey everyone...I'm a PhD in blah blah blah"

See how easy it is to make such a claim?

Still, its fun everyone now and then to argue with the dimwits who think they have it all figured out, pushing their Science Religion as if they might actually succeed one day in mind-washing people into giving up religion.
SCIENCE FORUM? More like science-fiction forum if you ask me. Seriously, I've posted in other places that where far more focused...and my threads haven't been locked...nor placed in some para-pseudo bullshit topic title. Where's the science? If it gets too daring it gets shut down...thats close-minded, not very scientific. Albert Einstein and the other greats would be disappointed. REAL SCIENCE isn't so close minded, but the internet seems flooded with liars and cons pretending to be scientists.

"Hey everyone...I'm a PhD in blah blah blah"

See how easy it is to make such a claim?

Still, its fun everyone now and then to argue with the dimwits who think they have it all figured out, pushing their Science Religion as if they might actually succeed one day in mind-washing people into giving up religion.

I'm not being closed minded.
Floaters exist, as do the other conditions I mentioned.
They fit Golden Eyes description perfectly.
Why should I believe it's anything different from mainstream ?
Because he says so ?

On top of that, he offers NO dialogue at all..
In all probability it's a sock laughing his ass off right about now..
Still, its fun everyone now and then to argue with the dimwits who think they have it all figured out, pushing their Science Religion as if they might actually succeed one day in mind-washing people into giving up religion.


If I showed you a brick and told you it was a bunny, would you not pull all the mainstream facts out of the closet you could think of to persuade me otherwise ?

This here is the same thing.
ok I totally agree with u.. dnt agree or believe with wht I say bt thtn u dnt hav anyright to impose forcefully and make me believe tht why YOU ARE SAYING is the only TRUTH in this whole WORLD.. okay... try to be open minded in ur life... JOZEN hav addressed you v precisely.. well done.. JOZEN.. great going.. All the v best... and thx a lot for ur kind support... may GOD bless you alwayz JOZEN my FRIEND..

Just as some people can come up with ideas others can "see" things in a different way that others cannot. Perhaps Golden Eyes has this ability that the rest oif us don't. luminiferous Ether could be seen or it wouldn't be called that.
Hats off to u my dear friend JOZEN.. u doing a great job as a real human being.. u proved tht u r indeed the true meaning of whts been termed as HUMAN and thts why u r here in HUMAN SCIENCE FORUMS.. all the v best.. keep going.. may GOD bless u alwayz my friend... thx a lot for ur kind support...

You will go far indeed! You are able to see the intentions of others by feel alone. That is rare. Notice how several dozen people jump at the opportunity to tell you what to think...instead of asking you what you are experience. They don't even take a second to consider that what you are saying might be worth something. Sissyphus is wise to ask, the others are blind with arrogance..immediately jumping to conclusions and trying to guide you back to limited box land, where they reside. The prisoners keep a good eye on each other, and when one appears to see through the facade, they clamp down in jealousy, using petty words like crack pot, nuts, pseudo, para, close-minded, etc. All the while unable to see their own reflections as they cast them with their very words and thoughts.

If you continue...you will begin to see skipping seconds, blocks...as if everything is digital. At least I did when I focused harder after noticing I too was seeing particles. Continue beyond this and you will begin to see inside of the particles, beyond the limits of common knowledge, where the essence of life itself is. You are indeed a SEER!
ok I totally agree with u.. dnt agree or believe with wht I say bt thtn u dnt hav anyright to impose forcefully and make me believe tht why YOU ARE SAYING is the only TRUTH in this whole WORLD.. okay... try to be open minded in ur life... JOZEN hav addressed you v precisely.. well done.. JOZEN.. great going.. All the v best... and thx a lot for ur kind support... may GOD bless you alwayz JOZEN my FRIEND..

The only one close minded here is you, my friend.
You have decided that what you see is something extraordinary, and won't be convinced otherwise.
nopes my friend SISYPHUS.. but I thought may b u hav read the entire stuffs out here and would hav got an idea on ur own... all I did was I believed ur intelligency and I dnt think I was wrong thr...
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Just as some people can come up with ideas others can "see" things in a different way that others cannot. Perhaps Golden Eyes has this ability that the rest oif us don't. luminiferous Ether could be seen or it wouldn't be called that.

Ok, what exactly is luminous ether ? Does it fit GE's descriptions ?
Jozen, that is about as practical a defense of the psuedo minded (as some would call it) side of things that I have seen yet. Keep at it man, I'd like to hear more from you around the forum.

Don't you agree... though... he is being a little suspicious :D hehe.
Just as some people can come up with ideas others can "see" things in a different way that others cannot. Perhaps Golden Eyes has this ability that the rest oif us don't. luminiferous Ether could be seen or it wouldn't be called that.


(that means ditto)
nopes my friend.. but I thought may b u hav read the entire stuffs out here and would hav got an idea on ur own... all I did was I believed ur intelligency and I dnt think I was wrong thr...

Fine, have you seriously considered the possibilities we brought up ?
Does any of those fit what you see ?

- Floaters
- Retina flashes
- Blue field entoptic phenomenon
thx for ur soothing words my friend cosmic.. may GOD bless You Alwayz.. NOW.. I can literally see ppl out thr in this world hav REAL GUTS to SUPPORT ME RATHER THN JST CRITICISING.... THX A LOT..
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