Vegetarians please read...

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by Muslim, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. draqon Banned Banned

    are humans in vegetative state considered introverts in that chart thinny?
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  3. Absane Rocket Surgeon Valued Senior Member

    Just the best analogy to natural living things I suppose. Basically, introverts live in their heads and extraverts live outiside their head.
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  5. draqon Banned Banned

    were do spirits fit in? if they have no body...

    And crackpots are introverts.
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  7. Absane Rocket Surgeon Valued Senior Member

    I think it's irrelevent.
  8. Fabio4all Registered Member

    why is it wrong when humans eat animals? Every other animal does it as well. Although I don't like some of your comments, or language, I can't help but agree with your underlying point. I can't stand it when vegetarians think they are better than me, because I eat meat. Listen vegetarians: I EAT ANIMALS! I don't care if it sounds disgusting, I eat the flesh of animals. And I enjoy it. And don't act like the smell of a sizzling steak on the grill doesn't make you long for a bite. Humans have been eating meat since they arrived here.
  9. Norsefire Salam Shalom Salom Registered Senior Member

    Vegetarians are silly; Human beings are the top of the food chain, we simply eat meat. Are we going to ask lions not to eat deer? that's how silly it really is!
  10. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member


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    Just for the sake of the narrow minded, not every vegetarian is so because they are concerned about what died. Some are just physically repulsed by attempting to eat meat, they can't stomach it. Much like some of you can't stomach a particular vegetable.

    humans by the way are "Omnivores" we are built to attempt to eat whatever was available be it vegetable or Meat.

    I personally don't eat meat, fish or egg because I can't stomach it (literally I puke up) I'm not fond of the nature of eating meat now either, however it's based upon an understanding similar to what makes a perfect partner.

    For instance in a partner we look for attractiveness, fitness and the ability to reproduce. If I could eat meat, I'd understand that the ingestion of the genetic material potentially passes certain traits across to me and potentially effect my genetics in the long run. So I'd want to eat something that was fit, wasn't too fat and was by definition clever.

    Currently most of you meat eaters are happy chomping on a lard fest of a burger which was the makeup for about 5 cows backsides. Most of those cows are forced to be Fatty, overweight, they suffer a number of diseases like infected teat's and bacteria laiden mucus. Technically if you saw the state of what you eat, you might give it a second chance of life, if only because it's not palletable anymore. Also they are obviously pretty stupid, they stand in a field all day eating grass covered in their own diarrhoea without even the smallest of inklings in regards to their eventually demise and re-incarnation at fast food outlets.

    I guess you can say the equivalent if you were looking for a partner would be an extremely old overweight street hooker with every disease under the sun.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008
  11. draqon Banned Banned

    come one Stryder...two years old is not necromancy...
  12. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member

    Oh yes it is... Necromancy gets played pretty much for anything over 6 months.
  13. Ripley Valued Senior Member

    And I always pictured you as stout.
  14. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member

    Well I still eat my Carbs (Carbo-Hydrates) so I guess I'm stout. Although Stout on tap is a bit rough round the edges, prefer my ale over that.
  15. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    I guess the absence of a mandible jaw, a short intestine length, the absence of sweat pores, a stronger stomach acidity and the presence of the right tools (claws and fangs) makes the notion of not eating meat for a lion a bit more absurd .....
  16. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    And if every other person jumped off a cliff, what would you do?

    You don't really think that vegetarians don't eat meat because they just don't like the taste, do you? Perhaps that is true for some, but there's a whole class of vegetarians who do not eat meat for ethical reasons.

    And people used to sacrifice other humans to the gods, too. Do you also think we should do that today?

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