Star Wars vs Star Trek

Discussion in 'SciFi & Fantasy' started by Pollux V, May 9, 2002.


Which universe would win?

  1. Star Trek

    227 vote(s)
  2. Star Wars

    268 vote(s)
  3. Spaceballs

    47 vote(s)
  4. Farscape

    12 vote(s)
  5. Dune

    50 vote(s)
  6. Stargate

    36 vote(s)
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  1. FoolFromHell Photons be Free. Registered Senior Member

    No wonder...
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  3. SkywalkerJedi アスラン・ザラ ( Athrun "Alex" Zala ) Registered Senior Member

    It is said by Han Solo, Han Solo is just a smuggler that is hunted by the empire. " I have ever seen." He of course never witnessed the full power of a Star Destroyer. The Grand Army of the Republic have better ships but a smaller fleet then the Empire, because it will take too much resources and money to build millions of Ventors. You are forgetting about Centerpoint, Sun Crusher, World Devastator, Eclips, and the Star Forge. centerpoint can crush a sun , the sun crusher can make a sun go supernova, the word devastator can rip a planets's crust and use it's resourses to built war material, Eclips can crack a planet ( I mean a big crack down the middle not a small crack ), the Star Forge is a superfactory that suck a sun slowly to mass produce war material. If you ask me why didn't they use them here is my answer, Star Forge is destoryed by Revan, Centerpoint is not finished in the Imperial Era, and world desvastator is invented by the renemants.
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  5. FoolFromHell Photons be Free. Registered Senior Member

    Ships CANT dodge it... The thing is, the computer cant target fast enough for those speeds. And those speeds are at much as 30-40% the speed of light itself. In those cases, you can miss.

    ISDs only go at an acceleration of 10g (that's 100m/s^2) and in one direction. Fighters are mostly sublight and cant use hyperspace near gravity sources. If we stay at 50,000 kilometers and attack, there is nothing the ISDs, etc. can do but die.
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  7. FoolFromHell Photons be Free. Registered Senior Member

    Well, those are just single superweapons. Easy to destroy. Send 8 species 8472 ships to each of these superweapons, destroy them, and SW is crippled forever. I doubt the Sun Crusher can fire into fluidic space.
  8. Flectarn Unregistered User Registered Senior Member

    isn't he supposed to have been a former imperial officer
  9. FoolFromHell Photons be Free. Registered Senior Member

    Yeah. He is. And, C3PO, who is supposed to be a rebel robot (thus, must know Imperial power), failed to correct him.
  10. Flectarn Unregistered User Registered Senior Member

    moreover, Star Destroyers are largely weapons of intimidation, so they wouldn't be much good if people didn't have a general (or inflated) idea of how much damage they can do
  11. SkywalkerJedi アスラン・ザラ ( Athrun "Alex" Zala ) Registered Senior Member

    Originally Posted by TW Scott
    There is a reason Star War tech has seemed to freeze a bit, though not much actually. They don;t make revolutionary new and fragile advancments, they slowly refine and perfect their technologies.

    Look at comparison:

    You should of seen the droids used in the labs of the jedi temple.
    It is also a base, drydock, troop traning center and a troop carrier. Death Star have not only have the superlaser it also have numerous turbolasers. If you add all that in it is very efficient. The Death Star's purpose is not only a superweapon. I forgot to tell you there are a dozen death star prototypes out there ( Only the Superweapon part ).
    How do you explain Voyager's slow speed? Anakin Skywalker will lure Q to him and kill Q. Skywalker is invinciable when he became a force ghost, he can still use his powers.
    The Republic Commandos, SkyCrops, and Spacetroopers do have sealed armor and supeior weapons. They can send spys to steal the transporter technology, they stole technology before.

    Star Wars can use the Galaxy Gun ( I forgot to mention it ). It is projectiles is capable at moving to hyperspace, it have a range of across the galaxy, the Empire didn't use it because it is not invented in the Imperial Era, it is invented in the legacy era.
    9 not 8 ships. If so why did they lose their ship? 1 bioship is only about 1/9th the power of the death star.
    Eclips is 1/5 the power of Death Star
  12. SkywalkerJedi アスラン・ザラ ( Athrun "Alex" Zala ) Registered Senior Member

    Imperial Cadet that never been in a battle.
  13. SkywalkerJedi アスラン・ザラ ( Athrun "Alex" Zala ) Registered Senior Member

    X-wings, A-wings, and Y-wings have hyperdrive. ISD is slow but not Victory and ventors.
  14. SkywalkerJedi アスラン・ザラ ( Athrun "Alex" Zala ) Registered Senior Member

    Sun Crusher almost indestrucable. It is only destrucable by the force abilities. They can built more of those can't they? And there is more then 1 sun crusher.
  15. Flectarn Unregistered User Registered Senior Member

    huh... when did they lose the ship?
  16. SkywalkerJedi アスラン・ザラ ( Athrun "Alex" Zala ) Registered Senior Member

    The Reble vs Empire only started at 2 BBY ( 2 yrs. before battle of yavin ). c-3po don't correct people like that.
  17. SkywalkerJedi アスラン・ザラ ( Athrun "Alex" Zala ) Registered Senior Member

    I forgot what episode but Voyager's crew lost their ship to a allien race with pulse rifles.
  18. SkywalkerJedi アスラン・ザラ ( Athrun "Alex" Zala ) Registered Senior Member

    There is something called secrete. The name star destoryer give away the general idea. And they want the element of surprise. The fear of the Death Star is already enough.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2008
  19. FoolFromHell Photons be Free. Registered Senior Member

    Only 1 Sun Crusher. Sorry. And, the Borg can assimilate the Sun Crusher or Species 8472 can destroy it. If 8 of them can destroy a planet and there are thousands, the Sun Crusher should be no problem. Or Q.

    He graduated from Imperial Academy and was a Lieutenant. Not a small rank. And the Academy would have taken many years.

    They cant make sudden and short intrasystem jumps without much risk. They literally need to escape the Sun's gravity.

    He corrected people all the time... And what does the beginning of the rebellion have to do with this?


    AND, HOW THE HELL DO YOU COMBAT THE Q CONTINUUM? I dont hear a single answer!
  20. Flectarn Unregistered User Registered Senior Member

    except they didn't have a death star until twenty odd years into the empire. who exactly are they trying to surprise? the empire has no external enemy's. the primary purpose of the ISD's is to maintain order within the empire, the easiest way to do that is through fear, so they want people to know how powerful the ships are, and most likely to have an exaggerated opinion of their capabilities.
  21. SkywalkerJedi アスラン・ザラ ( Athrun "Alex" Zala ) Registered Senior Member

    They tried everything, it can't be destroyed. It only can be destoryed by the force. They can make a new Sun Crusher then it will be more then one. Sorry to say that the sun crusher is the size of a starfighter, and it have hyperspace, as soon as it see the borgs they run. There are other nearly indestrucable superweapons thats only destrucable by itself, Centerpoint, Star Forge and the Galaxy-Gun.

    Sorry to say in the Empire it is a small rank. Solo was a TIE pilot and he only stayed in the imperial navy for a very short time and it is long before the Galactic Civil War.

    They can.

    That means that the war haven't begun and Solo isn't involved in any batles.

    Sorry it is a spelling mistake it is secret.
    With the force and Skywalker.
  22. SkywalkerJedi アスラン・ザラ ( Athrun "Alex" Zala ) Registered Senior Member

    They kept the Star Destoryer's full firepower as a element of surprise. The Death Star and Stromtroopers already strike fear in the rebellion.
  23. Flectarn Unregistered User Registered Senior Member

    Doesn't really matter what rank he had, he should have decent handle on what the weapons are capable of... unless the imperial military realy is as incompetent as it seems
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