Battlestar Galactica: Season 4

Discussion in 'SciFi & Fantasy' started by superstring01, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. superstring01 Moderator

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  3. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    !!! When does this start? That's an amazing picture!!!
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  5. superstring01 Moderator

    I wasn't fond of the last two seasons, but this picture is pretty nice.

    Here's a bigger pic.

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  7. Xelios We're setting you adrift idiot Registered Senior Member

    Season 4 has been delayed until at least March or April due to the writers strike

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    The writers, cast and crew have all been laid off or suspended without pay until the strike is over, and only 13 episodes of season 4 are done. So we're probably looking at another half year break in the middle of season 4. Sucks.

    The pic is great though

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    I wonder if it goes beyond a simple Last Supper reference (Six is God/Jesus?!)
  8. Vega Banned Banned

    That looks like the portrait the last supper in space!!!
  9. orcot Valued Senior Member

    I hope that's a fake
  10. Challenger78 Valued Senior Member

    OMG.. I haven't even finished downloading season 3.... the rescue was awesome, especially the mid air jump.
  11. superstring01 Moderator

    I does. Each person, their leanings, glances and attitudes plays a specific reference in to what they are going to do this season.

    Examples (hinted at by Moore):
    -Adama & Roslin are leaning towards eachother and she's smiling at him, which fortels a stronger relationship.
    -Number Six on the left is pointing at Six in the center. Six in the center is becoming a messiah like persona in the Cylon race & while the Six on the left will become her detractor.
    -Sharon & Helo are retracting away from someone with an ominous look in their faces. Who? We don't know, but it fortels a conflict between those two and someone else.
    -Tyrol has a blade in hand, which may be intended for one of the cast.

    Um. It is.

    No. It's an authentic cast pic that holds "clues" as to the season's direction.

    The mid-air jump was one of the best scenes in any sci-fi show ever. One of TWO high points of the last season. Sad... really.

  12. Challenger78 Valued Senior Member

    Yeah, Man, vipers blasting out of the frying pan and into the fire.
  13. countezero Registered Senior Member

    Oh, my. Pictures taking after the last supper? Moore really has lost it, hasn't he?
  14. SkinWalker Archaeology / Anthropology Moderator

    Isn't Saul Tigh sitting in the position of Judas? Its difficult to say since there's a couple people missing. The Da Vinci version had 13 people including Jesus instead of 12 as this one has.

    Come to think of it, there's a space missing where Judas would sit (with the knife behind his back). I wonder if that's intentional and the "betrayer" of season 4 is yet to be revealed?
  15. Xelios We're setting you adrift idiot Registered Senior Member

    Crazy people often tell the best stories

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  16. Challenger78 Valued Senior Member

    i have to admit, my favourite quote probably goes something like this

    "Humanity never asked itself why it deserved to survive...maybe it doesn't."

    EDIT: String, Why do you think season 3 was bad ?, I'm halfway through and seems quite interesting.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2008
  17. Pandaemoni Valued Senior Member

    I don't know who Six is pointing at. Could be that she's pointing past Six in the Center (who may be Baltar's Inner Six, and hence why he is staring at her directly while others are in a position whether they might be looking at her or at those on the other side of the table). Six light be pointing at Athena and Helo, and coming to harm their child. She might also be pointing at Adama.

    That theory does suggest Baltar's Inner Six is the savior of the series though.

    I believe it's Peter holding the knife in the original. Judas clutches his coin purse. I do agree that the Judas spot appears to be empty. If you assume the picture is the mirror image of the Last Supper, though, Tyrol is in the Judas position, holding a knife. Notice that the original Judas has his elbow on the table (considered rude) and Tyrol has his foot up on the bench on which they're sitting.

    Note also, in further support of this Mirror Image theory:

    1. Original: Blond headed john swoons on the left, with Peter's head pressed close in.
    BSG: Blond Starbuck swoons on the right with her husband's head pressed in.

    2. Original: You have people (three) on the far left looking lengthwise across the table (Bartholomew, James the Lesser and Andrew).
    BSG: You have people (Athena and Tyrol) on the far right looking lengthwise across the table.

    3. Original: The ones (Thomas, James the Greater and Phillip) looking most directly at Jesus are just to His right.
    BSG: The one (Baltar) looking directly at Center-Six is just to her left.

    4. Original: Jesus looks to the right (His left).
    BSG: Central Six looks to the left (her right).

    There are other similarities I see, but that's enough. All of which make Tyrol the Judas figure, though it's not clear who he's be betraying. The Cylons (represented by Central Six)? Everyone? Also recall that it's Judas's betrayal that leads the world to salvation, so it was not necessarily a bad consequence, just bad motive.

    Edit: On the other hand, Baltar is conspicuously wearing blue and green, just like Judas, even down to the shades.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2008
  18. darksidZz Valued Senior Member

    Terrible series, absolutely abismal... original blew this garbage away! Borg anyone?
  19. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    While the "Picard maneuver" was something freakin' cool, the "Adama maneuver" puts the whole thing in perspective, eh?
  20. superstring01 Moderator

    Indeed. I am willing to bet the farm that the rescue at New Cobol was the best scene in any scifi series... ever. The second is where Pegasus and Galactica battle the base stars and win! Um.... I think third place goes to John Sheridan and his surprise attack on the Shadows. (but that's me)

  21. Pandaemoni Valued Senior Member

    There is apparently a lot of work done across the internet on the "mirror image" theory,including those who superimposed the left half over the right and vice versa...which seems stupid until you notice that no one seems to to awkwardly overlap (and notice how there's no room to the left of Roslyn, but a good bit of room to the right of Adama, and how well those two fit together in the mirror composite). Additionally, so many of the new poses are so suggestive (plus some of the internet fans say that da Vinci used mirrors in painting to hide messages in his works...which is true is something I did not know.

    Gotta love people with free time.

    Also, different people come up with slightly different composts, like this one:
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2008
  22. Challenger78 Valued Senior Member

    pity I didn't see the Picard maneuver. The Riker maneuver was crap. People have been using it for centuries before he was born.
    But yes, I have yet to see anything that puts the Adama maneuver to shame.
    Even Starbucks (insert crazy ass stunt here) can't erase that.
  23. Pandaemoni Valued Senior Member

    I thought the picard maneuver was crap too. It created the illusion that the ship was in two places at once! Except that the "new position" where the ship appeared was the "real" one. The foolproof counter to the Picard Manuever seemed to be "shoot the second one!" No need to worry about compressed interstellar gasses, if you can remember that. Sure, they made it seem like it was a big mystery: which was the real ship and which was the image...but I think they were simply struck by momentary retardation because that's what the writers needed at that moment.

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