Is it wrong to be disgusted by homosexuals?

Discussion in 'Ethics, Morality, & Justice' started by francois, Feb 1, 2007.

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  1. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    Nein! I was mostly talking out loud to myself. I do it in real life, so why should a forum be any different???

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  3. francois Schwat? Registered Senior Member

    I was only asking that of you because your points were unclear to me. I'm not being lazy; I just don't understand what you're going on about, so I'm thinking if you paraphrase it in an easier to read way I could respond to you.

    You didn't seem to have any real arguable points that I saw in your little snippets, or at least they weren't clear to me. Why are you talking about ugly people? Yes, I find some ugly people disturbing. Who doesn't? I don't see your point. I normally don't care about how one presents his/her argument so long as it is clear. That's all I'm asking: for clarity so I can give you a worthy response. I'm sorry if it irritates you that I want you to paraphrase something so I can understand you so that real communication can occur. I'm very sorry. :*(
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  5. lucifers angel same shit, differant day!! Registered Senior Member

    no your right we are not violenty being forced to accepted gay people, but our children frona very young age at schools are being taught that it is right and there is nothing wrong with it,to the point where at just 12 my son went to his teacher and said "sir, i think i am bi sexual" the teacher then said "well thats ok, thats nothing to be ashamed about" when in fact the correct response should have been "well, you know your only 12 and many young children go through that, and grow out of it"
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  7. Ghost_007 Registered Senior Member

    Really? Never happened in my school or others schools in my area. From my experience I’d say gays don’t come out, they get caught out.

    Live in the shit part of a shit town (South-East – just out of West London). Surrounded by council estates, lots of broken families, low achievers, lots of crime, knives, drugs etc. Youngsters don’t really have much facilities so they end up hanging out doing the usual stuff. You know the story (gangs, yob culture etc.), you’re not going to get much understanding and compassion from guys like that.

    You have gay spots in the UK, areas where gays hang out. Troublemakers won’t hassle gays that are actually able to defend themselves.
  8. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    That teacher should have been fired!!! You should look into it and do what you can to get her severely reprimanded or fired. She was/is waaaaay out of line with that kind of response.

    Baron Max
  9. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Were you aware of your son's outlook?
  10. Bells Staff Member

    So you would have preferred if the teacher had made your son feel as though he were somehow abnormal and what he was thinking was not normal and something he should or needed to grow out of? You would prefer a teacher simply tell a child that he will "grow out of it", and have that child grow up to feel as though there were something wrong with them if they in fact did not "grow out of it", and have that child scarred for life as a result?

    I would imagine your son's teacher was letting your son know that if he did feel that way, then he was just as normal as every other boy and that he should not feel ashamed or embarrassed about it. You should follow his example. It might save your son a lot of anguish and stress.
  11. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    the teacher's response was the correct one
  12. Grantywanty Registered Senior Member

    I don't think that's the right response either, frankly. But a better one, I'll agree. Gays and lesbians have been around for our whole history. Animals exhibit these behaviors, some even pairing homosexually for life. I mean, we need to get over it. I don't think gayness is right. I think some people are gay and some people are straight and some people fall somewhere in a hazy area in between. Hets are the biggest group.
  13. lucifers angel same shit, differant day!! Registered Senior Member

    yes i was, we talk openly and we share almost everything with each other. (obviously there are things, he shoudlnt know about just yet) and i have spoken to him about it, but now my son is very nearly 16 he doesnt feel like that anymore, so the correct response shouldve been "you just 12, and many young people feal like that and grow out of it" he knows that there is nothing abnormal about it, and that if he was older and came to me and said "mum, i have somthing to tell you, i am gay, here is so and so" i would still love him and be there for him, but he was 12 yrs old, and your not old enough at 12 to know what you are, what you like, what your not, what you dont like,
  14. lucifers angel same shit, differant day!! Registered Senior Member

    no it was not! the teacher was way out of line, the teachers job is to teach academic skills and not about homosexuality
  15. DeepThought Banned Banned



    I can't believe you feel it is OK for a woman to behave like a prostitute but when it comes to gays you try to develop some kind of warped morality.

    Clearly nature is making you suffer for your double standards.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2007
  16. Oniw17 ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum? Valued Senior Member

    I'm sorry, but hypocrisy isn't the word. Not in the context of your post. You should've said double standard. It would be hypocrisy only if you said that he acts the same way towards women which he sees unacceptable for homosexual men to act towards other men. You see the difference?
  17. DeepThought Banned Banned


    You not going to get any respect from me if you can't state what's really on your mind.
  18. Oniw17 ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum? Valued Senior Member

    What? I just did state what was on my mind. I agree with your post, but hypocrisy wasn't really the term you were looking for.
  19. DeepThought Banned Banned


    Thanks for the grammar lesson.

    I amended the post.

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  20. Oli Heute der Enteteich... Registered Senior Member

    The point being: are you offended because they're gay or merely because you personally aren't attracted?
    E.g. is a gay guy or an "ugly woman" more offensive when they come on to you?
    For myself, any time a fellow human being feels it pertinent to suggest that I'm attractive I find it highly flattering.

    Pfft, kids walk round holding hands every Saturday here, "catching them out" is as simple as going to the main shopping centre.

    I'd hardly call my home town a "gay spot", they don't "hang out" so much as be themselves.
    It's not a question of defence the few (two IIRC) ocassions when anything has happened the idiots have had to tank themselves up with too much beer and then egg each other on - lasted about five minutes when they found that they were subjected to a certain amount of ridicule from both gay and straight patrons.
    "Ooh you're going to beat me up? Yes please, sweety!" in an overly-camp voice does wonders in causing a double-take, even on drunks.
    No violence at all, they just slunk away, hopefully realising their neanderthal attitudes were not shared by any one but a narrow-minded minority.
  21. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    the teacher was asked they did not force that opion on someone else but were turned to for advise. the teacher gave the correct advise. saying its a phase is wrong because then if the kid doesn't grow out of it they would probably think something was wrong with them. and the teacher wasn't teaching about homosexuality in the example you gave they were turned to for advise
  22. francois Schwat? Registered Senior Member

    If you've read my posts in this thread you wouldn't have had to ask this question. I was pretty clear throughout. As I've said many times already, I don't have a problem with homosexuals. I only have a problem with homosexuals who hit on me, grope me, or assault me with bedroom eyes. It's rude for mainly two reasons: one, most heterosexuals don't like being hit on by homosexuals (especially when the sex is male in both cases); two, most people are heterosexuals. You see how the principle of utilitarianism comes into play here? You should act in a way that makes everybody comfortable. Homosexuals--and everyone for that matter--should behave in a way that doesn't shock and upset the majority simply because they are the majority. Be curteous to the majority. Utilitarianism.
  23. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    OMG! Welcome to my world. I apparently should be disgusted with heterosexual men.

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