Why do I feel like a stranger in my own country?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mountainhare, Aug 17, 2007.

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  1. mountainhare Banned Banned

    In case anyone here doesn't know, I'm Australian, and I've attended Monash University (I'm not going to state the campus, for obvious reasons) for the past two years.

    I grew up in the country, which was a fairly homogenous society. Most of my countrymen were Anglo-Saxon. Some were mainland Europeaners (Slavs, French, Spanish) etc., but you usually couldn't tell due to the process of assimilation over many generations.

    Hence it was a shock for me to visit one of our cities, where multiculturism thrives. In my particular university campus, there are more foreign students than native students, and most of these foreigners are Chinese or Malay/Indonesian Muslims (usually from Malaysia and Indonesia). Often they form their own exclusive groups, and speak in their own lingo. Many restaurants and places in the campus seem to be almost entirely populated by Malaysian Chinese. Several suburbs near the campus suffer from drug trade problems and high crime, due to Asian gangs.

    The effect of this is simple: I feel like an alien, a stranger, in my own country. Our society is fragmented, there is a lack of unity and patriotism amongst Australians in my area. Quite simply, Count Suduko is right. First world countries are being invaded by foreigners who refuse to assimilate, and who tend to produce more children than their white counterparts. It is inevitable that if this continues to occur, whites will become a minority group, aliens in their own country.

    We are being invaded, much as the old colonialists invaded the natives. Hell, violence wasn't even necessary. They just established their own businesses, their own villages, extracted natural resources, outcompeted the natives, and hey presto, whitey wins. Now the shoe is on the other foot. There is no need for guns, when you can use stealth.

    Why are whites so docile regarding this invasion? Why do they allow their jobs, and the university places for their children, to be snapped up by foreigners? Hell, even the abbo's fought back against British colonialism. In fact, pretty much every colonized civilization, no matter how small, weak and pathetic when compared to the British Empire, resisted in some fashion. So why does whitey not resist? Are we truly more pathetic than the aborigines of old, who were willing to fight white guns with spears and stones?
    backinthesaddle likes this.
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  3. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    I don't know...
    Because you're a bigot?
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  5. Oniw17 ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum? Valued Senior Member

    Why don't you just start a competitive procreation group or something if you're worried about being out-reproduced?
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  7. DanceAndExplode Fear me, for I am Death. Registered Senior Member

    i totally understand how mountainhare is feeling. i went to Chinatown in Sydney and i got looked at so funny by so many Asian people. Probably coz i have red hair lol
    but yeh i felt really out of place too.. but im glad its not like that where i live. where i live every nationality seem to embrace each other and get along.

    And i dont think invasion is the best way to put it either.. it sounds very harsh and threatening. but guess that's the look you were goin for. i think multiculturalism is a good thing. But only when people embrace it and accept each other's differences. not like at Cronulla. thats an example of when it all turns pear-shaped and people cant accept other races.

    are you against multiculturalism? or just to the point where it gets too overwhelming and too much of a majority?
  8. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Perhaps this "invasion" isn't going to subjugate "whitey"? In North America, the indigenous tribes cooperated in large part until it was obvious they were being shafted. Then they fought back, and they lost. What was at stake then is different from now. They stood to start at parity and fall away to inferiority. White cultures of imperial association stand to start at superiority and fall in to parity. It's a huge difference.
  9. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Sucks to be you, I guess. I have never felt the necessity of being surrounded by monochromatic people to validate my existence.
  10. mountainhare Banned Banned

    On the bright side, I've never felt the need to believe in a radical religious dogma straight from the Dark Ages.
  11. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    I seriously doubt mountainhare is an indigenous Australian.

    Multi-culturalism is OK, if they all pretend they are all of the same culture - even though THAT so-called culture usurped the culture that WAS there.
    It's just fine for Europeans to live anywhere they want - and they even call it their own - when Asians (or anyone else) tries to move into another country, that's another story. If they do it illegally, they are aliens and should be stopped. If they do it legally, they are covert insurgetns and should be stopped. Don't let them buy the land we stole!
  12. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Still sucks to be you, since the mooslims are taking over your monochromatic idyll.

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  13. mountainhare Banned Banned

    So you admit that Muslims are attempting a covert takeover of foreign territory? Why on earth would they do that, when they have such shitho... umm, lovely 'native' land to dwell on?

    Not according to the Asians, the Indians, the Arabs, the Persians, the Turks, and the Africans. They fought fiercely to drive whites out of their respect countries/Empires. Why can't I be afforded the same luxury?

    Oh, wait, silly me. 'My' white ancestors conquered the territory I live on, whereas the Arabs, Indians, Africans and Asians not once in their life use war to gain territory. The poor bastards never used violence for means of conquest.
  14. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    Keep justifying your bigotry.
    You will regardless, so I won't bother arguing your inane "points".
  15. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Okay, teasing aside, perhaps you should look at this in a different way. Take the opportunity to learn a new language, a new culture.

    My two closest friends right now are a conservative Catholic Korean and an atheist lesbian liberal American.

    Where I worked previously, my favorite person to work with (because he was funny and sweet) was an Egyptian Christian who could only speak and understand Arabic and had never been anywhere outside the ME; I had to work really really hard at my Arabic to understand him, but it was worth it.

    A second person I liked was a young Saudi guy who worked with me (he even called me in India when I was on vacation).

    Superficially I have absolutely nothing in common with any of these people, but knowing them and interacting with them has enriched my life and outlook in many different ways.
  16. mountainhare Banned Banned

    Or perhaps I should move to China with my buddies, and set up 'Aussietown'. It will be populated by whites who eat Aussie cuisine, speak English in public, and show a total disdain for the Chinese peoples and their culture. And if any of the Chinese residents complain, I'll label them 'bigots', and ask them if they are native to Tibet.
  17. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    What a very silly fellow you are!

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  18. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    It's a shame to live life entombed and shrouded in such fear and hatred.
    I feel pity for you.
  19. mountainhare Banned Banned

    Is that an insult? Should I hit the 'Report' button?
  20. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member


    This shows what degree of understanding and education you have. Better get back to those books called HISTORY and just look up the MOORS for one example. I can go on but it would be silly seeing that you seem to know alot about HISTORY.
  21. alexb123 The Amish web page is fast! Valued Senior Member

    Mountain the reason this happens is because there are a few native Aussie's who benefit from cheap labour etc. There are also many native Aussie's who are prepared to let their society become fragmented and claim it to be a good thing.

    The very same has happened here in the UK. However, there is now a shift away from everyone claiming multiculturalism is the best thing since sliced bread. But the wake up call to what was already so clear only came about from the London bombings.

    I think Governments are playing a very dangerous game because any country is only built on it's people and if it's people are divided it could crack under the right circumstances.
  22. radicand Registered Senior Member


    Typical reply, you cannot discuss the problem or offer a solution. So, you resort to labeling. Very popular among the American left.

    Please spare me the routine.
    backinthesaddle likes this.
  23. mountainhare Banned Banned

    Do you know what SARCASM is?

    But why?

    Don't these Australians/British know that their society is being changed for the worse? Why do they allow themselves to become aliens in their own country?
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