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Yak is a term used by scientists to define pointless banter.

It is important to note that correct use of this term involves repeating it five or six times in rapid succession. This is especially important in it's written form (Ex: yak yak yak yak yak).
When spoken, each yak is accompanied by a hand gesture which moves in sync with the word. The gesture involves the forefingers extended forward and together so they are all horizontally aligned with one another. The thumb is also extended forward, but the hand is clamped where the thumb touches the line between the index and ring finger. When the speaker makes the "ya" sound, the forefingers are lifted upwards with the thumb down until they are at a 90 degree angle with each other (the profile of the hand forms an L shape). When the speaker finishes the word with the 'k' sound, the hand returns to the original configuration.

The alternate shortened versions of this term are 'yick yak' and 'yackitty yak'.


A yak is also a type of big hairy male bovine thing found in Tibet.