World Wide Web

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World Wide Web is commonly abreveated to WWW. The WWW are the documents on the internet. The internet is the connections between computers and the WWW are the documents that are transferred.

The primary use of the Web is the exchange of porn, it also has a small community of internet forums and blogs.

It is a well established fact that everything on the internet is true. Hence all discussions/debates on SciForums frequently provide links to various articles supporting their case.


The Internet was invented by scientists to exchange porn more easily. Later someone came up with the idea of using it to exchange ideas and information. Eventually, people came up with the idea of using it to sell useless junk to others. But it is still mainly used for porn.

More recently the idea was launched to give porn sites the extension .XXX (dot XXX) but this idea was rejected by the establishment because it would then become to obvious that the internet is mainly used for porn.


- The internet is controlled by the Illuminati.

- The Illuminati don't exist.

- The previous item on this list was written by a puppet of the Illuminati.