Meaning of life

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The "Crux of the Biscuit"

The Meaning of Life is a thoroughly illusory concept applied to an ordinary biological process by a maladapted sub-species of simians whose primary detrimental mutation illustrates itself in a tendency to speculate fruitlessly on the existence of some over-arching purpose for their collective and individual existence, as well as perpetuating the corollary delusion that the cosmos they inhabit was created as part of a grand scheme originating in the thoughts of some supernatural enitity or entities.

What It Means To Citizen Bacillus

Belief in this misrepresentation of the state of human affairs has given rise to a plethura of fictitious cosmolgies and the like intended to buttress all manner of demented imaginary rationales alleged to account for humanity's " special " status, as well as explain the utterly mundane** workings of the Universe.

Chief among these is the " Celestial Bureaucracy " - embodied in the existence of a diety or dieties [1] presumed to be responsible for both the creation of the Universe, and assigning the "extraordinary status" which humanity's peculiar propensity for introspection and imagination have deemed them worthy of - as well as an adversarial agency working toward a purpose contrary to that of the deity's, and assorted minions employed by both camps.

42 and all that

According to the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42. The question is: what is the ultimate question?

Note that the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy should not be mistaken for a textbook on philosophy. It is, in fact, a humourous science fiction novel.

The film

The 'Meaning of Life' is also the title of a film by Monty Python.

  • ** See #1 and #3