Intelligent Evolution?

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by thoughtcontinuum, Sep 10, 2008.


Intelligent Design vs Evolution

  1. I believe that everything was Designed by an Intelligance

    1 vote(s)
  2. I stick to the thoery of Evolution

    13 vote(s)
  3. I think it could be both

    5 vote(s)
  4. I think its niether

    0 vote(s)
  5. Dont really care

    4 vote(s)
  1. thoughtcontinuum Registered Member

    What do think about the debate between Intelligent Design vs Evolution? WHY?
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  3. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Intelligent Design has, up to now at least, been a thin front for a new Creationism. Since Creationism is patently nonsense, there's really not much to debate.

    Evolution is a scientifically established fact. There is so much evidence in favour of it that to argue that it doesn't happen is laughable.
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  5. thoughtcontinuum Registered Member

    well then what takes part in awareness? why does anything exist at all?

    so you saying everything appeared by random? why did the first single cell organism all a sudden become alive? what 'caused' it to become that way?
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  7. CutsieMarie89 Zen Registered Senior Member

    I think it's a waste of time to argue about it. Evolution by way of natural selection takes place there isn't any disputing that. No one knows how life started and all everyone has are just guesses. Formulate your own theory and leave it at that. I don't see why everyone has such long grueling national policy over it. It's like arguing about whether God or Zeus would win in an arm wrestling match. Fun to think about, but other than that why does it matter? When I was little no one had any really good theories as to how the dinosaurs died so our teachers would just say no one knows how the dinosaurs died. Why can't teachers just say that when it comes to the beginning of life on Earth?
  8. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    The brain, for a start.

    That has nothing to do with the theory of evolution. That's a physics question. or perhaps philosophy.

    No. Evolution is not a random process. Natural selection is very far from random.

    I don't think anybody knows that yet.
  9. thoughtcontinuum Registered Member


    The brain, that dont tell me nothin. it is for function. dont explain how or why it is aware.

    evolution 'exits' by natural selection. im not debating this. im just trying to understand why cant there be a Natural Intelligent Evolutionary Designer?? Why cant it be both??

    why is these things sooooo seperate???

  10. Norsefire Salam Shalom Salom Registered Senior Member

    Evolution, I regard as the process by which organisms evolve....but the question is, was our evolution guided or unguided? There's a very real possibilty that it was guided.

    James R: creationism and ID are extremely different, if you can't see the difference there is no need to debate.
  11. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    The brain has millions of electrical connections. Its function is to process information from the senses and to think. Maybe awareness is simply a result of the brain's complexity.

    Maybe it can. It depends on what kind of Designer you have in mind.

    I don't believe in rankings of species based on intelligence. If you were a cheetah, you'd say cheetahs are the "superior" species because they can run the fastest of any animal.
  12. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    There's no evidence it was guided.

    What's the difference?
  13. Norsefire Salam Shalom Salom Registered Senior Member

    However, it isn't an implausible idea and because of our vast complexity, it's logical to assume the possibility that our evolution was guided, perhaps by other alien beings. Yes it sounds crazy but it isn't IMO.

    What's the difference? Take a guess.
  14. thoughtcontinuum Registered Member


    good point..........
  15. camilus the villain with x-ray glasses Registered Senior Member

    Of course intelligence is what seperates us. It is what allows us to make statements about morality and be able to conceive of unalienable human rights.

    There's a difference?!?

    That we know of yes. and I believe there is life on other planets, and to think otherwise is ignorant wishful thinking. Now the question is whether that life elsewhere is INTELLIGENT. That is where Im stumped and my guess is as good as yours.
  16. thoughtcontinuum Registered Member

    uh, yeah i know that the brain is electrical. the brain is tooooooo complex to figure out why it is aware?

    The Thing That Is. The All. Some Higher Being that governs and makes it all possible. you can call it God......Ali.....Genie........Higher Power......Grand Universal Designer......what ever to call it. It Just Is.

    science does. there is always something higher 'evolved'. called the evolutionary chain. and we're at the top of intelligence, am i wrong?

    and concidering that we are at 'the top' then what or who is more then we?
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2008
  17. thoughtcontinuum Registered Member

    i can easily say that that if we were the only ones to 'exist as intelligant beings' then that would be an awful waste of space!!!

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    and the space that is out there is gianormous!
  18. camilus the villain with x-ray glasses Registered Senior Member

    it would lol. The view of us being the only life is ridiculous, and the view of us being the only intelligent life, although certainly not impossible, is like saying we're God's favorite.
  19. thoughtcontinuum Registered Member

    that question was sarcasim from me. i do think that there is more intelligence then just us. i know it. i feel it. it is there.
  20. thoughtcontinuum Registered Member

  21. codanblad a love of bridges Registered Senior Member

    living creatures are just correctly assembled chemicals. various chemicals mixing just the right way is what created the most basic form of life, which evolved.

    i put 'perhaps both' for the poll, given i can't explain where the big bang's stuff came from.
  22. codanblad a love of bridges Registered Senior Member

    and everyone knows that's the jews.
  23. thoughtcontinuum Registered Member


    i was trying to say that why did they all a sudden become aware? a cingal cell has to have some kinda awarensess to know what it is doing. right? what is that awareness where does it come from. that is the point.

    and how does the chemicals know 'how' to mix the 'right way.

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