A stroke of genius? The perfect solution to homosexuality.

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by Norsefire, Jul 19, 2008.

  1. Norsefire Salam Shalom Salom Registered Senior Member

    Not very recently I had suggested that the best way to eliminate homosexuality, in a manner where no one was harmed or persecuted, was to figure out how to identify homosexuals before birth and somehow "altering" them to ensure that everyone was straight.

    Of course, this generated mixed opinions. Most of them thought it was still wrong, because it changed the very basis of what that person was.

    So I came up with this. I heard that, for instance, gay men have female brains, in a male body.

    If we can isolate whether or not one has a "male" or "female" brain, could we not, then, ensure that those with female brains get female bodies?

    This is NOT tampering with them, and it also keeps the social order in regards to sex.

    IN FACT, isn't it actually helping them by placing the right brain into the right body?

    Of course, I don't know how the hell we'd do it medically, but simply assume we could.
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  3. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    Are we talking brain transfer?
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  5. Norsefire Salam Shalom Salom Registered Senior Member

    As I said, I wouldn't know the medical details of how it'd be done

    Think of it this way: ensuring that female brains get female bodies

    How is THAT wrong? It solves BOTH problems at once.
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  7. ashura the Old Right Registered Senior Member

    Well first off, not everyone thinks homosexuality is a problem that needs a solution.

    Second off, let me see if I get this straight. Changing what would naturally be a homosexual male into a heterosexual female... is not tampering?
  8. Norsefire Salam Shalom Salom Registered Senior Member

    No, not really. You aren't changing their personality or anything, it's the SAME EXACT THING, given the right body.

    After all, gay men are really "women" in terms of their brain, anyway, so what's the problem?

    A gay man is basically a heterosexual female. It's a female in a male body.
  9. ashura the Old Right Registered Senior Member

    I'm just pointing out that this is no way not tampering. You're changing the course of something natural for social reasons, playing god in a sense.
  10. Norsefire Salam Shalom Salom Registered Senior Member

    It's "fixing" what should've been in the first place.

    It's not tampering with them, it's just giving them what they should've had. That's beneficial to everyone.
  11. ashura the Old Right Registered Senior Member

    Oh c'mon, this absolutely tampering. It's akin to dealing with white supremacy by saying 'Hey! If we genetically engineer every fetus to be born with white skin, everything would be great.'
  12. Norsefire Salam Shalom Salom Registered Senior Member

    It's not even close.

    Not everybody is SUPPOSED to be white, if you do that that IS tampering.

    Do you understand what I'm saying? Gay men are really SUPPOSED TO BE women, it was just probably some problem so they got the wrong development.

    It's correcting what should've been as such.
  13. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    No. A female in a male body is a transsexual.

    Most gay men are quite content as men; they do not wish in any way to be a woman. Most gay women are quite content as women; they do not wish in any way to be male.

    I'm sorry you do not understand this.
  14. Vkothii Banned Banned

    Perhaps Norsefire does not understand that every human is part-woman and part-man. Many of us have chimaeric cells from our mother in isolated groups somewhere in our bodies.

    So being male only really means you got the right genes, and you got the right nutrients and hormones from mummy during gestation. Males can be born with a "different" outcome, because of genetic variation, and what happened during their gestation. Same with females.

    And children can be raised to believe they are the "other" sex, girls can be (in fact they have been) raised as male children, boys have been raised as girls.

    It works, in other words, but why?
  15. Reiku Banned Banned

    Now that is just ridiculous.

    How would such a plan be initiated and paid for? Can we even tamper with nature to such a degree? I don't even think we have an entire map of the human complexities, to have the technology to determine sexual desires.

    This certainly is not a stroke of genious.
  16. Reiku Banned Banned

    Here's a new suggestion. Let's tamper with the genes and make sure prats like yourself are modified from ever existing?

    Listen. Everything you say here, is just down-right erreneous. You have not the slightest understanding of anything covering this area. For instance, how the fuck do you come to the conclusion that gay men are supposed to be woman??? I mean, WTF AGAIN??

  17. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    It probably could be done, they call it eugenics. What I don't understand is why would you want to? It's great having such a variety of people in the world, it doesn't upset the social order at all. People are still giving birth at an alarming rate, and anyway who would cut our hair or do our decorating and theater?

    How about homosexuals intervene in the womb and make everyone gay? Wouldn't that be something? The "order" achieved would be similar.
  18. skaught The field its covered in blood Valued Senior Member

    Thats not true. A gay man, is mans brain, in a mans body, who prefers to sleep with men. Gay mens brains work the same way as a straight mans. Gay men excell at all the same things that straight men excell at. Gay men are visual by nature just like straight men. Everything about them is male. Ask most gay men if they would prefer to be a woman. They will say no. Sure some gay men get or want sex changes, but that is because they are transgender, or transexual, not homosexual.
    Every gay guy I have met loves his penis just as much as I love mine.
    Your assumptions are wrong. You are confusing gays with transgenders.
  19. skaught The field its covered in blood Valued Senior Member

    I wonder, Are you so obsessed with finding a "cure" for homosexuality because you are secretly gay and wish to god that there is something that can be done?
  20. Steve100 O͓͍̯̬̯̙͈̟̥̳̩͒̆̿ͬ̑̀̓̿͋ͬ ̙̳ͅ ̫̪̳͔O Valued Senior Member

    I would have to disagree with the basic notion that a gay is a man with a female brain.
  21. Spud Emperor solanaceous common tater Registered Senior Member

    No. You see Norsefire's little scenario is not about him being gay.
    He believes that so long as Kadark is the one taking it up the khyber, then he is still a bona fide hetero but his idol Kadark is actually a screaming queen. Which he finds a little disconcerting.

    Anyway, reality intervened and Norsefire found himself chockers up a left, slightly soiled, size seven oxford sock and lamented the poor fit. Baggy socks are not quite as erotic as Norsefool had fantasized ( well at least when the fantasy in question[Kadark] was still thought to be real.)
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008
  22. Jozen-Bo The Wheel Spinning King!!! Registered Senior Member

    Are you serious?

    WTF is wrong with you!!!

    Where do people like you come from?

    Who says homosexuality is even a problem in the first place?

    And if you do say so, can you support it with proof- that is, who does it harm?

    This idea makes me sick, its very offensive to that Holy word...LIBERTY!

    And that you espouse such nonsense could only mean that YOU are an enemy to that holy word...LIBERTY!

    GROW UP!!!
  23. EndLightEnd This too shall pass. Registered Senior Member

    I dont think nearly enough is known about consciousness to start talking about what comprises a male or female brain.

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