healthy diets

Discussion in 'Health & Fitness' started by Sgal, Aug 25, 2006.

  1. Sgal Principessa Registered Senior Member

    On the Orah show she had an episode where a nutritionist comes in and say's all the things that should be eaten like blue berries, canned pumkin, wild salmon, grains like oats and wheat.
    I also read somewhere and actually its been all over news and internet that you should eat 6 times a day. Break-fast something with fruits and carb's then a snack like nuts ar yogurt. Lunch would be sandwich or salad then another snack. Dinner should be proteins and grains. Then another snack. The food build up the metabolism so your body starts to lose weight.
    There is also the diet of eating backwards like dinner, lunch and break-fast. That I read work really well.
    Anybody know other diets?
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  3. Absane Rocket Surgeon Valued Senior Member

    The Oprah Winfrey Show

    say's? eaten? Though I suppose the latter is a word. But I hate it.

    it's... it has.


    Don't watch Oprah. It's garbage.

    Want to know what kinds of foods to eat and how to eat for your goals?

    Educate yourself on what weight lifters eat to get big and healthy. The good weight lifters will eat clean. They will eat to do one of three things: bulk, maintain, or cut.

    Bulking is eating more than they need to so they can put on muscle mass. Maintaining will be to keep their current weight and muscle mass. Cutting is when they want to loose weight and keep their muscle mass.

    All of them are clean (no greasy food or candy). They know what ratios of the macronutrients to take, when to eat food, and how to eat food.

    Drink lots of water.
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  5. pasquala Living on a Prayer Registered Senior Member

    Is Oprah still around?
    I thought Dr. Phill killed her.
    Did you know that VH1 voted her the number pop icon of ALL times?
    Does Oprah own VH1 too or did she but the network executive a new car?
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  7. pasquala Living on a Prayer Registered Senior Member

    Yeah Absane, I know! It was meant to say "buy" and not "but"
    So "but" me.
  8. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    The human metabolism is far more adaptable than some of these "experts" give it credit for. Of course we're not all the same so some of us have to abide by stricter principles, or at least different principles, than others.

    The basic nutritional requirements of Homo sapiens are well established, although they keep being refined with greater precision and accuracy. A balanced combination of amino acids for protein, which requires eating meat--or a synthesis of cooked grains and legumes with raw or cooked nuts and seeds. A set of vitamins and minerals that anyone can get from a sensible, non-fad, non-fussy diet with a reasonable balance of fruits and vegetables to augment the protein sources. The right number of calories to supply the energy needed by today's rather sedentary lifestyles and not to be stored as fat cells. Don't overdo the saturated fat, but if you do get your cholesterol measured every year. Enough fiber to keep the system moving. Much of the chemistry used to keep food from spoiling and to make it more palatable is perfectly healthy, but some of the food that looks like it's made out of plastic and will stay fresh without packaging through a nuclear explosion is probably not very good for you.

    If you're not getting everything you need you can take commercial supplements, they generally do the job and won't hurt you anywhere except in your wallet.

    Pumpkin is a particularly good source of some important vitamins, we mix it in our homemade dog food. Wild blueberries and wild salmon are good sources of antioxidants.

    Grains are starting to get a lot of bad press. The same people who say we shouldn't eat processed food because our Stone Age ancestors never developed the biochemistry to digest it safely don't seem to understand that cooking is also a "process" and our Stone Age ancestors developed it so recently that our biochemistry has had no chance to evolve an adaptation to it. It's impossible to digest raw grains because we don't have the enzymes and bacterial cultures that grazing species do, so we have to cook them or they just pass through as fiber. Some studies suggest that eating cooked grains depletes our body's supply of certain minerals. Whether or not that proves to be true, it's certainly true that millions of people cannot eat them. Wheat allergies are quite common (soybeans too, which are a legume rather than a grain) and a lot of us can only eat oats if everyone in the room wears a gas mask.

    Bear in mind that the biggest nutritional problem in America is obesity, not lack or imbalance of specific components in our diet.

    Avoid going on severe diets because the Stone Age human inside you interprets that as a famine and adjusts your metabolism to extract calories more efficiently from everything you eat, and to burn fewer calories by lowering your heart rate, curing your nervous tics, etc. Do it two or three times and your body will assume that the Stone Age has returned permanently, and you will spend the rest of your life getting fat on a 1,500 calorie diet. If you decide to lose weight, don't try to take it off faster than you put it on. A pound per month is a good sensible loss and only requires cutting out 100 calories a day. Your body won't be panicked into shifting into famine-emergency mode. By the time you've reached your ideal weight at this pace, you will be so used to eating a proper diet that you won't have to think about it any more.

    And get plenty of exercise. Whether or not you need it to regulate your weight.

    Absane, eaten is the dictionary-perfect past participle of to eat. "Have you eaten lunch yet?" I'm sure we all say it every day.
  9. RubiksMaster Real eyes realize real lies Registered Senior Member

    Yes, one of my biggest pet peeves is when people use the word "ate" as the past participle - "Have you ate yet?" or "I haven't ate anything all day!"

    Whatever you do, don't go on the Atkin's low-carb diet. Man, I'm glad that's losing popularity.
  10. Sgal Principessa Registered Senior Member

    I don't go on diets to lose weight, just to get healthier. Now I just have to add exercise to it. I am currently bordering underweight to average weight. I would never go on the atkin's diet because they make you eat too much red meat and that's unhealthy.

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