Nasa Foia Request: A Response!

Discussion in 'Astronomy, Exobiology, & Cosmology' started by btimsah, Apr 9, 2005.

  1. btimsah Registered Senior Member

    Okay, NASA finally responded to my FOIA REQUEST.

    Here is the response:

    Honestly, this answer does kinda surprise me. First of all, I will submit another request, MORE DIRECT THIS TIME. More broad as well! It never mentioned the last request about NASA being able to destroy or alter images. I assume their saying, "NO" to that as well. I also don't know if they are saying no lunar orbiter images are classified, or if no images of the Moon whatsever are classified. That's why I need to submit yet another request. I submitted this request in January, and got in the middle of April. So, who knows how long another one will take.

    Anyways, it was good to finally hear back, though I don't feel confident my request was accurately searched or understood. If you do a search on Google for the term, Clementine Images+Classified. You will get some forum talk about how thousands of those images of the Moon are classified.

    According to my FOIA response - that's not true. Right? Still not sure.

    I want to know exactly what NASA has released, and if it's available. So I will request to know if any images from the Clementine mission were classified. If all images have been released, can be readily seen, at HIGH RESOLUTION then my, or anyone elses claim that NASA is hiding these images would hold no water anymore.

    Unless such a thing is beyond the FOIA :-(
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  3. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member


    What do you think NASA is hiding?
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  5. btimsah Registered Senior Member

    Can NASA hide anything, and if so, what have they?

    I am trying to prove that evidence of alien structures or crafts are considered a threat to our national security, and thus classified.

    There is some evidence from former and in some cases maybe current NASA scientists/workers saying that it is classified.

    For example;



    And, so the question becomes is the potential that NASA is hiding such information, worth the effort to try and investigate?

    I hope so.

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  7. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    Not every discovery maybe is worth the publics' time.
    Hey, we discovered a new rock formation SE of XXX! Who cares?
  8. btimsah Registered Senior Member

    Then it would not be a discovery.....

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    (Nice try though)

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  9. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    Of course it would, just a discovery nobody is interested in, but some hardcore scientists.
  10. btimsah Registered Senior Member

    That's not a discovery.
  11. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

  12. btimsah Registered Senior Member

  13. phlogistician Banned Banned

    Before you send another request in, you need to work out exactly what you are going to ask, and be specific. Don't just ask about 'high resolution' as that is a rather meaningless term. Find out what resolution Clementine was capable of, and in what format, and ask about that. Don't expect to get a bunch of hi-res jpegs from NASA, because they don't work that way.

    Also, and it's a nit pick, make sure your grammar and spelling are 100% (there's a glaring grammatical error in your request). NASA will only have a fairly small number of people looking at FOIA requests, so don't give them any reason to not take yours that seriously.

    In the end though, I don't know what you wish to achieve. If there is a conspiracy, the people replying to you won't be part of it. If there are classified images, it will be on a 'need to know' basis, exempt from FOIA, and you won't catch them out that easily.
  14. btimsah Registered Senior Member

    You know what I wish to achieve, but you don't understand why I am trying to achieve it. I'll explain why in a bit.

    I missed the warning on their site about incorrect grammar leading to incomplete FOIA responses. They are legally obligated to answer my request, even if it does not contain perfect spelling or grammar so the nitpicky comment has little importance. It's nitpicky!

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    As for why I am submitting these; I wish to figure out exactly what NASA has done and can do. I've seen several images from NASA that were grossly edited in order to remove anything out of the ordinary. Is this off-the-book? Is it merely scientists at NASA erasing UFO'S so they don't have to answer non-scientific questions about them stupid things? I want to find official answers to the working procedures of NASA.

    It appears I might have to submitt 50 requests with one question each, because they don't seem to take much time reading them and answering multiple requests.

    Request 1. Does NASA consider photographs of non-earthly crafts/structures/lights in space a threat to our national security?

    If you get an official answer you can better determine the truth. I've never really thought NASA was involved in a conspiracy, but merely protecting our national security by hiding information that they were obligated to hide.

    I want to find that out for sure. I think it's worth it!

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  15. phlogistician Banned Banned

    Well, yes and no. If NASA get a request which is badly worded, contains grammatical errors, and isn't specific, the people handling the requests, who are normal human beings, may give yor request less attention than you think it deserves. That doesn't get you any further, does it?

    Like I said, the people fielding these requests would not be part of any conspiracy, if there was one. They wouldn't be covering anything up, they would be telling things as they see them. They are administrators, not Illuminati.

    I don't think you have. I just think you don't fully understand how those images are created. NASA do not take digital snaps for your perusal. They gather scientific data. That data may then get processed into an image for the public, so they can see what their tax dollars are being spent on. But the jpeg is not what the probe gets sent off to do, and the image is not used for science, it's a by-product. You must understand this before going any further with your crusade. You need raw data, and the tools to analyse it.

    I used to work with visiting NASA scientists, and they didn't go around editing their data, in fact, that would have been very bad science. The problem here is that you pre-suppose there's evidence, and when it's not there, you have this conspiracy theory to account for the lack of evidence. Maybe, just maybe, you're wrong?

    That's one approach. Another is to start a PhD in a related field, and request some data. Do some real research?

    'Non-earthly' lights are called stars, so no, I don't think NASA are scared of stars. 'Structures', are these planets? Asteroid belts? Nebulae? 'Crafts'? I think you mean 'craft', not 'crafts', unless the aliens are weaving and turning wood. Like I said, phrase your requests specifically, with thought and care, and try not to come across as a woo woo.

    So why is it just NASA that is able to control all of this information? Why hasn't a single world goverment tried point scoring and confirmed that the USA is hiding something? That part of your conspiracy doesn't fly, all world govts agreeing on something.
  16. Silas asimovbot Registered Senior Member

    This is not a Freedom of Information Act request. This is the equivalent of sending a FOIA request that states: "Was there a government conspiracy to assassinate President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1963, and cover it up? Was the mafia involved?"

    The Freedom of Information Act does not in fact imply that the government or any agency is going to be automatically "free with information". What they are supposed to be free with is documentation. Go to zion's Black Vault site and pull up what his FOIA requests have dug up. You get every bill and every invoice and every little bit of paper that needed a signature, but in between all that, you will find actual documents and memoranda.

    Now. In this case what you are trying to discover is if images were classified. What you should have asked for was all the NASA internal memoranda regarding the photographic results from the Lunar Orbiter Mission (if that's the kind of thing they provide, and I'm not sure that they do).

    The memoranda you receive will include a great deal of garbage that you really don't have any interest in, but ultimately you will find the real stuff. Now, looking at the FBI FOIA site they have a paragraph about deletions: "The deletions are made, in general terms, to protect national security, personal privacy interests, the identity of confidential sources, and law enforcement techniques."

    So look at the black vault documents. You will see all sorts of black line censorship all over it. Ultimately you realise from the context that everywhere there is a black line, is where someone's name was written - or other information that would have revealed who the person was. Say they were doing nerve drug experiments at a hospital. There are memoes stating that the experiments are being conducted publicly under different premises from the actual reason for the experiment. The director of the hospital is fully cognisant of the true reason for the experiment. But his name is obliterated. Not only his name, but the name of the hospital, otherwise it would be easy to identify the individual. The purpose of the FOIA is to give you an insight into what happened and when it happened and occasionally how it happened - but not who it happened to or made it happen.

    Out of all the stuff I examined on the Black Vault Mind Control section, there was only one part that struck me as being of interest, and that was the censorship of the ______ machine.

    Here's the clue. It's not someone's name or the name of an institution, so no personal privacy issues. Clearly there are no law enforcement or source protection issues (it's not an FBI file anyway). That leaves National Security.

    That's how you find out if there are National Security issues in the non-publication of Nasa photographs. Not by asking them!
  17. Maddad Time is a Weighty Problem Registered Senior Member

    How do you know they were edited, and how you know that unedited versions were not released, and how do you know this was the motive for editing even if it was edited?

    NASA's got legitimate work to do. Sometimes it has to waste its time and our money responding to cranks.

    Which one person at NASA is NASA? Is his opinion the same as every other person's at NASA? The question is crank because it asks for an opinion, not a document, and as such would not be covered under the FIA. "One down, 49 to go" sighs the clerk responding to your letter.

    Then go to school and learn how to communicate.
  18. btimsah Registered Senior Member

    You are not worth the time..
  19. btimsah Registered Senior Member

    Thanks Silas for the information. Maybe the missing word in the FOIA request is TIME machine. LOL.. As for a request.. would this work?

    "Are there any documents on extraterrrestrial vehicles or structures which have been censored, destroyed or edited in order to protect the National security"?
  20. Balerion Banned Banned

    First of all, Btismah, the last line you wrote won't work. Do exactly as Silas said: ask for the documentation and internal memoranda regarding the photographs taken by the Mars Rovers. Maybe you could be more specific, but I'm afraid you'd lose the meaning of the question if you delved further than that.

    Ok, secondly, do you honestly think you'll get an answer you like? Say you can't find the smoking gun, or even the smoke. Won't you just figure that you weren't given "all the documents?" To me it seems that you've already got it in your head that they're hiding their knowledge of aliens, so would you believe anything to the contrary? I think think before you ask these questions--or at least before you jump headlong into whatever (if anything) you receive back from them--you should seriously evaluate yourself.

    What I mean is, America uses the Innocent until proven guilty method in court because it works better than anything else. You have already decided NASA's guilt, or at least their guilt by association. You've already decided that aliens have been to Earth in some capacity and NASA has full knowledge of it, pictures even! Any science has to be objective, Btismah. Sure, the scientist may think something is going to happen when he mixed chemical X with chemical Y, but when nothing happens he will accept it and move on.

    Just...please, be a little more open-minded to the theory that maybe we don't know as much about alien life as you think we do. Maybe we don't have pictures, maybe we don't have a crashed disk in a hanger at Area 51. It is fine to think we might, but to be as eager to blow the lid off of some invisible conspiricy will only hurt your noble and rightful journey to find the truth.

    Just be ready to accept it, no matter what it is.

    JD out
  21. btimsah Registered Senior Member

    If you had seen and studied as much UFO/NASA data as I have the truth would be obvious to you. Unfortunatley.. nobody can be told what the Matrix is.. lol

    I started out unbiased, but as I kept studying the different cases, responses, and blah blah regarding UFO'S and NASA the only answer that makes sense is that they DO KNOW. Maybe when I write a book about all of this you can read it and see what I mean.

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  22. Silas asimovbot Registered Senior Member

    btimsah, if you have studied NASA data, then you ought to know better than us what to ask for.

    This is a question about the documents and what may or may not have happened to them. The people who handle FOIA requests haven't the faintest bloody idea.

    "Are there classified and/or edited documents" is not a question you can ask of the FOIA departments of the Government. It is a question you can ask your Congressman.

    Did you even read the NASA's FOIA Guide?
    The request must be in writing. No telephone requests will be accepted. If you do not know the exact title of the document you are seeking
    [emphasis mine], you should provide a reasonable description of the documents. The more information that you can provide about the document, such as its author or date, the more expeditiously your request will be processed.
    They do not answer questions, nor are they required to, at least not to ordinary members of the public. That is what Congress is for. Under the FOIA, they will locate and issue documents. As to whether those documents were censored, whether photographs were edited, and the reasons why, is something you have to deduce for yourself from the documents you receive.

    EDIT: Incidentally, btimsah, are you American, in fact? I got the impression from your posts that possibly you are not.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2005
  23. Balerion Banned Banned

    Another dramatization. You've done no real studying. What you've done is search the web for pictures, calling shadows bridges, called lens glare light from alien craft, called the American flag a UFO...I've seen your "Study" for as long as I've known about you being on sciforums, and it's all random, uninformed shots in the dark.

    My God, man, you can't even phrase a proper question for your FOIA request without help!

    Stop pretending to something you're not. Your research goes no further than arguing about shadows on sciforums.


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