Views on the Iraq war

Discussion in 'World Events' started by do7ani, Apr 29, 2003.

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  1. do7ani Registered Member

    These are just headlines, maybe we can then go into more details later on by the help of the members

    1) Do not feel sad because it is in the Quran that when a (nation) starts destroying the world and starts being unjustice then Allah will destroy them as well.
    One sign is that it is the first time in a decade where western (governments) say NO to america.

    2) To win in this war (the long time war) there are certain conditions to be followd. These conditions are shown in the following ayyah;
    æóáóíóäÕõÑóäøó Çááøóåõ ãóä íóäÕõÑõåõ Åöäøó Çááøóåó áóÞóæöíøñ ÚóÒöíÒñ 40 ÇáøóÐöíäó Åöä ãøóßøóäøóÇåõãú Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö ÃóÞóÇãõæÇ ÇáÕøóáóÇÉó æóÂÊóæõÇ ÇáÒøóßóÇÉó æóÃóãóÑõæÇ ÈöÇáúãóÚúÑõæÝö æóäóåóæúÇ Úóäö ÇáúãõäßóÑö

    3) Jehad can be by your self (fight), money, praying and by emotionally be with your brothers in Iraq.
    Angles will inshallah be helping the muslims. One of the signs is the farmer that shot down an american military helicopter.

    4) Recalculation has to be done in our thoughts when we see the west (people not governments) stand against the war. This only means that the nature of (loving peace) is in everyone , they only need someone to guide them to Islam. We as muslims havent done our best to send them the message of Islam.

    5) Lots of economical experts say that this war the americans are going through is a lose lost one, even if they got handle on Baghdad they will not stay for long.

    6) In pointing out to some nations, we were surprised that some people are happy that americans are entering Iraq and thier exuse is that this is for (Iraq Freedom). First of all how can freedom be forced in such a way by killing them ?! Second how can you be happy when brothers of Islam are being killed ?!

    7) One of the sheikhs pointed out to an (islamic symbol) that said Jihad should be against Saddam while this same person was clapping for saddam when he was fighting an islamic nation (Iran) ?!
    We should rewrite the mentalities of such people in the Islamic nation.
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