What *REALLY* makes me MAD!!!

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by Hilarion, Apr 9, 2003.

  1. Hilarion Registered Member

    1. The way in which we have treated the animals (and the planet)
    ....(not to mention each other)

    2. The fact that it is now 2003 and we still haven't even solved the problem of unfair distribution of wealth

    3. Women who use their charms to break a man's heart (bitches)

    4. Men who use their strength to break a womans spirit (assholes)

    5. The 'education' system (?!?!)

    6. The increasing numbers of people who just 'don't give a shit'

    7. The USA (not it's people, but it's government)

    For supposedly 'intelligent' beings, we have got a lot to answer for.
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  3. sargentlard Save the whales motherfucker Valued Senior Member

    Oh boy, another angst thread.

    ****What makes me mad********

    1) Ignorant people

    2) Ignorant people who laugh when they are told they are ignorant.

    3) Inconsiderate people

    4) People in general

    5) That World seiries is called The World Series....what the hell is international about that series.

    6) People who scoff at intelligence.

    7) High School...it's the Satan's breeding ground for future minions.

    8) The sad future that awaits us.

    9) Computers.
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  5. Hilarion Registered Member

    I already have, Salty my friend - but only in *my* universe....
    It's up to *you* to change *yours*....

    Your hesitance to 'take charge' of your life is because you don't know who you are just yet. I'm not trying to be smart - we all go through this - problem is, some of *never* find out.

    "Forget not that there are no little things. The hand outstretched when the need is great pulls hard on the heartstrings of him who is down, for the heartstrings of the fallen are fastened in the Heart of God."


    Love Always
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  7. sargentlard Save the whales motherfucker Valued Senior Member

    oh crap..you didn't think i was calling you ignorant did you? i was just also listing what makes me mad....sorry for the misunderstanding if there was any. I meet a lot of ignorant people in day so i was just listing them down.

    Sorry again if you took any offense.

    Also i do know what i am, i just refuse to except it because i know i can be better so i stay in perpetual state of limbo where i keep changing from personality to personality to suit daily moments and situations while retaining a core one for identification.

    ****Also shows such as a Access Hollywood and E.T make me mad...god these shows are so shallow and glossy it makes you wanna puke at times.******
  8. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    See alot of people feel like you, they also call the NBA champions the "world" champions, and a friend of mine was like "hey! how do they know?"
    Its simple, the mlba and the nba are the WORLD leagues, they just happen to be held in america. If you are from new zealand and you are good enough at baseball you'll be in the mlba.

    Anyway, I like your list hilarion, but I like the us government, find them interesting at least, they are the pinnacle of human progression, it might be ugly but I think its the most interesting aspect of the human species and aliens would agree with me..... I assume.
    But yeah, I wish the human species would just die already...
  9. Hilarion Registered Member

    I'm sorry, Sargentlard, I was replying to Salty's comment, not yours (yours is pretty spot on

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  10. Persol I am the great and mighty Zo. Registered Senior Member

    1) The fact that is is April and it is freeling snowing outside
    2) The fact that is is April and it is 30C
    3) The fact that is is April and is snowing and is 30C and my building has the heat turned off because IT IS APRIL
    4) The fact that the weather god obviously lost his calendar
  11. Salty Registered Senior Member

    I do alot Ive worked at Jstart for one.

    What gets me mad
    1) Post about stuff that gets you mad..
    2) Irony.
  12. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    Why does irony make you mad? Who are you? alanis morrisette?
  13. Persol I am the great and mighty Zo. Registered Senior Member

    "Who are you? alanis morrisette?"
    Maybe we could take this time to explain why none of those things in the song were ironic.
  14. Hilarion Registered Member

    Salty, no offence, but if reading this makes you mad, then why do you do it ? Somehow, I get a sneaking suspicion that you aren't very old - unlike the good Doctor and I

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    .... but when you get a bit older, you will discover some amazing things - like;

    when something makes you angry, you either fix the problem or, if you can't, then you leave it alone and let someone else who has more experience fix it.... that way, you can get on doing something else that you are better at....

    Love Always,

  15. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    I'm not old, its just that I have the lifestyle of a retired person, or retarded, whichever, the product is the same, a 19 year old with alot of thinking time on his hands

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    I remember thinking there was one line in that song that almost resembled irony, but then I realised she was saying "a no smoking sign on your cigarette break" and not "a no smoking sign on your cigarette plate" (meaning ashtray) a no smoking sign on an ashtray would sort of be ironic I guess, but not on your cigarette break, a cigarette break isn't a place so it is quite likely you would see a no smoking sign while on a break, nothing even strange about that.
  16. Whyatt Thrash Indecent Registered Senior Member

    I think that Alanis-song had a deeper meaning. Like how ironic it was that none of the things she sang about were ironic.

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    What gets me mad... Me not having a beer right now!

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    The news makes me mad, so I try not to watch that much.
  17. Hilarion Registered Member

    Gee, Doc... you ARE a younger version of me..... looks like you were right! (on one count, that is....you haven't seen *me* in front of the mirror yet.........

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  18. Julixa Registered Senior Member

    Your post showed such a lack of historicity and historical knowledge I feel like not even responding. Look at the the failed communist systems; people who wanted an "even" distribution of wealth. That is not the nature of life. Life is inherently unfair. Not everyone is the same nor should everyone be treated the same or respectedin the same way or given the same amount of money. If you have a problem with the reality of life, visit north korea or china for awhile. You will learn.

    "women who use their charms to break a man's heart" (bitches)

    Let me explain something else to you
    People will do to you what you let them do regardless of the sex.
    If you let a human being walk all over you man or woman, they will do it. Tis the nature of life and history shows it again and again. As for women using their "charms" what does that mean?
    Not wearing a bra? having sex on the first date? flirting? what does using her charms mean? I thought love was a mutual respect of gentleness and patience and thoughtfulness. How could in that respect either a man or woman use their "charms" unless the person they are "charming" has selfish motives of using the "charming" person for their own agenda instead of helping them along their path of life.

    "Men who use their strenth to break a woman's spirit."

    This is the year 2003. Have you ever heard of the cops?
    Why not file a complaint against the individual. IT is against the law to deprive someone of their free will and your right to have your own opinions and life is guaranteed by the Constitution. If you have such an insane need for "love" that you would give up your basic Constitutional rights, you need to get into Therapy because it is not normal; in fact it is sick.

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  19. Salty Registered Senior Member

    I was just kiding sheessh. See it was like "I hate reading post about stuff I hate" Which is ironic because im contributing to it. So thats why it is the secound thing. I guess I need to refine my humor

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  20. willson13 The Villiage Idiot Registered Senior Member

    Everyone has a host of things that they hate. There is no one "Universal Hate List". If one person hates it, another one loves it. Except for maybe Martha Stewart, and Linda Tripp. But they're besides the point!
  21. Hilarion Registered Member


    one can always dream......

    Yes, you have certainly brought *that* to my attention....

    Heaven forbid the thought...

    Of that I have no doubt, though I question the usefullness of knowing to how to bite my tail... but please - "Show and Tell"

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    Please, we have guests...(!)

    yeh.... but next time, can you wear those shoes with the really pointy heels ?

    please, my dear, there are people watching... don't worry - I feel completely at ease with you in this area...

    you might like to consider the answer to *that* next time you meet some real charmer who takes you home, gets drunk, rapes and bashes you senseless...

    yes...I shall endeavour to keep a rolled up copy of it by my bedside....

    doh! - now *everyone* knows!..... oh how embarrasing!
    you didn't catch ME telling everyone about your hairy nipples or thick ankes......<sigh>

    as for your beloved "Constitution"......well.....better take enough copies with you for Judgement Day - when the Almighty prescribes HIS "therapy" for you, you're gonna need them!

    Love Always

  22. sargentlard Save the whales motherfucker Valued Senior Member

    Friends make me mad, they are more trouble then they are worth.

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