Practical jokes

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by Jerrek, Mar 23, 2003.

  1. Jerrek Registered Senior Member

    So, being a college student and a shit disturber, I am rather fond of playing weird or unusual practical jokes on people. Whats the best joke you've played on someone? Best, weird, odd, bizarre, lame, stupid, you name it, and I want to hear about it.

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    What have people done to YOU?

    Now let me see. Some of my buddies and I had a little party going one night last year. Nothing big really, just us four guys and three girls. I dunno how it started out or something, but I think I pissed the guys off or something and they kind of tied me to a tree outside. Naked. In front of the girls.

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    My revenge? Well, I'm kinda sorry I did this because it did earn me a little reputation and people are wary of me, but I didn't plan it out like this. What happened was one of the guys finished in the physical activities center on campus with his team and were heading for the showers. Being the little shit disturber I am, I decided I need to shower too.

    I got in, and headed for my friend. We started talking (this is community showers, about 6 guys at a time) and we were just starting to wash when I grabbed him around the neck and kissed him on his lips. He started to panic and tried to push me off but I refused to let go, and this is where it went downhill. He slipped and dragged me down. Both of us grabbed the air and managed to knock over the guys beside us, which also made wild grabs and knocked over the guys beside them... A really big mess. Not nice at all. More skin contact than I cared to have that day.

    I almost got beaten up that day.

    Now it is your turn.

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  3. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    Used to be this fellow always bragging about his Austin Healy. Only it was in the shop, the whole semester. By the next semester everyone was tired of hearing of it. So he got it out and the next day he found it "parked" between two trees, with 6" to spare between bumpers and the trees. Took him 3 days to get enough people to move it.
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  5. Pollux V Ra Bless America Registered Senior Member

    I was at a restaraunt with some friends the other day, and when one of them left one of my other friends poured a ton of salt into his drink (a kiwi daquri), mixed it up, and then poured even more salt into his water. The guy came back, drank his daquri, freaked out, and then drank his water. It was pretty funny

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    My sister and I were fighting one time, and she closed the door into the computer room and I couldn't get in. Being the adament problem solver that I was, I cut the power to her half of the house heheheh...

    I can't leave my binder in the lunch room unattended or else my friends will stuff as much food inside of it as they can. Seriously, all of us are terrified of what could happen in that room. People throw burgers at each other...

    My whole school used to have an intranet which allowed computers, through DOS, to communicate with each other. Someone I knew managed to tell all the computers in the library to print out pornography. Needless to say, they quickly cracked down on him.
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  7. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    In my high school days, my friend's older brother and his friend had a go-round.

    It seems they had a double date for the night. Before leaving, B (my friends bother) took some sleeping pills from his mothers pill bottle. On the way, they stopped at the store and bought some sodas. B promptly put them in his friends (C) drink while C was in the bathroom. By the time the dates were picked up, he couldn't keep his eyes open and slept through the date.

    A few weeks later they tried again. Only this time C brought some Feenamints and a box of Chicklets. Chicklets are chewing gum with a candy shell and Feenamints are a laxitive that looks the same. While chewing the gum, B asked C for some and was given the Feenamints in the Chicklets box. Needless to say that date was a dud for B. His time was spent elsewhere...
  8. Lord_Tigersloth Registered Senior Member

    I got told about this amusing one! A bunch of students went to some roadworkers, and told them that a bunch of students would be masquerading as police. They then went to the police and told them a load of students were doing fake roadwork and digging up the road! MWHAHAHAHAH!

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  9. lixluke Refined Reinvention Valued Senior Member

    One April fools day, I set up a trap for my younger .
    I was the regular open the door, and a bucket of water falls on you joke.
    It was a bitch setting it up.
    I had to make sure:
    a) the bucket flipped over so the water would fall straight down on whoever opened the door.
    b) the bucket stayed in place so that only the water fell when the door opened.

    I set it in the bathroom door.
    I wondered if he was on to me because he never went in.
    Eventually, my mom came knocking on my door upset.
    Everybody was upset, and I had to clean up the mess.
    Apparently, nobody got the joke.
    I thought it was funny. I was just happy the trap worked perfect.
  10. Jerrek Registered Senior Member


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    That is cool. Never done that. Come on guys, more stories please...
  11. Tallguy That's the way it is... Registered Senior Member

    In school, I was kind of a "rebel nerd". The teacher's didn't really like me, but the students did. One of their computers had some icons disappear and blamed it on a virus. They blamed the virus on me... I figured since I was getting blamed anyway, I would go ahead and make one. For the whole rest of the day, they could not access any of the drives in the computer room

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    heheheh... The virus was nondestructive, though. It was just a command I made and actually called it Virus.Com and put it in their Autoexec.Bat files. It pointed INT 13 to NULL, so the computer didn't know what to do with drive access calls.
  12. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    I onced worked at this place in the oil patch. The electrician was called out from the bunkhouse at 2 in the morning to go fix some stuff. Before he left, he shorted out the air conditioner thermostat. I woke up around 430 in the morning, freezing my butt off. Shivering and shaking, I managed to get my clothes on and head down to the galley. Thermostats wouldn't shut down the airconditioners, so I stuck a broom handle in the outside door. Bad move! Before I could get back to the table, the floor was wet, the walls, the ceiling, all from condensation.

    The next day was get the electrican day. Some one short sheet his bed, which was the top bunk. I stuck soda cans between the mattresses. Someone else loosened all the screws holding up his reading light over the bed. Someone else put sardine oil in his sweat band of his hard hat. Someone else knotted 50 knots in his shoe laces and hung them from the flag pole. Someone else greased the inside of his belt. Some one else put matchsticks in the key hole of his lock.

    Fun fun fun...
  13. SwedishFish Conspirator Registered Senior Member

    i haven't done any actual practical jokes. the day before my brother was to return to academy i painted his toenails red in his sleep. he thanked me by flipping my bed over with everything on it. i held down the spray hose nozzle on the kitchen sink with a rubberband and forgot about it until a very wet angry brother was chasing me around the house. then there was the time he hung all my dolls/stuffed animals from my ceilding in nooses with suicide notes taped to them...too young to retaliate.
  14. Charles Fleming Registered Senior Member

    A lad once put his clipped toenails in my bed, so i went and pissed on his floor.

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    He was in the room when I did it, but I had my back to him.

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