The Education Deception

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by angela222, May 17, 2011.

  1. angela222 Registered Member


    Whats wrong with the system?

    It doesn’t take a genius to understand that the world system doesn’t work.
    Many countries have a westernized educational system that has now been established for many years, where governments spend untold millions of dollars to educate each new generation.

    Through the education system, people are made to form opinions based on what the system teaches them, and are taught not what to think, but how to think.

    The goal being this: to conform the person through the system, to become an educated ‘drone’.

    Throughout different nations, this is achieved through powerful and corrupt conspirators who are gradually increasing their purposes in the world and infiltration of society through influential sectors to form a One World Government. The key influential sector through which people are distracted and deluded is the education system which is presented to them as a “good and the right thing” through the use of fine sounding and logical arguments.

    The main purpose of education should be to make a person a competent thinker whereby they can attain independence through that competence and also so that they can make a difference in the world for improvement. However the mainstream education system is rigged in order to turn human beings that can think for themselves and be independent into graduated robotic slaves for the purpose of distracting them from the truth and to be mentally conformed so that powerful and corrupt conspirators (Governments) can achieve their goals through them on the planet (which goals are control of the masses). Basically the whole system is designed in a way to get people to serve them. When people prioritize their submission to any ruler over personal freedom and independence (not ‘democratic’ independence) then they are weakened in the ability to become truly independent – that is, to have the freedom to be an individual, free from the requirements of the system)
    The non-democratic ‘enforced’ education system produces a people are always learning, but never seem to come to a true knowledge of truth.
    How this is all achieved:

    How the Education System takes control of the masses:

    Through each successive generation, people have become ‘dumb and dumber’, as the students grow in an ever-increasing and ever-changing environment, that prioritizes the economy and education or getting a career.

    The is achieved in the world through the following formula:
    "A combination of deception + restriction + distraction (through time wasting methods) in order to create a foolish, weakened, dependent and deluded people for the sole purpose of control"

    This formula is achieved through the education system in the following ways:


    Deception is achieved through the following means:

    No synthesis between and within subjects:

    Synthesis is the ability to understand how parts of a given thing connect with each other into the whole system so that you can then effectively produce or create the very thing for which any given thing exists. For example synthesis in music is understanding how notes, rhythm and instruments connect or communicate with each other so that one can then on their own initiative write their own music or play an instrument.
    • School subjects are taught in such a way where only the most basic concepts of a subject are taught without any synthesis to the parts that make up that subject. The result is basic knowledge of a subject whereby it is useless. Here are a few examples of what I mean:

    • Geometry and technics are taught separately at basic level and without any synthesis between the two subjects so that you don’t understand how to build a house for instance. The result is further education to get a job so that you can get a mortgage, where you can work 30 years of your life to pay off a house that would only cost $10,000 to build, if you had learned bricklaying for about a week instead of years of technical study etc.

    • Music is taught in such a way where only basic concepts are taught, such as learning a few notes, singing a few songs, clapping to rhythms etc… but you are not taught how to play an instrument properly or how to write your own music which could prove useful later in life. Likewise this is why you have students who have been learning French at school for 4 years and can’t even speak the language making it useless. Without synthesis, any knowledge learnt becomes pointless or without any real usefulness and is ineffective.
    Education over wisdom:
    • Emphasis and recognition is given to being educated rather than to being wise. The two are not the same. Education is knowledge and sometimes useless knowledge. Wisdom is the right application of true knowledge to bring about a righteous result. This is why there are so many educated fools who may have a college education with well-paying jobs but have no understanding about individuality or what life is all about or who get themselves into a lifetime of debt.
    • Much of education is guided by naturalism. This means that students are conformed to a mindset where anything outside of this limited understanding doesn’t exist, and that what the system teaches people is all there is, and surely people who are ‘experts’ are always correct.

    • Since the prevailing assumption of the education system is naturalism, people are influenced to believe that the world system (get a career, mortgage, keep the ‘feel-good’ factor high, etc) is all there is. People are dissuaded from asking questions such as:

    “Who am I”
    “What is the meaning of life”
    “Why am I here”

    The main lie is conforming people to believe that the whole reason for being alive therefore is to make money through a good education, and obtain material goods so that you live a comfortable lifestyle – after all you deserve it as you have worked so hard so that you can get something that isn’t guaranteed. This is achieved by playing on the natural selfishness already inherent in mankind.

    Questions like ‘why should I get a mortgage for 30 years to pay for a $300,000 house which costs only $10,000 to build are often looked upon with disdain by ‘experts’, and much conjecture is given in response to these questions. However, people in eastern Europe have shown the system doesn’t make sense, as they build their luxury houses for 15,000 Euros, and don’t even have to work more than a few hours a month, because their parents also built them houses in their spare time (information correct as of 2011). Parents actually build (good quality) houses for their kids in their spare time, which do not take long to build, so their kids don’t need to waste 30 years of their life paying for a mortgage etc.

    Deception in books:
    • Most school subjects taught aren’t real knowledge but ultimately irrelevant information.

    • Imposed text books are often written by people who are themselves blinded by the system.

    • Much information taught through textbooks isn’t accurate information but contains purposely engineered inaccuracies and suppressed truth for the sake of financial gain and political correctness etc.
    Unnecessary prolongation of studies:
    • Much learning is prolonged through the unnecessary repetition of already learned facts. For example, grammar can be taught in 6 months (non-intensively, about a few weeks if taught intensively), however the curriculum is designed in such a way whereby a series of grammar books will be imposed as part of a curriculum spread over a 4 year course. In this way students are kept at school longer (more tuition fees) and text book writers make more profit selling their 4 part series books that has to be completed over 4 years (much of which is repeated information) rather than containing all the information in one book. This is time wasting especially for a person that doesn’t even have plans to pursue a career related to a certain subject.
    Restriction is achieved through the following means:
    Mind control through pre-set rules
    • Since the goal is to produce graduated robots devoid of human independence and rationality, people are therefore programmed like computers to think in a certain way through preset rules. The program is to get people to accept certain beliefs as true without even considering if they could be false. This is achieved through reward and punishment. It goes something like this:

    • The only answer allowed to the following question is “blue”. So “What color is the (green) chalkboard? Blue, because every other possible or truthful answer has been ruled of limits from the start. If the rules have been preset then many correct or true answers have been pre-eliminated and if you don’t answer blue, then you are made to appear as a non-conformist or weird by the standards of the system. This is contradictory to true learning which seeks to explore truth through many different means.

    • Mind control means less freedom in interpretation and openness to other options. The NWO understand that a person can only interpret or operate in the boundaries of the permitted freedom given to them, so these boundaries are created by the educational system to restrict peoples motivation for seeking something beyond what is taught by the educational system.

    As a result, people have become more and more literalistic in their understanding of things; expect literalistic interpretations from others becoming devoid of any rationality in the process.

    Mind Control – how this is achieved:

    They (the Global Elite) are trying to create a people without:
    • Rationality
    • Common Sense
    • Reasonability
    • Sensibility
    • Independent analytical thinking
    • Natural emotion

    They are trying to create a people who:
    • Cant think for themselves outside the confines of the system
    • Who are politically correct
    • Socialistic
    • Conformists
    • Defiant of anything that opposes the politically correct system.

    Students are restricted and robbed of time they could use to seek quality knowledge, truth and their own interests through the following means:
    • Students are often oppressed by being made to participate in a curriculum they often may not want to or have no say in. If they don’t it affects their grades. Much of what they are made to participate in is usually meaningless. In this way people are denied the opportunity to learn what they really want and is useful to them.

    • Enforcement of irrelevant and involuntary subjects. Students are made to take up difficult subjects such as advanced maths and chemistry in order to get the grades needed to pursue a career that doesn’t even require knowledge of such subjects, such as law. Those that don’t enjoy a particular subject are made to learn it. This high-pressure system deceives one into thinking that they have to get a high mark to compete to make excessive money in corrupt professions.

    • Restriction through unnecessary workloads. As one progresses through high school, increasingly useless assignments are given which don’t really teach anything useful.

    • Most students (except the genuine lazy ones) are not at fault when they lack useful thinking skills. They are not being held back by their own laziness, but by direct oppression from a system with the power to punish them or put a bad mark on their transcripts if they don’t give up their individual pursuits of knowledge in favor of hollow superficial and useless schoolwork.
    Wrong criteria separation:
    • Students are not separated according to abilities and interests but by age. This means that well behaved or intelligent students are put in the same class with disruptive or disinterested ones, often of less academic ability. Equality and political correctness then has to be maintained by dragging up the slow learners and students that are not even interested at the expense of the smart ones. Separating students on the wrong criteria leads to incongruities and a breakdown of the system and its components. Less capable students then waste other’s time.

    • As a result, those that really want to progress and learn are put under further oppression and stress whereby they have to study extra hours to compensate for time wasted in school.
    Human rights and political correctness
    • Due to political correctness and human rights, teachers are now very limited in their methods of discipline and in what they can teach. They are forced to teach some things, and not allowed to teach others.

    • Both teachers and students have to suffer when the idiotic and delinquent minority ruins it for the rest.

    • In an effort to be multicultural, politically correct and eclectic, the class curriculum has become furthermore shallow and disorganized in their effort to teach students a global viewpoint. Topics are taught a little at a time, and never do teachers spend time to help students integrate the pieces into a coherent picture that can be used or built upon.

    • The world’s ways of political correctness, friendliness, and human rights is a hindrance and preventing anything that is right and true from being released and accomplished in the world. In this way people miss out on what is important, right and true because they have been subject to a system that has conformed them in such a way whereby they are afraid of upsetting anyone or going contrary to the flow believing this is a righteous thing. Political correctness isn’t the language of God but the language of a world seeking to protect their selfishness, through a corrupted form of godliness.
    DISTRACTION (through time wasting methods):
    Students strength, energy, vitality and precious time is eroded by the wasteful components of the school curriculum.
    • Much in school concerns extra curriculum activities such as camps, drama, football, basketball, games, student council meetings to name a few which could be time spent on real world activities instead of being wasted in these trivialities.

    • Quality of information has been sacrificed for quantity of information. Much of what is taught or imposed on students through assignments is random, useless, meaningless and therefore time wasting. As a result, academic inflation and the devaluation of information has turned intellectual ambition into apathy.

    • Non-strategic teaching methods means more time wasting, more repeating the same facts.

    • This overload only prevents students from finding the valuable time to learn anything they have learnt well enough so that they can then apply it!

    • Separating students on the wrong criteria and enforcing them to do subjects they do not want to do, restricts those that do want to learn because less capable and disinterested students causes them to misbehave and waste the others time.
    The Result
    • Due to all these factors, social, financial, academic and intellectual dysfunction results for students, parents and teachers causing them to be dependent upon the system and isolated from the real world.
    • Since no synthesis is taught between and within subjects and since much of what is taught is useless for everyday living or survival, people leave school after spending 12 years there with no real skills to get them through life and be independent and are therefore made subject again to either go to college or University for a few more years to study something usually irrelevant to what they were taught at school (there are the exceptions of course where one must study specialized subjects at university which can’t be taught at school, but even much of these do not require much of the knowledge taught at school). Their memory of school becomes a vague memory of random, meaningless, and useless facts. It is like having a disassembled machine in front of you where the parts are just useless random metal parts and not knowing how to assemble the parts to make the machine work.

    • Dysfunction results due to the physical and mental stress that students suffer because of unnecessary overloading, time wasting, enforced conformation, and the substituting of real knowledge for useless knowledge.(students seem to understand this more than many adults). In order to “escape” students resort to watching T.V, taking drugs, delinquent behavior, and over-socialization which are things that only cause a student to further detract from learning what is truly needed in life, producing the perpetual time wasting conform escape conform escape vicious circle. This is actually the goal of the New World Order - their plan is to create a chaordic (order out of chaos) system, where people are either drones, or delinquent, this is for one reason only – control !

    • This cycle then induces the survival mode of life where in order to survive students are forced to take shortcuts and get by with the least amount of effort possible. Even this small amount of effort is too much and applied toward futile ends. The motive for studying is now just to sit for exams and pass them and not for genuinely seeking knowledge and retaining that knowledge thereafter. Knowledge which could be a useful and powerful thing is made into their source of distress and becomes the least of their priorities as they now have to do whatever is possible to regain the self-esteem, recognition, and peace of mind that is taken from them by the system (which also must be done within the confines of the system.) When you see a student, what you’re really seeing is someone low on ambition and initiative, but starving for recognition and self-esteem. These are symptoms of a system that is anti-life, anti-freedom (true freedom, not democratic ‘freedom’) and anti-individualism.

    • Since thinking for oneself and seeking one’s own truth and sense of morality is taken from them, their individualism is expressed through superficial means such as through eccentric clothes and hair, and the seeking of attention through varied and even inappropriate means. These superficial methods are all things that are still legal within the system. Once their individuality is broken, the student body splits then splits into two groups: those who conform and those who fail (according to the systems pre-conformed and preset definition of failure).

    • The ones that conform learn the rules of the game, no matter how illogical they are and play it through to the satisfaction of faculty. They learn to trust authority over their own potentials and initiatives as these have been suppressed, so they become robots very good at their tasks and are given a pat on the back for how well they fit the mold imposed on them. Many go to college/university, and absorb what’s fed to them well, and become academics with comfortable incomes and lifestyles. But, however wonderful that sounds, they are farm cows living the illusion that they are flying cows through their feel good factor and nothing more, because their energy, time and even money is robbed to give the farmer his spilt milk. Since they have been molded in a system of quantity over quality as a means of survival, they then carry this mindset with them through life and in their own careers; because they have been taught that there is no profit for the supplier in quality. These are the ones who have been conformed to believe through the “right track” fine sounding argument that life is all about working 9-5 and that it is perfectly logical to work 30 years of your life to pay off a house that only costs $10,000 to build. (bricks and cement) .These are the ones that become so detached from reality, common sense, and from what truly matters, that it usually takes a tragedy to wake them up (if they wake up) to what the meaning of life is and what is truly important.

    • The ones who do not conform fall behind unless they are clever enough to find another source of education that suits them more or they get a breakthrough doing something else. Their grades are mediocre as they are disillusioned with the system and no longer care about pleasing it. Chances of graduation and pursuing higher education are slim, and most of these either drop out or graduate and immediately acquire low paying jobs. The price of refusal to conform is rejection into slow wage earning jobs. Regardless, some of these are intelligent and wise perceiving the illogicality of the system which is what has caused their disillusionment in the first place.

    • Therefore the system is designed to produce either worker drones who serve the state and its partnering greedy corporations, or welfare recipients who are an excuse for the state to maintain its colossal parasitic size and an idiotic consumer base to buy every modern ‘convenience’ and every poison these corporations throw at the masses.
    • Due to neglect of synthesis in learning, parents can often end up paying extra money for private tuition in areas their child wishes to attain fullness of knowledge in (of which many are forced to give up anyway due to the necessary enforcement of useless work overloads of school). Others get the pseudo feel good factor by spending thousands of dollars to educate their kid privately.

    • The parents themselves are also the product of a system that has caused their memory of school to be a vague memory of random, meaningless, and useless facts meaning they themselves are not in the position to help their children with their homework and end up paying others to teach their kids things that they themselves should have already been taught! This means more homework for the kids and more money out of the parents’ pocket. Parents believe they can’t help their children because they have forgotten what they learnt at school, when in reality it is because they themselves weren’t taught effectively so as to retain the knowledge.

    • Parents believe that they don’t have to worry about teaching morality or ethics to their children because “it’s being done for them” in school. They also don’t get to spend genuine time with their kids because they are too busy with school work or being entertained in school functions, and the parents themselves are the product of a system designed not to give their children valuable time.

    In certain countries where the education system is so poor, students are made to attend extra evening classes in order to learn what should have been taught in school. This is more time wasting, extra work and stress on students and more money out of parent’s pockets. Parents then pay further fees to educate their kids at a tertiary level so that their kid can then get a job to buy a house for themselves. Tuition fees, books, accommodation, food, pocket money, travel expenses, over a period of about 4 years, when these expenses are added up at the end of 4 years is enough money to have bought your child an apartment.

    • Despite the problems, teachers are also restricted in their ability to respond to any problems they perceive in class and in what they can teach since they are taking orders from their superiors. Due to political correctness and school boards who are afraid of disapproval by a vocal minority with political influence, teachers are confined to a restricted curriculum and disciplinary measures which they are forced to follow.

    • Such guidelines are set by a panel of puppets with no clue as to what the truth is, let alone initiative to spread truth should they know it (they themselves having been molded not to take initiative but conform). These puppets design the school curriculum, and despite once being students and teachers themselves, they have no understanding.

    • These factors also mean that any funds they receive they waste on equipment that isn’t necessary just to keep up with the politically correct trend for schools to be technologically current, when instead that money could be used for more useful things.

    • This restriction and stress on teaches then also causes them to go into survival mode like their own students whereby they just come to work to get paid, throwing much useless information to students randomly without any purposeful or strategic preparation.

    The result is a system designed to cause friction so that the components feed off one another. This friction causes contempt among its components, as each is suffering and blaming one another instead of blaming the system itself. Teachers have contempt for the students, becoming frustrated with them, seeing them as the cause of their own stress. Instead of teaching students how to learn to think for themselves, they spend more time teaching them how to behave and obey by making up illogical rules which only irritate students more.

    • Unless already broken by it, students then see authority as something to be defied. This tension between student and teacher shatters trust between them, and any teaching and learning between them enters the domain of negative reinforcement. Instead of loving and respecting each other, they have contempt for each other, and both just do what they are supposed to, to avoid consequences if they do otherwise.

    • Teachers are kept busy and distracted because the more they work, the more they get paid. The more useless school programs there are with federal or state funding, the more money they get. The more schools have the programs, the more funding they receive from federal benefactors.
    The lie -“The right track”
    The ‘right track’ mindset is what students are being conformed to by the system, concerning their destiny. This is achieved by applying a form of godliness and morality through fine sounding arguments. You are conformed to measure your success by what the system considers is successful so that you then fear deviating from the “right track” because then you are seen as a failure. We hear stories of people who get wealthy after dropping out of college and pursuing their dreams or who defied convention and revolutionized the world. But what is implied is that these people are the exception and not the rule and that you belong to the rule (who makes the rules ?) and not the exception.
    As a result many students are under this illusion, the illusion being that they either follow this track and try to be the best cow in the herd to maintain financial and social security which they believe is given to them by a “trustworthy” source, or else defy the system and fail miserably.
    The ‘right track’ is: get good grades because when you get good grades you can then get an education which will then secure you being favored by employers. When you get a good job you will earn good money to buy whatever you want and then you can get a mortgage and have a good marriage and family, with all the modern conveniences that the world system can give you.
    This is what is really meant by this fine sounding argument:
    Don’t worry about making an impact on the world, just put all your time and energy into getting good grades so that you will be so distracted and weakened from seeking the true meaning of life and from truth that will teach you that what takes years of learning at school can be taught in a very short time.
    Just get good grades because that is all you will be in the eyes of those you will serve. Feel special through the feel good factor of a college education, smart outfits and a “secure” 9-5 job because much will be taken from you as you will be working to maintain the system as you are seen fit, because those who make the rules need you to be good farm cows producing as much milk as you can, until it is time for the slaughter.
    We won’t tell you that despite your hard work, your job isn’t guaranteed and we don’t like reminding people that they may not even be alive tomorrow. Just keep busy and distracted for another 45 years of your life (if you live that long) so that again you focus all your energy and time on futile ends and don’t worry about your own eternal salvation or the salvation of others who are going to hell, because as long as you stay distracted, specialized and compartmentalized, we’ll clothe you, feed you, give you a good family, and bury you in a good plot of land.
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  3. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    The above article is sourced from here:

    Are you the original author?

    If not, this is plagiarism.

    Also, I note you left out all your bible references and quotes. Why? The first time, you were making a religious argument, were you not? And yet, here you present it as an argument separate from your religion.

    Do you wish us to consider your argument on face-value as presented (i.e. without the religious overtones)?
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  5. synthesizer-patel Sweep the leg Johnny! Valued Senior Member

    just substitute a few words in the original text and the reason becomes clear Jim-lad

    I could go on but I've made my point
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
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  7. DRZion Theoretical Experimentalist Valued Senior Member

    The system is so enormously huge there is no way one person can understand the whole of it. Some rules of thumb for a good person are :
    -work 9 to 5
    -get good grades
    -take example from those around you
    -continue doing what works
    And at the end of a long day you can live by those things and survive. What more do you want?

    However, if you are stressed out, these will be the only rules that you follow. And then you will press your kids to do these things, and because you are stressed you will revert to your animal instincts and perpetuate a system where you have to be the highest ranked cow, to use the language of the op.

    The OPer is stressed too, and it strives to be the highest ranked thinking ape rather than the highest ranked cow. The OP does a pretty good job of critiquing mainstream society and concept of education. I can definitely relate to a lot of the points, being at the end of my 4 year college degree and looking for a job.

    The education system is not designed to create geniuses, I'm not sure if this is by definition or by practicality. In practice, we want a lot of drones who do a good job of what they are taught to do. And it is NOT easy being a good drone. Some people just refuse to do this and find their own way. But, for the drones it is best to separate their job from their life, so that they can be productive but still enjoy the enormous physical and mental comforts of being 'just another person' in modern society. And this gives them comfort to broaden their horizon and views to be inherited by societies yet to come.

    If we design a perfect society it will fulfill its purpose perfectly, but after that it will decay and become corrupt. The point is not in the being there but in the getting there.
  8. Read-Only Valued Senior Member

    The entire premise set forth in this thread is nothing more than "New World Order" tripe!

    This thing should be locked and cesspooled immediately!!:bugeye:
  9. Dywyddyr Penguinaciously duckalicious. Valued Senior Member

    Oh oh!
    So tell me, what sort of education did you have in order to see through this "deception"?

    Presumably not that sort judging by the rest of your post.

    Define "independence". No, really. What do you mean by it? Independence from what, exactly?

    Well if it cheers you up, my education did that for me.

    Since the subject has been raised, would "god" class as one these "rulers"? I bet not.

    And you've thoughtfully provided an example: yourself.

    Um, deception is now not doing something?

    Um, where do you get the idea that geometry and "technics" are "part of the same thing"?

    Er, music teaches you to speak French better than do French lessons?
    FYI after THREE years of French I was perfectly able to go live with a French family in France at the age of 13. And my musical abilities sucked big time. I dropped the subject at the first opportunity.

    Does one not acquire wisdom through experience? You can't exactly teach it.

    What sort of things do exist outside of this system?

    Really? Do you locked up for asking? Beaten with a big stick? Not allowed to post on, for example, SCiForums?

    Link please to these "experts" showing their "disdain" for such a question.

    Irrelevant to what?

    Examples please. Otherwise I might think you have some sort of agenda.

    But somehow you managed to break free, eh?

    Um, a made-up "example" is supposed to be illuminating? Can't provide one from real life? Possibly something that shows WTF you're rambling about would be nice.

    Any evidence?

    Self as example again? Well done.

    Oh! You used the "G" word!

    Excuse me. Are you assuming that, (wild guess here), the US educational system is universal?


    TV BAD!! Avoid it!

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    You wouldn't be taking a minority and using them as the whole, would you?

    Or those who don't conform and still succeed. Did you miss them? Or just ignore them?

    Gonna tell us what "truly matters", what the "meaning of life is" and what "is truly important"? Go on, pretty please.

    In some cases.

    In some cases.

    Ooh! The truth! What is it?

    In some cases.

    "G" word again!

    I bet there's an agenda. Go on, tell us.
  10. angela222 Registered Member

    Yes i am the author of the article. This is the secular version of the original article which i have adopted to the world's system as it applies to both Christians and non christians living in this world.
  11. Dywyddyr Penguinaciously duckalicious. Valued Senior Member

    Ya think?
    (Apologies, we've already seen that you don't).
  12. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member


    What world system? Every country has a different education system.

    In other words, the goal is to create critical, independent thinkers.

    Why didn't it work on you? Or are you uneducated by "the system"? (In which case, I assume you're writing from a position of zero knowledge.)

    Can you name some of these people? Who are the leaders of this global conspiracy? How many people are "in" on the conspiracy? Do you think that some of the people on sciforums might be part of it? Do you think I might be part of it?

    You have to start somewhere. You can't teach complex, advanced concepts without first covering the basics.

    Ba- bowm! I know lots of people who learn to play instruments - were taught to play instruments, in fact.

    Where do you get this stuff? Anybody who has learned a language for 4 years will be able to speak it. They won't speak it like a native, necessarily, but they'll speak it. Provided they have put in a bare minimum of effort to learn, of course.

    How do you go about recognising wisdom and rewarding it? Please explain.

    By "naturalism", do you mean science? Do you think science should not be taught? Do you think only religion should be taught, instead? Or what?

    I don't know about you, by I got an education and it didn't dissuade me from asking those questions. Were you dissuaded? If not, why not?

    What's "real knowledge"? Can you provide a few examples?

    Again, can you give a few examples, please?

    Were you taught like this? You must have had some truely lousy teachers.

    Do you think that children know what will be useful to them in later life? How do they know?

    Do you think students should only be taught easy subjects? Less brain strain? Is Chemistry actually compulsory anywhere? Is it compulsory where you live?

    An alternative argument is that the brighter students can learn by helping to teach the less able students. One of the best ways to learn something is to try to teach it to somebody else.

    Do you advocate a return to corporal punishment as a method of discipline? Torture? Would that be ok with you as a method of dealing with troublesome kids?

    Good idea. Let's get rid of friendliness. What use is that? Is that your point of view as a Christian?

    So you're saying that God is politically incorrect, are you? What does your God say about human rights? Does he approve of torture? What about about equal pay for men and women doing the same work? That's fairly politically correct, wouldn't you say? Would your God prefer it that women like you stay in the kitchen and don't post about men's matters, such as education? What use is education for a woman? Isn't it her role in life simply to bear and raise children?

    Last time I checked, we had drama and football and those other things in the real world. Which real world do you live in?

    That's kind of reminiscent of your post. Maybe you're indoctrinated by the system after all.

    You keep failing to tell us what is "truly needed in life". Do you know what is truly needed? It sounds like you think you do. So tell us what is truly needed.

    Let me guess. You're one of these non-conformists, right? Low paying job (if you have one), mediocre grades at school, disillusionment (without doubt), no higher education. And yet, amazingly perceptive enough to see the Grand Conspiracy and to have all the Answers to the education problem. Hmmm...

    I'd venture to say that parents are the single largest determiner of the morality and ethics of their children, regardless of what they believe. They can be positive or negative role models.

    You'd presumably support the scrapping of those school boards who mandated the teaching of Creationism or Intelligent Design in science classes. Correct?

    Can you give us some examples of these illogical rules you speak of?

    That's only the non-conformists, though, isn't it? Those who conform must think their teachers are great, get along with them just fine, consider them guides and mentors etc.

    You're not just generalising from your personal experience here, are you?

    And the evidence bears out that a good education does get you a better job with higher pay etc.

    Are you saying that's a bad thing? If so, why?
  13. Dinosaur Rational Skeptic Valued Senior Member

    The main problem with education from grade 1 though grade 12 is the attempt to fit round pegs into square holes.

    Private schools & colleges avoid this problem, which is due to public schools (grade 1-12) being run by local government with state or federal regulations/controls.

    It is the nature (actually almost a necessity) of governments to try to treat all as equals rather than recognizing that there is a broad spectrum of ability, personality, interests.

    There was a time when when students were not required by law to be in school until age 16. There was a time when there were vocational schools for those who were better suited to learning a trade than pursuing academic studies. For those who dropped out prior to age 16 or who never graduated from grade 12, there were apprentice programs. Most comnpanies expected to do a lot of on-the-job training.

    A person who could not do well in an academic environment had a very good chance of getting a good job. Now a person without a diploma & a good high school record is almost unemployable except for dead end jobs.

    The public education system for grades 1 though 12 tends to be highly standardized. Further more, the law requiring being in school until age 16 results in perhaps 5 to 15% of the students being unable to cope with an academic environment, but forced to be in such an environment. Such students tend to be disruptive & interfere with those who are marginal students.

    If the religious & other private schools ever shut down, the USA educational system would become disasterous instead of merely not so good. The cost alone would become a disaster.

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