Healthcare Reform... WHY?!?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Thoreau, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. Thoreau Valued Senior Member

    I don't get it.

    Why the hell try to fix whats not broken? The way I see it is that it's just another welfare system being put into place.

    Sure, take care of our children, but there is not an excuse to give free healthcare to adults who can't afford it on their own.

    I'm 25 years old and I'm successful enough to pay the $35 a month insurance payment for my medical. $35 bucks a month for full medical coverage!!!! How the hell can people not afford healthcare? I don't understand it!

    My personal views on this is that if you are too lazy/unmotivated to achieve the level of professional success that is required to afford medical insurance, then you don't deserve medical insurance. You are a waste to society and will only drain it further.

    Take care of our children (EDIT: And elderly) by all means, but it's ignorant to give away healthcare to those to don't work for it. Treat people fairly, not equally.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2010
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  3. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    If you are paying only 35 dollars per month, either you are not getting full medical coverage or someone else is subsidizing your healthcare.

    Two the reform that was passed does not give away healthcare to lazy people. It requires these so called lazy people to buy insurance they do not now purchase. So instead of paying nothing for heatlhcare going forward, they will pay something for healthcare.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2010
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  5. X-Man2 We're under no illusions. Registered Senior Member

    Where in the hell can someone get health Insurance for 35 bux a month.Impossible! Try hundreds and even thousands of dollars a month for health insurance.OP you must be a very young person or have been hiding from the world all your life.
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  7. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    When nothing is broken ...?

    Ah, yes, we should revel in the prior way of doing things, when a hard-working American could venture into a restaurant and contract a hideous disease from a lazy waiter somewhere around hour seventy of his work week, and then be cancelled through recission by their insurance company because treating the disease might knock a fraction of a penny out of some investor's portfolio.

    And then when one sits around wondering what happened as they struggle against illness and try to find a new job after being fired for missing too much work for their prior employer, they can, at least, be comfortable in the knowledge that nothing is broken, and this is the way it's supposed to be.
  8. Pinwheel Banned Banned

    What kind of coverage do you get with $35 per month?
  9. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    It is a social safety net, so that people don't die or go bankrupt for treatable illnesses. You could have said the same thing about social security, "if you are too lazy to work your whole life and not save enough for retirement, than you deserve to live on the street and eat catfood in your final years". That's nonsense, American can do better.
  10. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Neither should we forget that if people worked their whole lives and saved for retirement, instead of spending rampantly and piling up debt, our economy would not have grown at the rate it did, nor provide the luxuries it did and still can.

    Our society depends on a certain amount of risk, even if that risk is simply "irresponsibility".
  11. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    And many people do the right thing and still get screwed. Companies go backrupt and default on your pension, or they force you into a 401K, and the stock market tanks. With all the incredible wealth generated by the industrial revolution, this kind of social spending is the least we can do, at least until the whole enterprise goes belly up.
  12. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    Are you saying that a system that fails to cover tens of millions of people, while charging more than twice the going rate in other countries and constituting the leading cause of personal bankruptcy, is not broken?

    So what?

    Actually, the inability to afford health insurance on one's own is a very good - maybe the only - excuse to give healthcare to someone.

    Unless you meant to say "can afford it on their own," in which case I'd point out that recent reforms do not give free healthcare to such people to begin with. Instead, they impose a fine on such people if they don't purchase insurance. And so I wonder what you think you're talking about.

    In the first place, I'll second the strong doubts of others that you are getting full medical coverage for $35 a month.

    In the second, I'll note that you're 25. You aren't likely to get sick, and so can purchase insurance for cheap. After all, it's essentially just money that you pay to some insurance company in exchange for nothing, so why not?

    Try buying an individual insurance policy at, say, age 60 though. Even if you're in great health and have lived an active, healthy lifestyle for decades. You're going to be looking at over $1000 a month.
  13. navigator Registered Senior Member

    Yup, seems like they got it backwards. Instead of fixing what was causing the prices to skyrocket first, they're just trying to steer everybody into the already expensive system, while simultaneously attempting to iron out the deals/details(depending on your perspective) of reform. Its akin to immigration reform prior to more effectively sealing the borders.
  14. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    One of the major factors necessitating immigration reform is the plain fact that the borders of the United States are not sealable, and never will be.
  15. Ganymede Valued Senior Member



    I hope this answers your questions.
  16. CutsieMarie89 Zen Registered Senior Member

    How are you getting full coverage for only $35 a month? I'm younger than you and getting health insurance through my school, because my job does not provide it, and I'm paying almost $4000 year. I'm glad health insurance is cheap where you live, but don't assume things are the same everywhere. My parents who are self employed looked everywhere for cheap health insurance and they pay $1150 a month for super crappy insurance. That was the cheapest they could find and they are considered upper middle class. I can't imagine how someone who is barely getting by on the necessities, could afford health insurance for themselves and still support their family at rates like that.
  17. Startraveler Registered Senior Member

    Are you getting it through your employer?
  18. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    so if your one of the people the systems screws you should be screwed in other ways too. well that a morally enlighting position.
  19. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    the obvious answer is he is no where near as protected as he thinks he is and when he does finally get sick or what not he is going to be royally fucked.
  20. navigator Registered Senior Member

    Not sure how you could get confused when I plainly typed "more effectively".
  21. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    So your complaining that the dems pretty much caved to you and didn't have a public option.
  22. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    I'm not confused. It isn't meaningful to speak of doing the impossible "more effectively."

    The only way to make border laws in the US enforceable is to liberalize them to the point where only criminals have any reason to break them, or institute a national ID card program to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants. Either of which would qualify as "immigration reform."

    So, putting off immigration reform until the border has been sealed up "more effectively" is just a way for the ignorant and/or dishonest to suggest not doing anything at all (other than throwing money at a few more meaningless border guard jobs to make the teabaggers happy).

    If you think that immigration is a problem, then it follows that you think that some kind of reform is required. If you do not think that reform is required, then you do not think that immigration is a problem. It's as simple as that, and there's no need to include nonsense about sealing up the border to confuse people (including yourself, possibly).
  23. navigator Registered Senior Member

    There are many adverse facts of life that are not completely avoidable, but that doesn't mean we don't use and strive to improve hundreds of precautions every day.

    There are many ways to improve the current situation.

    I think we have too many unenforced laws already.


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