Palin: Git yer Guns ready!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Captain Kremmen, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    10 Members of Congress have received threats since the healthcare vote.

    After the health care bill passed, Palin wrote on her Twitter account, "Commonsense Conservatives and Lovers of America: Don't retreat. Instead RELOAD!"
    Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) angrily tweeted back to Palin Wednesday, "Reload? Is your choice of words inciteful or ignorant?"
    Rep. Bart Stupak, a pro-life Democrat from Michigan, said Sunday that his wife had received threatening phone calls at the family's home in Michigan throughout the health care debate. CBS News reported that one message left for Stupak said, "I hope you die."
    Rep. Tom Perriello (D-Va.) said the FBI is investigating a ruptured gas line at his brother's house just days after his address was posted online by Virgina Tea Party members. Apparently, they intended to post the congressman's home address but published his brother's by mistake.

    Is there a new Civil War coming?
    Will this be the first war caused by a tweet?
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  3. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Hapless America?

    No new Civil War is coming. In the first place, the Tea Party doesn't have the balls. To the other, if this is what lights the revolutionary fire, it will only prove that America never had a chance from the outset.
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  5. JAtkinson Registered Member

    The healthcare reform won't be the "last straw" which would cause a civil war.

    However, it is humorous to see the Left get bent out of shape when the Right becomes vocal. The Right has been watching the reverse for many years.

    Nevertheless, it will be interesting to watch as this, along with other government "solutions", move forward.
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  7. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    What Republicans Choose, or, Quit Whining

    This is a common political distortion conservatives like to push. For many, there is a big difference between the vociferous rhetoric of each. For instance, the fringe left always remained marginalized as being Communist. Pinkos never enjoyed the mainstream media attention and validation; they never had an entire "news" network devoted to their cause. To the other, there is a big difference between one's emotional assessment of the fact of deprivation around the world and one's emotional outburst about health care as white slavery.

    The simplification you offer is a common one, intended to whitewash the underlying conservative dishonesty. Death panels? White slavery? Mitt Romney is a Socialist? Oh, come now. At some point, conservatives need to understand that it's really hard to take them seriously.

    Sure, our Christian parents of a generation ago might have rejected their own faith for jingoistic arrogance, but neither do such religious hypocrites enjoy the presumption of legitimacy anymore. After generations spent ruling through hatred and paranoia, conservatives are offended to find themselves described as hateful and paranoid.

    Who was the left wing's Glenn Beck during the days of brinkmanship? Who was their Rush Limbaugh during the Reagan presidency? Who was their FOX News?

    I do think it's humorous how the party that has long represented "proper" society gets bent out of shape when proper society is shown to be so full of crap. Look, it's one's right, I suppose, to be a sleazy, lying, poor excuse for a citizen and human being. But as that's what Republicans and conservatives choose for themselves, they shouldn't get so bent out of shape when people point out the obvious.
  8. Stoniphi obscurely fossiliferous Valued Senior Member

    In the United States of America, it has long been said that "your' right to swing your fist ends at my nose".

    When the nasties moved into the halls of congress, when they yelled their epithets, called names and spat on a congressman last Sunday, they crossed the last little dotted line between freedom of speech and disrespect to the nation and what it claims to stand for.

    The death threats can - and will - go both ways if they do not stop soon, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I don't think that anyone who encourages others to use firearms to express their political opinion should be left lose out here with the rest of us. That the same person has political ambitions.....I find that downright puzzling, unless she has become suicidal.
  9. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    She put images of crosshairs over locations of vulnerable Democrats on her blog:

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  10. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    It's been quite a week for Obama.
    He's got a healthcare bill passed, he's condemned Israeli expansionism, and today he's signed a Nuclear treaty with Russia.

    My advice, for what it's worth.
    Don't finish the week off with an open car ride through Dallas.
  11. JAtkinson Registered Member

    Just brilliant.
  12. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member


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    Why, Welcome to Dallas Mr President

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