What is Jeb thinking?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by spidergoat, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    (from CNN-yes,TODAY)

    I can't believe Jeb is still trying to exploit this woman and abuse her long suffering husband. What is he thinking? The autopsy came out this week, and showed that her brain was about half the normal size, she was blind, and her bones were breaking under the weight of her own body due to osteoporosis. This call to yet another inquiry is sickening and outrageous. WTF?
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2005
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  3. SpyMoose Secret double agent deer Registered Senior Member

    Of course it’s sickening and outrageous. The religious nuts, for whom it wasn't enough to simply say that they think she aught to be kept alive even if there is no chance of recovery, but instead had to claim she would snap out of it at any moment, had to eat a big slice of humble pie when we found out she was in a persistent vegetative state after all! Go figure, all of her doctors were right!

    The only thing they can to do save face (and continue drumming up reactionary political support) is try to demonize her husband. Euthanasia can't ever be right by these peoples morals, but rather than admit that they would rather claim outrageous things about folks with no brain mass left suddenly waking up and winning the academic decathlon. To save face they have to turn this into a narrative about the evil husband who tried to kill her, put her in a coma, and then finally managed to do away with her!

    Except there is still the matter of the fifteen years he spent by her side hoping, and the fortune he spent on care for her that they will conveniently ignore in their new narrative, because they are selfish moralistic fools who can't accept anything that contradicts their views.
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  5. Bullett Registered Member

    Who exactly do you think are doing these things that you cite? Can you put a face on it or some names on it?
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  7. Brian Foley REFUSE - RESIST Valued Senior Member

    A case of Euthanasia for 1 person sparks an emotionable national debate in America . Amazing 2.5 million Human Beings in America live on the street and not a national debate ! Whats wrong with people
  8. Mystech Adult Supervision Required Registered Senior Member

    And the fact that he went through medical school to become a registerd nurse just so that he could care for her and understand her condition better.
  9. Mystech Adult Supervision Required Registered Senior Member

    Well there's Bill Frist, for one. The idiot looks at the same looped footage that we were all seeing on CNN and FOX for weeks and determined in his expert medical opinion that she was in fact not in a vegetative state and was actually responding to seeing the camera! Ooh wait, but now we realize that the part of her brain which would allow her to see was long dead. . . hmm.

    Also that doctor they kept parading around on Fox News, who Sean Hanity kept calling "Nobel Nominated" Dr. so and so (can't remember his name 'cept that it was long and funny sounding) who kept saying outrageous things like she'll snap out of it and go on to write the great American novel and the like. . . and then it turns out that this "Nobel Nominated" doctor was never nominated for a Nobel prize, just some hick who really liked him, with no authority over the Nobel comity or anything wrote a letter to Sweden telling them that they should give this guy a Nobel prize

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    That's credibility!
  10. SpyMoose Secret double agent deer Registered Senior Member

    Bill Frist, republican Senator and trained MD who, after reviewing an hour of footage of Terri Schiavo, declared before the senate that she is not in a vegetative state at all!

    The Christian Defense Coalition, who issued push polls to try to manufacture the appearance that public opinion was in favor of congressional intervention in the Schiavo case.

    The forty seven protesters who were arrested while trying to cross a police line to bring Terri Schiavo cups of water and sandwiches, which she couldn't have eaten.

    The two men arrested in two seperate plots to murder or put a bounty on the murder of Michael Schiavo.

    Republican House Majority Leader Todm DeLay who publicly threatened federal judges if they did not rule his way in the Schiavo case.

    The people who Judge Greer needs the US Marshals to protect him from.

    Those are the sort of people I'm talking about.
  11. Bullett Registered Member

    Can you post a direct quote from Frist to support that? And also, if you can, wasn't that before the autopsy?
  12. Bullett Registered Member

    Was all of this before the autopsy, or after?
  13. SpyMoose Secret double agent deer Registered Senior Member

    1) I can remember what I said two posts ago, please limit the size of your quotes.

    2) Please explain the relavance of your comment

    as your point is not obvious.
  14. Mystech Adult Supervision Required Registered Senior Member

    Before, and I certainly don't see how that matters. He knew he was telling lies to whip up a political frenzy.

    Not the full quote, but the best I could find on short notice. I figured that being that his little speech has been played fifty million times on all the major news networks it wouldn't really be necessary to have a good source for the whole thing.

    You might check his own web site: http://frist.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Speeches.Detail&Speech_id=174
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2005
  15. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Yeah, but, before, there were CAT scans and everything.

    Why are they stil beating a dead horse, so to speak?
  16. Mystech Adult Supervision Required Registered Senior Member

    Because if we start pulling life support on everyone who's only got half a brain, then the Republican voting base will really start to shrink *rimshot*
  17. Bullett Registered Member

    Was this quote:
    "Bill Frist, republican Senator and trained MD who, after reviewing an hour of footage of Terri Schiavo, declared before the senate that she is not in a vegetative state at all!"

    Befpre the autopsy or before the autopsy? You are saying that certain statements are being made by the religious right. I am trying to ascertain if they are making these statements now, or before the autopsy.
  18. SpyMoose Secret double agent deer Registered Senior Member

    He made this statement before the autopsy, and you quoted my full post again. That's just a pet peeve. Its only a little ways up on the same page, no need to quote the entire thing if you arn't replying to it item by item and its right here on the same page.
  19. Bullett Registered Member

    It looks to me like he was expressing a medical opinion based on test that had been made at that time. That opinion was not his and his alone, it was shared by others in the medical community.

    You accuse him of lies. Can you support the notion that he knew that what he said was not true? If one lies, doenn't he have to know that what he says is not true?
  20. Bullett Registered Member

    If he made the statement before the autopsy, then the medical facts of the matter were still unclear, so how was he lying?
  21. Mystech Adult Supervision Required Registered Senior Member

    What test, exactly? He wasn't talking with Schiavo's doctors, and admitted that he'd come to his conclusion on the basis of having seen the tape.

    I know he is lying because he was opening his mouth.

    Honestly, though, he's either a scheming sleazy politician who was trying to use this woman's condition and her husband's vulnerability for political gain, or he is the worst doctor in the world. The medical situation at that point was not unclear in the least. There was never any doubt about her condition until right-wing spinmeisters got into the mix and started muddying the waters with inane ascertains and faith-based proclamations.
  22. Bullett Registered Member

    I think that statement speaks to your objectivity.

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  23. Mystech Adult Supervision Required Registered Senior Member

    No, it speaks to my familiarity with Bill Frist

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