The New West

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Amuraugk, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. Amuraugk Registered Member

    Are we on a verge of a transformation in western society to where corporations act as independent states with their own agendas? Or has that day already come? Will these powers play nice or will war be waged between them as a way to break financial gridlocks that are sure to develop as traditional powers decline?

    I think the new west is here. That the landscape will be define by ambitious companies that do not respect the views of the status quo. These individuals who lead the new west view recklessness as a virture and conservative stances as outdated and as liabilities.

    As much as we may not like it everything and everyone is up for sale in the new order. However, what is ones own price depends on the factors in play. A Key to winning the new world is the Hegemony that the American and European superstates can impose while at the same time dividing natural peoples of the world against their cultures in this period of the new globalism. Doing so reduces costly conflicts and makes exploitation cheap and effective, adding nicely to profit margins abroad. This leaves more than enough for the cosmotic elite to pursue projects that could take us to the stars giving us the strength to save and restore the environment.

    I am curious as to how long until families of financial dynasties start demanding special status within the status quo, thus creating a new nobility of the modern age?

    I personally would like to be a noble however, my status as a working stiff does not allow that. Also when classes re-emerge like that will talk of reduction figure into the arguement of global conservation? Reduction is comming. I don't like it. I feel it is more of a step backwards. That being said there are better ways to use people than to throw them away. Yes, we are commodities. Look into the dreams and see what awaits us. The builder shows the way. Look into the base of things and look and how regeneration can occur.

    Regeneration of the flesh allows for alot of things. It allows for old componets to be recycled and reconciled into useful ones saving time in the manufacture and training of newer ones. Conversion is in my opinion the cheaper route to the endgames than selective breeding and racial expungements. Let people choose their characteristics rather than be trapped in bodies that do not express them and that cannot bring them a decent income.

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