The Mass Psychology of Fascism

Discussion in 'Art & Culture' started by duendy, Dec 5, 2005.

  1. duendy Registered Senior Member

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  3. glaucon tending tangentially Registered Senior Member

    Not quite sure what your point was here, but what I find most interesting, is how this reaction itself represents facist ideology as well.
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  5. Huwy Secular Humanist Registered Senior Member

    So sexual repression is the reason for all of these social problems?
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  7. duendy Registered Senior Member

    IF you say go to see art, do you grab someone and ask them 'waht is the point'?

    what do YOU think is the point?
    say when you look t thepicture depicting whiteman with foot on Asian man who has foot on blackman. do you really need to ask point of that for example. do you need a teacher to tell you the point?

    and when you say thatthe reaction--te art?--is fascisic in itself. whatthe heck are you going on with. you mean to say that someone who speaks out against eg Nazism is a nazi..?!....what do you mean? dont just come back with 2-2 and a half sentences. really explain to me what you mean as articulately as is possible....thankyou
  8. duendy Registered Senior Member

    i think so yes, very much so. and i wiuld like to further Reich's insight, if i may be so bold, to include orgiastic expression as to be had via psychedelically-inspired ecstasy.

    Look at this example. actually it was rereading this got me to look over Reich's work again: 'Lilith' "Patriarchy put men in the position of taking their instinctual sexuality and forcing it into the mold of the "proper wife" they would marry conflicting with the night fantasy of ther desire. They blamed a "demon" for ther nocturnal emissions a product of their own sexual repression."....mpnks were told to sleep with hands holding a crucifix over ther genitals for fear of thses 'night hags/succubae' sexually molesting them in the dig. they repress their natrual sexuality; tis repression causes unconsciousness to conjure up the objects of teir desire; not understanding this, they demonize this natrual part of themselves; an as the Medieval Inquisions dramatically shows us, tis fear projects outwrdly actually onto real women, where tey ten get accused of evil, and are tortured and murdered in many thousands (some say millions), by a fascistic, sexually repressive and opprssive church!
  9. glaucon tending tangentially Registered Senior Member

    Of course I got the point. What I'm saying is that to react to facism with facism is futile (and pedantic). Facism is not to be equated with Nizism by the way; Nazism is a manifestation of Facism, not Facism itself. Facism is a means of power control wherein only one point of view is tolerated. So, the argument presented here is itself Facist. quid pro quo is a fallacious.

    Yes I do.

    Not that we need to get personal but, you mean as articulately as you are?

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  10. duendy Registered Senior Member

    i am articulate. i might typo and shit, but i'm as fukin articulate as any fuker here. you imply i am not i presume?
  11. glaucon tending tangentially Registered Senior Member

    'Articulate' includes expressing oneself correctly and coherently.

    Anyways.. back to the 'point' here.
    I never claimed that the depicted 'art' was facist. In fact, I agree with the overall ideas depicted that we are actively oppressed by a powerful minority of small-minded politicos. My point is, to scream back at the facists that they are facists does nothing to solve the problem, in fact it serves just the opposite. Nazism cannot be equated with facism. Check out any dictionary. I'm not sure what "codswollp" might be... I need no authority... what I meant was... it's always enlightening to ask someone what they see in a work of art. And no, I'm no fan of Order.. more of a fan of entropy myself. Also, notice how I haven't resorted to name-calling. Be respectful.. and relax.
  12. duendy Registered Senior Member

    i am not namecallin. next you'll be callin me facist..........and, errr, isn't 'codswallop' in the dictionary?
  13. glaucon tending tangentially Registered Senior Member

    LOL.. nice one.

    Seriously though, while I'm in full agreement with what these people are trying to achieve.. don't you think they're doing themselves a disservice by acting as they are? All it does is give the powers that be the occasion to say: 'Look at those angry-activist types! We'll have to do something about them.' Whereas, I think they would be better off fighting the fight within the political realm....
  14. duendy Registered Senior Member

    although i appreciat your sense of humour--as i feel a sense of humour, as in seeing the essential, i feel you wimp out regarding the potental seriousness of activism.

    activism is SPEAKING OUT and takes guts. cause what you may be faced wit could include batos crakin yer bones, electrocution, tear gas, jail, dogs tearin at ya, and othe forms such as ridicule, being diagnosed 'mentally ill' and drugged......etc

    it's all very well feeling relatively 'comfortable' and not understanding the need to be activist and shout back at authority for its injustice and cruelty and indifference etc. but some people have no such safe choice. they are right at front line against a brick fukin wall

    or course 'safe' people dont like havin all this exposed and brought out in the open
  15. android nothing human inside Registered Senior Member

    Democracy is ultra-fascism, except without the good parts of fascism. Stop democracy now!
  16. Huwy Secular Humanist Registered Senior Member

    No-one in their right mind would accuse a non-violent activist of being mentally ill just for being an activist. Who on earth would drug someone just for being a passionate activist and protesting and speaking out and voicing their opinion?

    I'm not denying protestors are sometimes subjected to police brutality etc, but drugged and called mentally ill?
    Sounds like a science-fiction novel.
    Duendy do you actually wish the world was this way so you had more to fear - or to fight against?
  17. duendy Registered Senior Member

    Huwy, you are a strange one. you seem in someareas to be very very savvy, yet in others completely naive. like for example your thinkihg dissent isn't pathologized. Heard of the Soviet Union??...that is EXACTLY whathappened there. diagree withte State and you were classed mentally ill, incacerated and drugged, and see:
    "Fred A. Baughmann Jr. MD writes: Psychiatric drug misused in Uzbekistan, NY Times 10/21/05. A12. Human Rights Watc says Ubekistan is reverting to Stalinist-era tactics" in ordering political activist Yelena Urlayeva arrested and to begin receiving treatment with "powerful psychotropic drugs today. This is an insidious attempt to equate criticism of the government with insanity," said Holly Carter, a regional director of HRW."

    Altho Wilhelm Reich started out as a communist sympathizer, he was to radically change his view and see itas 'red fascism'--quite rightly!

    Bush and Co rcently passed a law which will attempt to test everymay woman and child for 'mental illness'......!

    i really really really dont want worl to be this way. i dont get off in needing this evil to give my life a kick...really. but seeing it IS going on, we have got to face it and speak out. otherwise WE is gnna be getting the knock on the door. thats how fascism spreads ---via apathy and mindontrol. imagine being in thick of nazi Germany and not being a part of that evil mindset?
  18. Huwy Secular Humanist Registered Senior Member

    Hey duendy you have a really good point there. I had totally failed to consider the soviet union and was thinking only about western democratic societies.
    I really should have considered places like that and shouldn't have excluded them from my point of view.

    Now I wouldn't trust Bush and his cronies with a hammer and a bunch of nails, let alone tests for mental illness.
    The impression I've got in Australia is that most people who test for mental illness genuinely care about peoples health and want to help them - if I ever thought there was anyone who thought otherwise - with a different agenda - I would be seriously pissed off and you could bet your arse I would do everything to stop them.
  19. duendy Registered Senior Member

    ok, you SAY that, but are you gonna walk the walk? did you ever get in touch with Buaghmann by the way?
  20. kazakhan Registered Abuser Registered Senior Member

    Would you be able to find a link to back that up, because as far as I know that failed to pass?
  21. duendy Registered Senior Member

    wel, i hadn't heard it hadn't passed. the major point tho is the INTENTION to do so by that administration!

    do you have a source which states it didn't pass?
  22. kazakhan Registered Abuser Registered Senior Member

    No that is why I was asking you, I did say as far as I know because I'm not certain wether or not I'm right.

    Executive Order: President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health

    That's all I could find (no, I didn't look very hard), a commission on the mental health status of the US. I have been unable to find anything to back up either position but you made the original claim so support it...
  23. duendy Registered Senior Member

    dont see your point at all mate. do you think i am making it up? you have just PROVIDED support for what i said wid yer link. you can find info abput it also onlne. as i said the MAIN point is really not whether its gone thru or not, but the INTENTION TO DO it by BushCO......?
    ie., the power eilte enforces its worldview on all by imposing 'normalcy' on all

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