Our chance to take over the world.

Discussion in 'World Events' started by thecurly1, Oct 26, 2001.

  1. thecurly1 Registered Senior Member

    Immediately after the Second World War, the United States and Britian could have split the world in two FOREVER.

    Lets look back at the period of May-August of 1945.

    Germany has been defeated, and the USSR has lost 20 million people in the war. France has just been liberated, and has no military. Japan was defeated, and we began to occuply Japan proper and Eastern Asia. Europe was completely held by the US and UK.

    The United States was relitivley untouched by the war, the homeland hadn't been touched by the enemie, and we lost a fairly low number of men. There was a massive industrial complex still pumping out war materials.

    The USSR was very, very weak. The only country standing in the way of world domination. We could have taken on the Red Army, with many tanks, and a full continent behind us. The Russians would have been broke eventually. Plus the ace up our sleeve was that in '45 we had the bomb.

    I am convinced that if not for the strong civilian leadership present in the US, not in the USSR we never took over the world. It could have been done, and the globe would have been ours by 1950.

    At the most fruitful point of imperialism, we resisted. Quite amazing if you think about it.
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  3. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member

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  5. BLASTOFF Registered Senior Member

    Take over the world

    If one country took over the world then they would not know what to do with it, they would most probably f**k it up once and for all,now if all the countries in the world joined together even russia/japan/germany/, then the world could really try to heal its self, it startes with all the nukes if the world joined then they would not need nukes, yes keep the armed forces and the police, but just maybe the army would not be needed.

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  7. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member

    <i>"At the most fruitful point of imperialism, we resisted. Quite amazing if you think about it."</i>

    And for that sin, we are now paying a price. I suppose it was the better way. ...
  8. Chagur .Seeker. Registered Senior Member

    BLASTOFF ...

    I don't know. Rome took over most of the 'known' world a little while ago and did a pretty good job of administrating it ... at least initially.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2001
  9. DaarkSyde Registered Member

    That is the plan, one world government...NWO. Coming to your town and city real soon.
  10. Benji Registered Senior Member

    LOL i hate to say this guys but it isnt hard to tell your americans.
    The point was well made but fundamentaly wrong lemme just show u why.
    No the US and UK only held southern europe, if u read up you'll find that the russians beat us to berlin.
    You dident have any more nukes, the fact japan surrenderd was pure luck because we only had 2 nukes and after that if they dident surrender estimates of 1/2 million alliance troops killed or injured to take that country, can u imagine the death toll from an invasion of russia?
    Are u kidding?
    Dont u remember the big red scare?
    If the alliance turned on one of its member states at that time (russia) there would have been revlolutions the world over.
    Not to mention the fact that russia has never been conqured by anyone ever, greater leaders then churchil and roservelt have tryed and failed why do you think we would have succseded?
    I am the first to admit america is a shining light of democracy in the world and i think many countries would do well to learn lesson from them but to insinuate that they could "rule the world" is utter madness u think september the 11th was bad if america ruled the world international terrorism would be somthing we hear about everyday.
    Talking about terrorism after ur home soil was desicrated in such a way are u still going to fund the IRA?
    What about the isreali terrorists?
    What about south american terrorists are we at war with them too?
    just curious :/
  11. CounslerCoffee Registered Senior Member

    World peace can happen. Oh yes it can. Gene Roodenberry has shown us how it can happen and we need to follow that. There would be peace if the USA would of taken over the world. It would be great we'd all be equal there would of been no war no 9-11 day no vietnam no more death. No more nukes we could just launch them into space and then launch our selves into space and start the search for life out there.

    WORLD PEACE IS POSSIBLE. It just takes will. I dont care if im not around for world peace 1,000 years from now, just to know and believe that one day there will be peace on earth is enough for me to be happy. So be happy because one day peace will be on earth and our great grandkids or our children or our childrens children will see it.
  12. Benji Registered Senior Member

    Still havent had an answer, are we at war with all terrorist of the world or just the ones that the american and british governments dont like at this time?
    Remember the US funded the taliban for a long time in there fight with the russians.
  13. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member


    Are you suggesting that we should bomb others? I think Ft. Benning is out of the question, but South America does have potential.
  14. DaarkSyde Registered Member

    There will be no world peace as long as America thinks their shit don't stink. The Americans are egotists, and love to kill. If they want something they steal it or force people to hand it over. If you want world peace the first thing that must be done is to get rid of the NWO, and all the other fanatics looking for one world government.
  15. thecurly1 Registered Senior Member

    Daarksyde, SHUT UP!

    For starters your name is horribly mispelled, when u come up with something other than NWO, cry, cry, America is bad, one world government, then post it. If you can't come up with something original than don't post.

    You're wasting valuable letters and space on my computer screen.

    P.S. Where are you from, you did insult my homeland ya know.
  16. DaarkSyde Registered Member

    Excuse me curly top. But I am entitled to my own opinion, also I can spell my name any way I want. What the fuck is it to you what I have to say. Typical American , have to have things their way or they will pout or start a war with you. I am Canadian and proud of it. My only regret is living next door to you lousy fucking egotist warmongers.
  17. Captain Canada Stranger in Town Registered Senior Member

    Interesting Stuff...

    Not wishing to stop a bit of mud-throwing between the True North, Strong and Free and, er, what are those guy's down south called again?

    Anyway. Slightly relevant. Curly, I share your general scpeticism over these massive conspiracies - just don't give these groups enough credit or intelligence to conduct a master plan when they can barely run a small department. Still, you may underestimate what the US government is capable of (at least capable of considering if not doing). This is a well researched story from a credible source - do check out the link and let me know what your thoghts are:

    Of course I am rather unfortunately feeding the conspiracy theorists with morsels, but check out the complete article:

    friendly fire
  18. thecurly1 Registered Senior Member

    Hey Canada boy, I have in other posts, said that you are entitled to your oppinion. Maybe you should pay closer attention.

    Second, what country give Canada the most aid, trade, and military assistance? The United States of America.

    P.S. We helped you guys get complete independence from Britian. And we also could have taken over your country years ago.

    You purposley deface and pervert the lives of 5 thousand plus people that died, with that half ass conspiracy theory.

    'Nuff said on that front.
  19. DaarkSyde Registered Member

    Remember 1812? Who kept you Yanks out of Canada? As for now we don't want your help. We try to be an allie against your supposed terrorist campaign and what do you do?Put more tariffs on our wood which you need. Now we will lose another 12,000 jobs because of your childish ways. If our government had any balls they would tell you to go get your resources elsewhere, but you fucking war mongers would only take it anyway. Don't worry America, your status is sinking fast. As soon as you Egotists learn that there are other humans on this planet besides you, maybe you will get a little respect.
  20. Captain Canada Stranger in Town Registered Senior Member


    Somebody got out of bed and stepped in an attitude!

    I wasn't actually having a go at the US, if I was you would know it. We've had this little debate before anyway (which I always thought was slightly good humoured - I hope you don't take it that seriously).

    Canada and the US cannot avoid each other, and we have generally had an extremely peaceful and mutually beneficial relationship. It does annoy Canada that we are somewhat ignored by the US and taken for granted, just as the US has often felt annoyed when Canada 'steps out of line' and develops ties with Cuba and China. But hey, it's only sibling spats.

    As for the:
    I don't understand what you're getting at. Are you referring to the WTC thing? (It may only be 3,000 now) Why?

    The link I provide is unrelated. It refers to 1962! And the plan was never approved by the civilian leadership. It is well documented though. Check out the link (it's from ABC news so I'm hardly going off the wall here). Just put it in because in my view you often neglect some of the darker aspects of the US government. That's all. Nothing to do with WTC, not suggesting there is.

    So don't take this Canada/US thing so seriously. And try looking at the other side of the argument now and then. I'm sure your views are backed by a good deal of knowledge and information, so it can't hurt to consider alternatives. That's one of the main problems with Islamic fundamentalism isn't it? An inability to consider heretical statements. Don't become all US fundamentalist here Curly.
  21. machaon Registered Senior Member


    If the US were more like Canada, the US would be a cool place to live. I worked in London, Canada for about a year without a work visa. When I was caught by police, I was shocked with surprise at how the Canadian police actually acknowledged the fact that I had rights. I was even more shocked when they assumed I should be deported rather than strip-searched, beaten and wrongly prosecuted for some irrelevant purpose. I love Canada. And as soon as I am able, will move back

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  22. thecurly1 Registered Senior Member

    My God can anyone imagine the world becoming Canadian?

    McDonalds, Fords everywhere, cable TV- wait a minute, that's still America!

    My point: Canada is the 51st state with a slightly more socialist government, funny accent, and different system of measurement. Listen, we are the same damn country, so let's stop bickering.

  23. DaarkSyde Registered Member

    Some of us Canadians have pride. We do not want to be part of the US facist state nor will we be. You warmonger Yanks may think we are a 51st state but you live in a clouded bubble if you believe that.The only way we will be a 51st state is if you baby killers take us by force, which will probably happen because all you people know is how to take take take. I for one will be one of the first to pick you bastards off as you try to overtake our borders.

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