No "gay" dogs allowed!

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by Bells, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. Bells Staff Member

    One would think it would be a joke, but unfortunately for the parties involved, it is not joke. Ian Jolly was refused entry to an Adelaide Thai restaurant, because the waiters assumed that his desexed dog was gay.

    Now, while that in and of itself is ridiculous as hell, it becomes even more ridiculous when one realises that Mr Jolly is blind and his "gay" dog is actually a guide dog.

    Now, I don't know what is more funny to the point of real tears. The fact that they actually appear to have a policy against gay dogs or that even after Jolly produced a guide dogs fact card, which clearly identifies it as a guide dog, they still refused them entry based on their belief that the guide dog was in fact gay..

    The result of this whole farce?

    Poor Mr Jolly, while happy with the finding, now has a distinct fear of eating out at restaurants, due to the embarrassment and distress this particular eater caused him.

    One has to wonder what the classes the restaurant owners and staff will have to undergo? Equal opportunity to blind people or their belief that guide dogs they believe are homosexual should be barred..
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  3. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    None of this is real

    Bells, tell me I'm high.


    Or, more specifically, tell me it's because I'm high.

    Something is seriously wrong.

    I mean, I have this strange idea that I'm reading a serious news story about a man being refused admittance to a restaurant because the owners thought the dog was homosexual, and they could tell pretty much by looking at it.

    I recognized this stuff as good the moment I saw it. Or, actually, smelled, because that's how sweet it is. And it's fucking Fruity Pebbles! Oh, holy shit, this is good stuff.

    But am I that high? Did I just read that a man was barred from entering a restaurant beceause the owners believed his guide dog was a nancy? And, apparently, based on visual cues?

    I mean, I know it's late. This isn't like an April Fool's[sup]r(t)=t[sup]2[/sup][/sup] kind of joke, right? Three weeks late so you can really get us? That would be great timing, I admit.

    I must be hallucinating. This post isn't real, is it? Like, the one I'm writing? Because I must be smoking the all-time transcendental holy flirkers of emerald glory. None of this is real.
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  5. PieAreSquared Woo is resistant to reason Registered Senior Member

    Don't Thai's eat dog??
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  7. Spud Emperor solanaceous common tater Registered Senior Member

    But really, he should trade that pooncy, mincing labrador in for a big, mean, Shepherd with real fangs and a big pair of black nuts.

    I used to have a real man's dog with scars and a propensity for rooting all the girly showdogs in the neighbourhood but now I own a white pooftacat.

    I feel for that blind guy. How emasculating, owning a pooftapooch.
  8. Bells Staff Member

    Believe me, I want to get high after reading that story. The desire to escape from insanity and stupidity is quite strong at the moment.

    The restaurant have thus far refused to comment as to why they believed the dog was gay or why they ban guide dogs that are supposedly gay in the first place. One local Adelaide newspaper thad this to say:

    I quite literally scratched my head at that one.

    Even after Jolly and his partner provided the guide dog facts card, they still denied them entry, based on their belief that the dog was in fact "gay". How they could come to that conclusion is quite beyond me. It could be that when they called to make the booking, the word "guide" was taken to mean "gay". But that's really beside the point. How does one know a dog is gay when one looks at it? And how does one determine that after proving the dog was indeed a guide dog, that it was still "gay" and therefore not allowed in the restaurant?

    More to the point. Why are gay guide dogs banned but supposedly heterosexual guide dogs allowed? How could they have come to the conclusion of the dog's sexuality by looking at it?

    I could go round and round in circles with this one and there still wouldn't be an answer that would satisfy the "why"..
  9. Spud Emperor solanaceous common tater Registered Senior Member

    Not easy to pinpoint but probably a combination of an affected air, subtle clues like the nail polish but the handbag is a dead giveaway.
  10. Stoniphi obscurely fossiliferous Valued Senior Member

    Do they eat gay dogs?

    How did they know that his female dog had been unsexed? Did she look a little too butch for the Thais?

    Glad that I don't eat in is my Yellow Labrador.
  11. siledre Registered Senior Member

    I think it was a case of bad english (making guide sound like gay) or people with no sense of humor or both. and for them to have to take sensitivity class for thinking the dog was gay and not wanting it in there, come on, dogs lick their own privates and sniff butts, how much sensitivity do dogs really need.
  12. Stoniphi obscurely fossiliferous Valued Senior Member

    Considering how much salt is in Thai food, how much does a dog really need?

    Or the owner, for that matter......?
  13. Crunchy Cat F-in' *meow* baby!!! Valued Senior Member

    That is the funniest article I have seen in a while.
  14. mordea Registered Senior Member

    Wait. You're not implying that gay looking dogs should be allowed in restaurants, are you? Oh boy, my respect has just dropped another notch for you, Tiassa.

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