High-frequency Active Auroral

Discussion in 'World Events' started by Mana, Nov 6, 2000.

  1. Mana Registered Senior Member

    Check out haarp in action

    Excerpt from the FIGU Bulletin No. 13 (Vol. 4), January 1998
    (English translation: February 1998)

    "HAARP" is the abbreviation for "High-frequency Active Auroral
    Research Project". The name of
    this American project camouflages the fact that it has the potential
    for being a greater catastrophe
    for mankind than the creation of the atomic bomb. The truth of the
    matter is that the HAARP
    installation can be used to wage a science-fiction-type battle. We
    are dealing here with a reckless
    experiment. Under the guise of the harmless-sounding name of
    "HAARP", the American
    government is planning to bombard the sky with energy-rays from
    a vast installation of antennas.
    These energy-rays will then be reflected back to Earth from the
    ionosphere as electric waves of an
    extremely low frequency (ELF). This process is capable of
    transforming these ELF waves into a
    very insidious weapon for:

    1.These ELF vibrations are able to penetrate the brains of people
    and animals if the vibrations
    are aimed in their direction. This will not only immobilize the
    victims preventing them from
    performing any movement or act of defense, but will also render
    them insane as well. A
    useful tool for the military, these waves can also penetrate walls of
    brick and steel.
    2.ELF frequencies improve radio contact and reception, even
    those within thick bunkers and
    atomic submarines.
    3.ELF vibrations can penetrate the Earth's surface and detect
    hidden bunkers.
    4.ELF waves can be used to track down and pinpoint missiles,
    airplanes and other flying craft
    even on the other side of the globe.
    5.ELF frequencies can entirely block electronic devices and radio
    waves of the enemy.

    These capabilities present, however, merely one facet of HAARP's
    technology. Possible
    side-effects that are just as frightening must also be considered.
    The fact is that, to date, no one
    completely understands how the ionosphere will react when it is
    impacted by these energy-rays. We
    must bear in mind that the ionosphere is very fragile. Together with
    the ozone layer, it protects the
    planet Earth and all life forms from the deadly rays of outer space.
    It is definitely possible that the
    additional energy-beams emitted by the HAARP program will not
    only disturb but actually destroy
    this sensitive system and the protective ozone layer.

    Of course, the various military groups and their scientists refuse to
    acknowledge this danger as they
    cheerfully assume that nothing is going to happen. Consequently,
    they are proceeding with the
    project despite the warnings and, by the year 2003 there will be
    180 antennas that will initiate this
    madness. Testing is in progress at present with approximately 60
    completed antennas in operation.
    At the foothills of Alaska's mountain range, a forest of antennas is
    being built as a test site for radio
    warfare. Here is how it is supposed to work:

    Above the ozone layer lies the fragile ionosphere, a gaseous
    stratum enriched with electric particles
    called ions. Scientists intend to heat up this ionosphere by using
    HAARP's powerful antennas so that
    bundled, high-frequency radio waves can be shot into designated
    areas of the ionosphere. In turn,
    this will create artificially-curved ion clouds which can function
    much like optical lenses. These
    lenses will be used to reflect the low frequency ELF waves. These
    vibrations can be used to
    determine the fix of an airplane, for example, but they are also
    useful for other disturbing and deadly
    objectives: They can be aimed at other regions on the Earth's
    surface, depending on the angle at
    which the radio frequencies are reflected back from the ion lenses.

    A long time ago, Mars lost its atmosphere. The same fate could
    soon threaten the Earth...the result
    of irresponsible and deranged Americans who must also take the
    blame for the most destructive
    insanity of World War II - the Atomic Bomb. The U.S. Government is
    trying to pacify everyone by
    claiming that HAARP represents a purely scientific experiment but
    the truth is that HAARP
    camouflages an enormous ray-weapon project. The antennas
    constitute a gigantic, new potential
    advantage for the military elite while at the same time they present
    an immense potential danger for
    the entire planet and all of its life forms. The obligatory
    environmental study for the HAARP project
    warns of the possibility of changes to the ionosphere that could
    influence the ozone layer, among
    other things. Interestingly enough, this study was not done by the
    American Environmental
    Protection Agency (EPA), but rather by the U.S. Air Force and the
    U.S. Navy.

    It should not come as a surprise, then, that in reality, the American
    military intends bombarding the
    ozone layer and the ionosphere with this ray weapon. After all, the
    Americans have always wanted
    to be the greatest and most powerful nation on Earth. However, it
    is self-evident that blame cannot
    be placed on those American people who are against this
    program and who have sincere, positive
    human intentions. They are likewise not responsible for certain
    sickening elements who have the say,
    as well as the fact that other people are bound to jump on that
    group's bandwagon.

    In spite of all this, the question remains why such a risk is being
    knowingly undertaken with this kind
    of uncontrollable chain reaction within the confines of both the
    ozone layer and the ionosphere? The
    answer is twofold:

    Job Creation for the military, as well as participating large and
    small businesses
    HAARP is a money-generating entity which has inherent power
    from the implementation of
    its weaponry

    HAARP technology can unleash a force which cannot even be
    remotely matched by any potential
    adversary. Until now, all nuclear attack scenarios included several
    nuclear explosive devices with
    high electromagnetic pulses (EMP) which were detonated at high
    altitudes. Using HAARP as a
    weapon, the same result can be achieved even without atomic

    However, HAARP is capable of doing much more, for it can
    penetrate deep below the Earth's
    surface where, for example, oil deposits or the
    previously-mentioned secret bunkers can be located.
    The fact that certain types of radiation are not only dangerous but
    actually deadly for human beings,
    plants and animals is simply accepted without scruples. Although
    HAARP can be utilized as a
    super-radar device and, simultaneously, as a destructive device
    against flying craft, there exists no
    justification for jeopardizing the lives of all humanity, animals and
    plants, indeed the very existence of
    the planet. This fact seems irrelevant to the military elite, large
    corporation executives and the people
    with power within the U.S. government. On the contrary, these
    groups actually seem pleased they
    are neither violating agreements to discontinue nuclear testing
    (which hardly anyone follows
    anyway), nor the anti-ballistic defense systems or disarmament.
    They are furthermore pleased their
    criminal endeavors have escaped worldwide notice until now
    because their activities have been kept
    nearly a total secret and because the general public is simply not
    paying attention to this situation.

    Ray-guns and microwave wars are almost a reality yet man cannot
    afford to lose the ozone layer or
    any other stratum enveloping the world, let alone his own life and
    that of the plants and animals.
    Humanity cannot afford to jab away at the atmosphere with
    gigantic giga-watt devices that gouge
    the Earth's surrounding atmospheres, let alone to disturb, even
    destroy their harmony. At the very
    least, the wounds inflicted to these atmospheres through this
    insanity will never heal and will put all
    Earthly life into jeopardy, prehaps forever.

    Presently, the HAARP installation is only being used for modest
    testing yet climatic disturbances are
    already occurring worldwide which can no longer be disregarded.
    These facts do not seem to greatly
    trouble those people, nor their followers, who are in charge of the
    HAARP program. They even
    deny that natural disasters now occurring on a global scale have
    anything to do with their dangerous
    experiments. The Pleiadians/Plejarans insist, however, that there
    is indeed a direct link between the
    environmental pollution and destruction, and the global warming.
    Even though the HAARP tests are
    still at a low level, the program is already triggering floods, volcanic
    eruptions, earthquakes and
    stormy weather conditions.

    Airplane pilots have been instructed to give the installation a wide
    berth, thus the operation may
    already be in full swing, or will be sometime in 1998. Just one
    giga-watt of power from the unit is
    sufficient to burn a hole into the ionosphere. But at full output, the
    ray-weapon will be increased to
    100 giga-watts...100 billion watts.

    It is a fact that this new ray-weapon will influence and damage the
    consciousness of human beings
    and animals and, of course, the entire gene pool of terrestrial
    animals, plants and humans. Likewise,
    the entire highly-sensitive energy-field of Earth could be
    manipulated to the point where the poles are

    The bombardment of the ionosphere presents many dangerous,
    destructive and deadly possibilities
    but those in charge do not give this matter even a second thought.
    As a result, they are forging
    ahead at full speed with this secret armament project to blast
    holes through the ozone and heat up
    the ionosphere.

    In 1945, American scientists, under the mandate of the U.S.
    government and military, detonated the
    first atomic bomb in recent history. Later on, they admitted they had
    failed to take into account
    beforehand what could really happen during the explosion;
    whether, perhaps, a nuclear chain
    reaction could have resulted which would incinerate the entire
    atmosphere of Earth, even the entire
    planet. Their posture now is the same as it was with the atom
    bomb tests, and the chance of a
    disaster with HAARP remains 50:50. The experiment today is
    being conducted with the same odds
    as the detonation of The Bomb in 1945.

    Even though our worst fears did not materialize then because
    "everything went well", other dreadful
    scenarios resulted from these early experiments. New bombs
    were built and dropped upon
    residential areas killing hundreds of thousands of people. Untold
    numbers of people were mutilated
    by burns and many descendants of the radioactively-contaminated
    victims grew up resembling
    monsters rather than humans. Furthermore, huge territories were
    radioactively infected worldwide
    and have since become uninhabitable for many thousands of
    years. The contamination resulted from
    the testing of atomic bombs as well as their commercial use.

    As if this were not bad enough, atomic materials being used for
    peaceful purposes have claimed
    untold numbers of victims throughout the entire world by
    contamination through radiation, either
    accidentally, carelessly or with criminal intent. In these matters,
    America tops the list of offenders
    because the power-hungry people of that nation have sanctioned
    secret research criminally using
    radioactive treatment, medication etc., on thousands of innocent
    people in numerous villages and
    towns. Unfortunately, they are not the only country doing this. While
    these facts have become at
    least partially common knowledge by now, they have yet to be fully
    uncovered. This type of
    research demonstrates such a lack of human compassion that we
    question whether they were, or
    still are, simply frightful, bloodthirsty and irresponsible monsters?
    The atom bomb, which has been
    and continues to be used for commercial purposes as a "peaceful
    source of atomic energy", has
    induced unending pain, misery and irreparable worldwide harm.
    The destruction continues.

    In spite of this, U.S. scientists are presently conducting and
    secretly planning a new atrocity against
    humanity, a highly controversial series of tests which will launch a
    new, futuristic, destructive and
    deadly weapon system. This system may be as destructive and
    deadly as the atom bomb to the
    entire planet and all its life forms including mankind. The
    immediate result as well as the long-term
    results of this madness has the same uncertainty as that of 1945
    when the first atomic bomb was
    exploded. Indeed, some shocked scientists want nothing to do
    with the entire matter. They have the
    opinion that life on Earth in its present form and the existence of
    the planet are being jeopardized
    once again by the actions of power-hungry people, particularly by
    the U.S. government and military.

    The HAARP program is considered one of the greatest threats to
    the ozone layer by those scientists
    who still possess a sense of responsibility. Moreover, the HAARP
    program can affect many aspects
    on Earth including its outer spheres and all life forms. The
    possibilities range form skin cancer to
    alterations in the climatic zones, from violent storms and droughts
    to floods, earthquakes and volcanic
    eruptions. It is obvious that all of this is a daily part of living even
    now, brought about by the insanity
    of overpopulation and its consequences like, for example, the
    destruction and pollution of our
    environment, resulting global warming and the shifting of weight in
    the Earth's upper layer.

    However, ongoing HAARP experiments have been to blame for
    some time now for climatic
    changes which, in turn, have triggered worldwide earthquakes,
    volcanic eruptions, floods and
    environmental catastrophes. Those in charge of the HAARP
    program deny, of course, that such
    testing is generating this turmoil. But the Pleiadians/Plejarans
    categorically state that this is the case.
    They further contend that HAARP will cause so much destruction,
    pain, suffering and devastation in
    the future that neither nature nor any living thing will ever be able to
    return to a normal state of
    equilibrium. The long-term effects will negatively influence
    everything on Earth, and recovery will all
    but be impossible.

    For quite some time now, a worldwide hunt for ozone destroyers
    such as fluorochlorocarbons has
    been in progress, and rightly so. Yet American industry and
    government have obstructed many
    environmental issues and seem to be indifferent to the
    advancement and protection of life in general.
    This is proven by America's adherence to capital punishment
    which is glorified by many of its
    citizens and mercilessly used. The same arbitrary disregard for
    human welfare by its power-elite and
    their followers is exemplified by their acquisition of the new HAARP
    weaponry. Without consulting
    any other human inhabitants of this planet, their military is blasting
    dangerous holes into the fragile
    ionosphere and is thereby endangering all terrestrial life. These
    powerful people are taking it upon
    themselves to make these crucial decisions without concern for
    anything else other than their
    damned power-madness and megalomania. The ionosphere will
    indeed be damaged and partly
    dissolved by the HAARP program, thereby allowing dangerous,
    unimpeded cosmic radiation to enter
    the Earth's atmosphere. This alone proves HAARP to be an
    irresponsible project. Such insanity can
    be seen in the annals of human history but it is routinely hidden
    from the people. In 1958, for
    instance, three atom bombs were detonated in the atmosphere to
    influence the weather. Within two
    years following this stupid action, an entire series of climatic
    catastrophes resulted. Three hundred
    and fifty thousand copper needles, each approcimately 1-2 cm in
    length, were fired into the
    ionosphere in 1961. The result was that the Earth avenged herself
    by an earthquake in Alaska that
    measured 8.5 on the Richter scale, while in Chile a large portion
    of the coastline slid into the ocean.

    In 1963, the Americans and the USSR detonated three hundred
    megaton atomic bombs in the
    stratosphere and ripped gigantic holes into the ozone layer. These
    are only a few of the many
    criminal atrocities carried out against mankind by the American
    and former USSR government
    officials. In truth, several dozen such crimes can be attributed to
    the Americans, Russians, French,
    Israelis, Chinese and others who pursue these same malicious

    What HAARP can perpetrate is far worse than anything ever seen
    before. The threat originates
    from its location, 320 km (200 miles) northeast of Anchorage. In
    this northern Alaska solitude, a
    forest of antennas which will consist of 360 towers, 24 meters
    hight (72 ft), is being built from which
    the military will shoot bundled high-frequency rays into the
    ionosphere. In experimental form, this has
    been ongoing for some time now with the result that more climatic
    and storm-related catastrophes,
    earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have increasingly been
    happening. The object of the experiments
    is to heat and partially displace the protective layer surrounding
    our planet. In the process, giant
    "lenses" are burnt into the ionosphere with the intent of bouncing
    bundled ELF waves back to Earth.

    Bernard Estlund, an irresponsible student of Nikola Tesla
    (1856-1943), prepared the scientific
    groundwork for HAARP. He patented his work in 1985 under the
    menacing title, "Method and
    Mechanism for Changing an Area of the Atmosphere, Ionosphere
    and/or the Magnetic Sphere of
    the Earth". This project turned out to be global vandalism because
    immense amounts of energy with
    giga-watts of power are shot into the outer spheres of the Earth.
    The current impact and future
    effects on this planet and all life forms, human, animal and plant,
    cannot be estimated in any way

    A few years after his invention, Eastlund lost control of his patent
    when he developed financial
    problems. He stated that the antenna installation in Alaska is in
    reality a massive ray-gun, capable of
    destroying not only all communication networks but also missiles,
    airplanes, satellites and much more.
    He claims side-effects, both wanted and unwanted, include
    climatic catastrophes throughout the
    world or at least in some regions, and unrestricted deadly
    radiation against which there is no
    protection. The choice of locations for this deadly turmoil will lie in
    the hands of the irresponsible
    military and government officials and others. There is also the
    side-effect of the entrance of
    death-bringing radiations against which there is no defense.

    [This message has been edited by Mana (edited November 09, 2000).]
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  3. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member

    Should I make a foil hat?

    It's all very large.
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  5. FyreStar Faithless since 1980 Registered Senior Member

    This remind anyone else of Project X?
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  7. 666 Registered Senior Member

    Ok Lets just take the basics of the wepon. The ELF waves enter the brain rendering the subject in cable of movement and then renders them insane.

    Goverment power comes the pepole, any way you look at it. If the pepole are just a bunch of raving lunitics incable of holding a job to pay taxes, what happens to the goverment? It falls a part. Our goverment or any goverment for that matter woul not stand to benifit in any way from this wepon.

    Now they may seem stupid when they pay $500 for a toilet seat, but in fact it's people who are stupid for beliving that they apid that much for a toilet seat. My point being they are not that stupid and would reconize the fact that this wepon would only serve to destroy them and not the enmy.

    Even at that This type of tech has been around for a long time. With the right equipment I can monitor what is the screen of our computer, destroy the electronic circuits in your PC, or knock out your power from a distance with you even knowing it was comming or that I did it. Thsi uses the same princables behind what you are talking about. It's nothing new.
  8. ozarky Registered Senior Member

    Mana, aren't you the one that posted the bit about a large meteorite that had bounced off of the planet Mars and the debris was headed for earth ?

    You say Estlund died in 1943 (1856 1943) and was given a patent in 1985. I have read that many believe Tesla was indeed an alien from outer space. Possibly Tesla had returned to Earth, disguised as Estlund, applied for the patent in Estlund's name. Or was Estlund also an alien ?

    How was the theory proven to the patent office, in order for the patent to be approved ? Patent's are not issued on a person's say-so.

    It is not that I don't believe that our Goverment is capable of something of this sort, you have not made believable as written.

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