'Defensive Shield' read Shooting Gallery'

Discussion in 'World Events' started by pcd2k, Dec 18, 2001.

  1. pcd2k Registered Senior Member

    The cold war was a period of history that upped the anti between two sides that kept secrets up to the point that although the sides knew what each other had produced the public of both sides knew next to nothing about the reality of either side.

    Now it would appear one of those cold war sides is not so much an enemy anymore, largely because the USSR doesn't exist anymore and all its member states are no longer communist thus no longer perceived as a threat to world peace.

    The worlds perceived most powerful politician loves his heritage so much that he intends to stand in the street with both guns loaded looking out from under his big texan hat expecting someone in the near future will be willing to oppose his stance.

    The problem here though is his perceived enemy or enemies as the case maybe are creating tunnels in his street. The element of surprise always results in an overwhelming lack of understanding (read information) and because evil geniuses now have both the ability to raise funding reasonably easy and can read history its my assessment that this 'shooting gallery' scenario is wildly overestimated in the wrong direction.

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