Can energy impact solids etc.?

Discussion in 'Physics & Math' started by Kumar, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. Kumar Registered Senior Member


    I want to know how different type of energies(temperature, magnetic fields, sound and light waves, vibrations etc.) can effect/impact the structures of solids?

    Can it expand their volume?

    Can it make them softer or hard?

    Can exposure of energies impact solids to shed their particles?

    Can such effect be permanent?

    Best wishes.
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  3. Mosheh Thezion Registered Senior Member

    1) heat expands solids... generally.. such as metals... generally

    2) heat does soften solids... its called melting.

    3) yes... add energy.. and break up the solid.... into particle pieces.

    4) it can be permanent... you cant unscramble eggs...
    but you can put a stack of cememted bricks back together.

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  5. Kumar Registered Senior Member

    MT, thanks.

    How applied energy to solids is changed by its emission or reflection?
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  7. Mosheh Thezion Registered Senior Member

    IF BY applied energy... you mean radiant photons..... like... light.. or heat.

    several things can happen...

    1) the energy of the photon is obsorbed by alot of atoms in the body of material... such as in the case of low heat and microwaves and radio....(obsorbed by the electrons in orbit in the atoms..)

    2) the energy of the photons... may be selectively obsorbed and selectively reflected.... such as green plants... they obsorb the red and blue.. thus the only abundant color which can be reflected is.... GREEN.

    3) IT MAY ALL BE REFLECTED... as in a mirrored surface.

    4) in many cases... and individual photon... of say... blue light... can be obsorded by an atom... and then.. re-emitted later..

    but the later emitted photon... always has less energy than the one obsorbed.

    i.e.. it obsorbs.. blue.. but then emits green or orange...
    green has less energy than blue.....

    the missing energy was lost due to entropy...

    entropy is the designed loss in all photon obsorbtion/ emission actions.

    i.e.. when an atom obsorbs a photon... it is actually an orbital electron which obsorbs the photon... and doing so.. the electron will gain orbital velocity, and thus as its orbit expands... it automatically... due to the repulsion between electrons.. causes other electrons in near by atoms... to be slightly shifted and moved.

    this slight energy transferred to other atoms electrons by the energized electron... is the energy lost... called entropy...

    which is why the emitted photon, always has less energy than the obsorbed photon...

    in this way.. all photon energy is eventually broken down into motion on atoms... i.e... heat...

    heat being a measure of the internal random motions of atoms, in a substance...

    i.e.. when we add energy... we get all the atoms vibrating and bumping.
    due to the random actions of repulsion between excited electrons in neigboring atoms....


    the repulsion effect... pushes some atoms away from the exited atom...
    and this electron motion in any given direction... directly results in minor shifts in the position of the atoms core.... the nucleus.. which is the real mass of any atom.

    which is how. the minor effect of random motions caused by photon obsorbtion in orbital electrons, can result in the total bodily motion of whole atoms.. we call heat.

    it should also be noted... that all atoms.. for example hydrogen , the simplist atom... gives off constantly.... its own energy,,,

    i.e.. all atoms... emit energy... constantly....

    the frequency of the radiation emitted is directly proporational to the temp of the atom.....

    but even.. cold... hydrogen in far away empty space.... gives off energy.

    it is caused and dirived from the orbital motion of the one electron in the orbit of hydrogen...
    each electron.... acts literally as a smalll magnet... a magnet which is circiling the atom core....

    and thus... as it orbits... its field, its polarity... reverses as its goes from one side of the atom to the other side...

    at 2 degrees kevin.... in cold deep space... the orbital rate.. equals 22 cm radiation..... such that the rate of orbit... is equal to the frequency of 22 cm radiation...

    as the atoms temp rise... due to its enviorment... the emiited radiation rises...
    from 22 cm... to 21. then 20... then 19....
    until the microwaves it gives off ... becomes heat.. then light.. then uv..

    but if removed from an enviorment which provides energy...

    the atoms will cool.... down to the temp of deep space... which is about 2 degrees kelvin... resulting in a constant 22 cm output...

  8. Kumar Registered Senior Member

    It means, when we apply sound, light and heat energy...electromagnetic waves to any solid, it can either reflect & emit energies in different concentration dep[ending on energy applied or type of solid or can also shed its particles. Ok?

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