Black hole: singularity or quantum gravity?

Discussion in 'Astronomy, Exobiology, & Cosmology' started by Vortexx, Jun 20, 2003.

  1. Vortexx Skull & Bones Spokesman Registered Senior Member

    One of the questions that is yet unconfirmed by real-world measurements/experiments is whether a black hole has a singularity at its center of infinite small diameter (wich regular modern science predicts, but even Einstein hated the idea) or that there is actually a earth sized black globe of incredible dense primordial soup within the event horizon.

    The problem is, you can't just go in and out and tell what you have seen.

    Most of our knowledge about black holes comes from observing the black holes eating other objects and applying math/computer simulations to the observed data.

    Pretty soon we will not only observe gamma ray "burps" by black holes but also measure the predicted gravity waves when for instance two black holes merge.

    NOW here might be an oppertunity to measure whether the center of a black hole has substantial 3d diameter or not.

    I think that black holes having a black globe rather than a singularity would produce another pattern of gravity waves than the merge of infinte small two singularities. while the whole merge is pretty violent, I predict that a merge between two singularities will generate a longer lasting pattern, while the black globe scenario might generate a shorter but more violent pattern of gravity waves when the surfaces of the globes actually bounce.

    It could be worth for more knowledge people than me to simulate the two different stories on a computer and compare this with the actual future readings of detected gravity waves...???
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2003
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  3. bigjnorman Registered Senior Member


    I agree with you, perhaps the gravity causes a collapse of one or more of our experienced 3 dimensions, since we allready know that it breaks down the time dimension, I see it as plausible that one or more of the spatial dimensions also collapses. If not then perhaps a new set of dimensions predicted by string theory would arise, or maybe the gravity causes the matter to form another exotic state such as the newly discovered Bose-Einstein-Condensate.
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  5. bigjnorman Registered Senior Member


    I have given this some thougth ( as this is my favorite thing to ponder while being stoned ) and I have come to the conclusion that:

    From a quantum point of view, there is a 0% chance that a photon will ever bounce off the singularity and escape out to infinity.

    Because of this, the singularity does not exist with any type of certainty whatsoever... it exists in a superposition of every possible state it could possible become when the BH evaporates.

    This is of course assuming that the ONLY way for a ( nonobjective entity existing in a quantum superposition) to become ( a classic spatial object in three dimensions ) is through photon interaction.

    { for people who don't know about quantum superpositions, this website explains it pretty well. }
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  7. Cali Registered Member

    Does idea of a black hole being a Gravustar, creating a new state of matter, solve the problems of singularity?
  8. bigjnorman Registered Senior Member

    I think so

    I think there is definately something going on that we dont' know about. the main reason I believe this is because of the inifinities that occur when describing Black Holes mathmatically. I disagree with infinities naturally occuring in the real world.

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